Supreme Court

Decision Information

Decision information:

Abstract: Transcript of the Decision, on an O'Connor Application by the Accused

Decision Content

             R. v. Ovayuak, 2009 NWTSC 08



             IN THE MATTER OF:

                             HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN

                                  - vs. -

                               KELLY OVAYUAK


             Transcript of the Decision, on an O'Connor Application by

             the Accused, of The Honourable Justice J.E. Richard, at

             Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, on February 12th

             A.D., 2009.



             Ms. S. Tkatch:               Counsel for the Crown

             Ms. C. Wawzonek:             Counsel for the Accused

             Mr. R. Shepard:              Counsel for the Government of
                                          the Northwest Territories


                  Charge under s. 268 Criminal Code of Canada

      Official Court Reporters

         1      THE COURT:             The application before the

         2          Court today is an O'Connor application by the

         3          accused in which he seeks an order for production

         4          of records from the North Slave Correctional

         5          Centre regarding Andrew Gruben while Mr. Gruben

         6          was an inmate at that institution.  The context

         7          of this application is the fact that the accused

         8          is charged with aggravated assault and the named

         9          complainant is Andrew Gruben.

        10               The Crown allegations are that the accused

        11          and Mr. Gruben were engaged in a physical fight

        12          in Tuktoyaktuk in December 2007.  Mr. Gruben

        13          received serious injuries and was hospitalized.

        14          There were several witnesses present at the time

        15          of the physical fight; witnesses who are expected

        16          to testify at the trial.

        17               The accused's jury trial is scheduled to

        18          commence in Tuktoyaktuk on April 14th, 2009.

        19               As a result of injuries sustained in

        20          connection with this physical altercation in

        21          December 2007, Mr. Gruben is today a quadriplegic

        22          and is resident at the extended care unit at

        23          Stanton Regional Hospital in Yellowknife.  The

        24          Court is told that Mr. Gruben has difficulty

        25          communicating and he will not be a witness at the

        26          trial.

        27               It is expected that self-defence will be the

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         1          main issue at trial.

         2               On this application, evidence was tendered

         3          of Mr. Gruben's criminal record which includes

         4          crimes of violence.  The record shows that

         5          between 2002 and 2007, Mr. Gruben was convicted

         6          of 11 separate assaults and that three of those

         7          convictions were for assault causing bodily harm.

         8               At trial, it is expected that the accused

         9          will seek to adduce evidence of Mr. Gruben's

        10          propensity for violence as being relevant to show

        11          the probability that Mr. Gruben was the aggressor

        12          in the December '07 incident on the basis of the

        13          Scopelliti decision.

        14               It is also expected that at trial the

        15          accused will contend that he perceived violent

        16          aggression or attack from Mr. Gruben, and that

        17          the trier of fact will need to determine the

        18          reasonableness of the accused's belief and of his

        19          actions and reactions.

        20               On this O'Connor application, the accused

        21          seeks production of Andrew Gruben's records in

        22          possession of the North Slave Correctional

        23          Centre.  In his affidavit filed in support of

        24          this application, the accused states that Andrew

        25          Gruben was incarcerated several times at the

        26          North Slave Correctional Centre.  The accused

        27          states that he himself was also incarcerated at

       Official Court Reporters         2

         1          the North Slave Correctional Centre and that

         2          there were times when both of them were

         3          incarcerated there at the same time.  During one

         4          of such overlapping periods, the accused says

         5          that Andrew Gruben assaulted him.

         6               In seeking production and disclosure of

         7          "Andrew Gruben's Correctional Service records",

         8          the accused affirms in his affidavit as follows,

         9          at paragraphs 4 and 5:

        10               "4.  Andrew Gruben and I have been

        11               incarcerated at the North Slave

        12               Correctional Centre during

        13               overlapping periods of time since

        14               2001.  During one of these periods,

        15               Andrew assaulted me and it is my

        16               recollection that he was disciplined

        17               as a result.

        18               5.  Based on my observations and

        19               experiences at the North Slave

        20               Correctional Centre, and based on

        21               antidotal evidence from other

        22               inmates, I believe that Andrew has

        23               been involved in other violent

        24               altercations while incarcerated at

        25               the North Slave Correctional

        26               Centre".

        27               On this application, counsel have referred

       Official Court Reporters         3

         1          me to relevant case law, from the 1995 decision

         2          of the Supreme Court of Canada decision in

         3          O'Connor up to and including the McNeill decision

         4          which was issued just a few weeks ago.

         5               The O'Connor procedure is a common law

         6          procedure for ordering production of any record

         7          or document that is in the possession of a third

         8          party entity but which is beyond the possession

         9          or control of the prosecutor in the criminal

        10          proceeding before the Court.

        11               The first step in the O'Connor procedure is

        12          for the person seeking the production, the

        13          accused in this case, to satisfy the Court that

        14          the documents or records are likely relevant to

        15          the criminal proceedings in question.  Here, the

        16          accused seeks to meet this onus with his

        17          affidavit provided to the Court, particularly

        18          paragraphs 4 and 5.

