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IN THE MATTER OF: THE SECURITIES ACT of MANITOBA - and-IN THE MATTER OF: WILLIAM MACKAY NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF APPEAL AIKINS, MACAULAY & THO RV ALDSON LLP Barristers and Solicitors 30 1 h Floor - 360 Main Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 4G 1 THOR HANSELL Phone No. (204) 957-4694 Fax No. (204) 957-4270 File No. 1103905
TAKE NOTICE THAT William MacKay hereby discontinues his appeal of the Decision of the Director of The Manitoba Securities Commission made July 9, 2012 (which denied Mr. MacKay's application for registration under the Act), for the following reasons: 1. Mr. MacKay has pursued other business interests since the Decision and does not require registration under the Act; 2. For all of the reasons detailed in his Notice of Appeal, Mr. MacKay expects his appeal would have been successful. However, as Mr. MacKay no longer requires registration under the Act, it is not worth the time and expense he would incur to pursue the appeal. May 22, 2013 TO: Mr. Donald Murray, Chair of the Manitoba Securities Commission AND TO: Mr. Douglas Brown, Director - Legal, The Manitoba Securities Commission THOR HANSELL, of the firm Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP 30 111 Floor - 360 Main Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 401 Lawyers for Mr. William MacKay
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.