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SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY · ·. ~RT E TORRE£ PRESENT: .Justirl'l I Index Number INDEX NO ·ROBERTS, LILLIAN MOTION DAlE I vs 1 NYC OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE MOTION SEQ. NO. SF::OUCNCE ~WMBER 001 MOTION CAL NO. this motion to/for --..... Notice of Motion/ Order to Show Cause Affidavits Exhibits ... .. Answering Affidavits Exhibits -C/) Replying Affidavits -------·----2 0 C/) Cross-Motion: -g· Yes No <t w cr. Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion (!J o w z ~~ :..... .. \.__ ·. . C/)_l : .. : . . . J , _ o l QLL \ . ' ... 1-w o:c wi-er. cr. c tf r :u .o _ w f\ LED cr. > ...J ...J ::.1 lL 1-NEWYOHK 0 w TY CLERK'S OFFICE c.. cou N C/) w a: C/) u.J C/) <t L\ I u Dated: -... J.S.C. 2 0 1-Check one: '--.. 1 FINAL DISPOSITION 0 ~ Check if appropriate: DO NOT POST .1 REFERENCE SUBMIT ORDER/ JUDG. SETTLE ORDER/ JUDG.
SUPREME C'OURT ()]'TilL STAll~ 01· NI·:\V YORK. COUNTY ClF URUl\iX, l'i-\RT 2c) Pf\1-:St-:NT: IIONORi\BLL IU)Ill :RT I·:. TO I\ I~ LS, J.SJ_·. In tile: f'vt:lttcr ul· the i\pplicntinn nf L!LLJi\N !(OBI -:RTS. us Lxccutivc Dirc:ctor ul· District Cotttlci/17 . .tuncric:tn Fcdcr:llion n!' SLttc. INDEX NL'I\1UI:R:l0(J26S/10ll Cuunty ~md Municip:tl FmployL'<..'S. i\i"'L,-CI()_ nnd PAIV.ICK 1-L\1-INKI~:n ns l'n:~siLktll cll.l.oc:tl 2507 oi'Uistr·iu Cuunci/ .\7. ;\/,.SC'I'v!E. ;\F1.-CIU, VINCI<NT V;\RI;\ LL. <IS Pn:sitknt n/' l.nGll :_:\(1 12 or District Council 17. i\FSCML i\1'1.-C'IO. l'l'litiuncrs. Fur a judgment Pursuant ln J\rticlc 7}) ol't!Jc Civil Practice Law <lml l\ules, -against-\!J:W YOlO-:. CITY CliTlt'L Ul· COli H'TIVJ·: IL\1\Ci;\JNINCi. H0!\1\J) ( ll: C 'ULL/..::C'TJVI:, Murknc (loki, cts Ch<~iqwrson, ~llld I'll[ CITY 01: NI·:W YORK, ivliclwcl R_ Hluumbcrg, as tvbyor. TJJ[ Mi\ YOR'S OrFJCE OF U\!301\ lH]ATIONS . .i<tmes !-lanky, as CummissiunL·r. Tflt. FIRE DI·:I'Ainlvll:NT OF 11-11·: CITY OF 1\I:W 'r'ORK.. S:tlvatotT J Ct.~s:tlltl. :tc; Conlnlission(T, \~L\!V y;,j H\ J\ CS jlt ll ILk ll IS. (/'iUI\ITY CLEilK'S OFFICE: 1\.·titiunn brillt'-S the inst:mt JWtitiun pmsue~nt to :\rtick 7S Ld. the Civil Practice Lnv :md f(uks scckitlf' ln nwvc this Court to issue :111 Order dirc·cting R'-·spumknt Ho<trd o Collective B<li"f:',Ciilling to nwrsc its tkL'isi~m :md dc:cl::trc that the Fire DcparllllCill ufthc City ol· Nc\\ York's unile~tn:tl iinpktllL'lll<ttiun ul':~ "zero tnkr;utcc'' d1·ug tcsliiig !Kdic \'ildctll'd .'J,:L'tiun 12-J06( a)( I) :md (a)(.:l-) 1\cspondt::IIts New Yorh City ()['!Icc· or Colkcti'c I"Sarg:~inin):'., Uoard of C'ullcuivc, fVletrktiC (iuld. :1.~ ( 'ktiq)crson (cnllccticl:-i "Boe~rd") lllCl\L' this C· lllli"l tu dismiss tile instant petition pttrsu:ttlt to Cl'l 1\ ~ 7k0·1-( I'J ~1nd uphold its (kcision in J)(' 17 .. j ClCH2d 1C ) (fWB 20 II) cbtcd April 2S. !011_ The City urNcw Yc11-k; i'v!ich:l\.:11\. llltl(lliihc:r~. ~~~ \1:1\nr t"li' till· City oi'Ncw York; the Mavtlr's OlliL·,· tllle1hor 1\cl:ttiuns: thl' l:irL' DL'Ildt-lllll'llt (1[. tile C'it ul· NL~\\ York; S:thatmc l
