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OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ---------------------------------- x In the Matter of Impasse Between NEW YORK STATE NURSES ASSOCIATION FINAL OPINION -and-Case Number: I-154-80 THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND THE HEALTH AND HOSPITALS CORPORATION Re : Nurses OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------- x The original Impasse Panel Recommendations were dated October 17, 1980 after a hearing was conducted on October 12, 1980. A Report of the Impasse Panel followed on October 24, 1980. A transcript and exhibits of the October 12, 1980 hearing were available to the Impasse Panel. Pursuant to the Recommendations of the Impasse Panel, a salary Review Panel was created and met on November 13, 1980. At this meeting a stenographic record was made incorporating the evidence submitted and the arguments of the parties. The Salary Review Panel, a tri-partite panel, submitted Recommendations which were signed by Milton Rubin, Chairman, and the City Panel member. The State Nurses Association Panel member filed a dissent which was received by the Office of Collective Bargaining on December 2, 1980. 1
On December 4, 1980, the Impasse Panel issued Supplementary Recommendations dated December 4, 1980. The Impasse Panel had carefully reviewed the positions and. recommendations made in both the majority and dissenting opinions of the Salary Review Panel dated November 22t 1980 and approved the four recommendations made by the majority panel members of the Salary Review Panel. The Recommendations of the Salary Review Panel were incorporated by reference in the Impasse Panel's Supplementary Recommendations. To complete the record, the Salary Review Panel to the Impasse Panel issued an Opinion dated January 12, 1981 covering its previously issued Recommendations to the Impasse Panel dated November 22, 1980. The Opinion of the Salary Review Panel did not initially accompany its Recommendations because of the pressure of time. It now upon the Impasse Panel to issue its final Opinion after receiving all of the necessary documentation. The Impasse Panel carefully studied the Opinion of the Salary Review Panel. The Salary Review Panel considered among other items the recruitment and retention problems of Nurses; the City’s financial crisis; the problem of competition for nurses; experience differentials for nurses; date of payment for differentials, etc. 2
The Salary Review Panel in the last Paragraph of its Opinion concluded as follows: "The Salary Review Panel considered all of the issues properly before it and made appropriate recommendations. It is our belief that within the context of the City's ability to pay the increases provided herein will create a competitive salary structure for the City's professional Nurses and, thereby satisfy the mandate established by the Impasse Panel." The Impasse Panel is completely satisfied that the Salary Review Panel, satisfied the mandate established by the Impasse Panel. The record now includes the Recommendations of the Impasse Panel dated October 17, 1980, the Report of the Impasse Panel dated October 24, 1980, the Recommendations of the Salary Review Panel dated November 22, 1980, the Supplementary Recommendations of the Impasse Panel dated December 4, 1980, and the Opinion of the Salary Review Panel dated January l2, 1981. The Opinion of the Impasse Panel will complete the record. For the record, the Impasse Panel approves the final Opinion of the Salary Review Panel and concurs with its Opinion in toto. The Impasse Panel believes that all pertinent issues were adequately and fully covered by it and by the Salary Review Panel it created. The entire matter has been 3
adequately explored as more fully demonstrated by the transcripts of the proceedings of the Impasse Panel arid the Salary Review Panel, by the exhibits, by the dissent filed by the State Nurses Association, by the Recommendations, by the Report, and by the Supplementary Recommendations of the Impasse Panel, arid by the Recommendations and Opinion of the Salary Review Panel. This Opinion reaffirms the Recommendations and Supplementary Recommendations previously issued by the Impasse Panel. JOSEPH F. WILDEBUSH, IMPASSE PANEL DATED: January 23, 1981 STATE OF NEW JERSEY) )ss. COUNTY OF PASSAIC ) On this 23rd day of January, 1981, before me personally came and appeared JOSEPH F. WILDEBUSH to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY My Ccommission Expires Oct. 18, 1983 4
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