        19               The alleged prior assault incident at North

        20          Slave Correctional Centre between the complainant

        21          and the accused in this case, referred to in

        22          paragraph 4 of the accused's affidavit, is a

        23          discrete matter and I have no difficulty in

        24          finding that it is likely relevant to the

        25          accused's upcoming criminal proceedings, in the

        26          sense that there is a reasonable possibility that

        27          the NSCC records of this incident is logically

       Official Court Reporters         4

         1          probative to an issue at the accused's trial.

         2               However, in all of the circumstances and on

         3          the materials before me on this application, I

         4          find that the balance of the accused's

         5          application is not unreasonably characterized as

         6          a mere "fishing expedition".

         7               Firstly, the actual request for production

         8          of all of "Andrew Gruben's Correctional Services

         9          records" is far too broad.

        10               Secondly, even if one limits the request to

        11          records or documentation of "violent altercations

        12          while incarcerated at NSCC", there is no factual

        13          foundation put forward for the accused's belief.

        14          He states in paragraph 5 that his belief that

        15          Andrew Gruben "has been involved in other violent

        16          altercations while incarcerated at NSCC" is based

        17          on his observations at NSCC yet he does not state

        18          what those personal observations were.  He states

        19          that his belief is based on his experiences at

        20          the NSCC yet he does not state what those

        21          personal experiences were.  He states that his

        22          belief is based on anecdotal evidence from other

        23          inmates yet he does not state what those

        24          narratives were or from which particular inmate

        25          or inmates.

        26               He either made these observations, had these

        27          experiences, heard these narratives, or he did

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         1          not.  It is not a situation where the accused is

         2          in an impossible situation or a so-called Catch

         3          22 situation as described in some of the case

         4          law.

         5               Although the onus on the accused at stage

         6          one is not a stringent one, this accused has not

         7          shown "likely relevance" of the documents of

         8          which he seeks production and disclosure from the

         9          files at NSCC, that is, apart from the one

        10          specific incident of assault that I have referred

        11          to.

        12               The Court's role as gatekeeper at stage one

        13          of the O'Connor procedure is an important or

        14          significant one.  The Court has a responsibility

        15          to ensure that criminal proceedings in this Court

        16          are focused on the issues to be tried and that

        17          time and resources are not expended in review or

        18          examination of irrelevant material.  So other

        19          than records at NSCC pertaining to the one

        20          incident referenced at paragraph 4 of the

        21          accused's affidavit, the application for

        22          production of Andrew Gruben's records is denied.

        23               Consequent upon the accused's O'Connor

        24          application herein, the prosecutor filed with the

        25          Court an application for disclosure of the

        26          accused's Correctional Services records at NSCC

        27          relating to the same incident of assault referred

       Official Court Reporters         6

         1          to in the accused's affidavit.

         2               In consideration of what I have already

         3          decided about the accused's application regarding

         4          that specific incident and the accused's stated

         5          purpose for seeking production and disclosure, I

         6          find that the prosecutor's request is reasonable

         7          and I will include that relief in the one order

         8          directed to the custodian of the records at NSCC.

         9               I will hear further from counsel about the

        10          precise wording of the order to be issued but it

        11          is my intention that the order would read

        12          something like the following.

        13               1.  I hereby order the production of any

        14          records in the possession of NSCC concerning

        15          inmate Andrew Gruben and an alleged assault by

        16          him on another inmate Kelly Ovayuak while these

        17          inmates were incarcerated at NSCC.

        18               2.  I further order the production of any

        19          records in the possession of NSCC concerning

        20          inmate Kelly Ovayuak and an alleged assault upon

        21          him by another inmate Andrew Gruben while these

        22          inmates were incarcerated at NSCC.

        23               3.  Certified copies of these documents are

        24          to be provided for the Court's inspection by

        25          placing them in a sealed envelope and delivering

        26          the envelope to the Clerk of the Court for my

        27          attention.

       Official Court Reporters         7

         1               4.  Leave is granted to the custodians of

         2          the records at NSCC to attach a memorandum to the

         3          Court detailing any guidance or submissions they

         4          may have about the expectations of privacy of any

         5          person whose identity is disclosed in the

         6          documents, that is, other than Andrew Gruben and

         7          Kelly Ovayuak.

         8               Before concluding these reasons for the

         9          Court's decision, perhaps I will just state for

        10          the record that notice of the accused's O'Connor

        11          application before the Court today was served on

        12          Andrew Gruben and that in a communication from

        13          him via a letter from his mother, he advised that

        14          he was opposed to the release of his correctional

        15          records.  He was not, however, represented by

        16          anyone at the hearing of this application.

        17             -------------------------------------



        20                             Certified to be a true and
                                       accurate transcript pursuant
        21                             to Rules 723 and 724 of the
                                       Supreme Court Rules,



        25                             ____________________________

        26                             Lois Hewitt, CSR(A), RPR, CRR
                                       Court Reporter

       Official Court Reporters         8
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.