C!SSdi1U, CIS Comrnissiuill'l' of thl· J-'irl' lkpctrlmcnt ur llw City ()r Nl'\\ !Zcspundents") cr()ss moves for ajudgnwnL pursu<~nt to section no::;(]) ;md !Zuk 3211 Civil Procedtm.' dismi·;sin(' tlw petition unlhL· f!,rlll!!llb th~tt the· pctitillil L1ils to state Uiu:;c ni'action. entering judg1nent !'or City rl·spomknts, am\ dishl!J'SCilll:llls. hll (]l(• j)lll'puses ol' this decisiun, s:1id ;\niclc 7k (l( tlw CTLf\ pruvicks f(lr limitl·J judici:tl ,\clministr:lli\l:: :lgl'lll·il·s l'nic~~-hn1:1d discrl'lic~n:lr' JlU\\l'r when m:~~ing Lic!tTiniililtions Oil they ;1re eJl1j1ll\\\'l'l'd tu decide Sl·ctiLlll 7SIJ1 prm iLk.c; lll<I\ IlL' tctisL·d i11 a Jli'LlC'l'eding umk·r this :1rtivk :trv. \'iol:dion or I:Iwl'ul pruccdtnc, \\as :li'kctcd by :Ill <..'ITUIUI <lhllS<.' ui'discrc(iLIIl, illl'!Lidiil(.!, abl!S(~ nl'disuclion :IS lothl' lll<.'ClSLil'C or 1110lk orpl'l1:ilty or discipline imposed; or4. \\hcthL·r :tckll'rmiiiLttinn made CIS :t!L'Sllit ()1·:1 i;tkl'IL pmstt:uillll dirl'l'lioii h: l<l\\' is, nn the entire r'--·umL suppmtl'cl hy suhst<~nti:li evidence~_" lnckcidin~ whcthl·r :111 :tgcncy's dctcrmin:1tion '' :t) ·;uppurll'd hy substanti:li C\'iLknct' ur w:ts :irbitr:lt')', c:qxiciotts m Llll C!husc ul· discretirm, the rc\'i<.'\\itl~ C<lltrl tilL' :tgeitcy kid~~ rdtiun:li hctsis I'm its lkll::nniilctlicnl dttd the reum!In'cals th:ll thl.' :tgciK)' ucll'd withuut h:l\'illl} :1 v.l\m,,-,~_ SO N.Y.2d <J()S, 1001 (llJll2) l'iting 1\:l[ Uo:mlul'F~l!,Icct_lilUl-(llJ74): ~~tlliv<IIl ('nun\\' llct_JJl<.'Ss 1\:tl·inu _;\ssuci:llitltl_\. Suh.sLttlli:tlc\'idcncc is llWI'<.' tl1:11l "'h:tr<.· sur-lllisc'. <.:tnlil'l'IllrL·. SJll'cul:ttion or I'II!llm" d!Id ··kss tlwn :1 pt·l·prlltdn:llln'Lll.thl' l'\idcitl'l'" ',!)() (lt·:llll<ll:ul J(ilhis, '--1-5 N. '{.2d 17h, I StJ t!LJ7S ). Suhst:lllli:il evidence CUIISic;ts rcasclllahlc mind m:1y :1ccept :ts ctckquak to suppun :1 Con;-:;0l_id:ttt:<J b\isu11 ,._ Nc\\ \' urk SLtll' Dl !I_:Z. 77 !'\. Y ..' d -II I. -II 7 (I()() I). the llt'l'IIC\',S dl'\crlllill:lliUil i~ "suppu!'ll'd hv f(t('['-; (11' l'l'ClSUII:lhJc ini\.Tl'Jll'l'lh:tt C'Clll ITL'llrd and h:ts :1 Lttiotl:tl lusis in till.' Ll\\, it nJust Lll·grdn.h Cu.\'. State _Jjt\ Cnlllillissirllll'I. (l I N '( :2d l'ctitiollL'(s :\rtil:k 7S l'l'litiulllllU>ilx· cktli<.'Li :h tlw dl'l'i~;iclll w~ts consisknt with <Ipplic:thlc l:m dild the l'\'idl'llCl', r:ttiOII:ll :IIlli \\ithin the f1Wi1L'r --------------------------------------\' lll'k ( colkclin:ly ''City (a)(7) of the grantin!:', City IZL'SJlCmcknts costs, l\.'l'S, :md :tpplicutiuns <li'C illTl'hy CUllSOiiri;llL'd_ rnie\\' ot' adiiiilli~trative <ICliOIIs. mnttcrs in rL·k·\ctiil p~1rl thctl '"lt]lw only questions th:ll _\ \\lll'thn <I lktnrninctlirlii wcts !llctde iii I:!\\ ()I'\\ us :nhitr:~ry and capricious or :Ill hc:trint; hL·Id, Lt!ld <tl which L'\ idence was i~ limikd tu :~s.c;essiil~'-wllctllcr m:1y n\ crturnthl· agL·m·y's decision unly il r.ttintl:ti basis i'or its ckcic;icm_ Sl'l'_ llcint;. ::1'--1-N.Y 2d 222,2.10-:11 Ci_Lls-;<..'1', :10 N.l''.2d 21ll)_ 277 (JCJ72). i\\'L'IIlll' A;-;~~~'~i:ll~~'i.._'•.'_, Si:ttc J)i,isioll nf_llum:m ur "'such rclcv:llll j!l'lllli' as :t UlllL·!usintl o1· ultim:llc litct" hL Sc(~. <~isu Whcrl· till· Court rtnds he cil'il\VIl J'rntnthc be cunllrmc·d_" r\meric:~nj~ell:phonc :'llld 3'!_1_ ·iOO ( 1 1 ),1-\"-i) i.'\U"L:i')l' nl' \h(•'\\ \'(1!'1\ Cit\ [\u:trd or
C'olkctivL·ILtrg<tiiiillt l'hc Rc·spnndent·c; decision \\:ts .supported hy substctiiLial evidence, and was IHlt ~trbitr,tn. L'<lpricious nr :111 :illu;;c nl· discretion. nssl:ssing w!Jcthn the :t!-',c·ncy h:td :1 mtional b:1sis J'or irs determitwtiotl. lhiln sunlciL·nt to lll:tkc CI shuwint> lli>.;ubsLtilti:li ,·,·id~.·nc:c" und l(lr ct rcdSl\1\~thlc inlcJ\.'IKCS tl1at C<\11 h~.· c1rZIWil t'mm the rccunl and k1\ L' /\ccordin~'ly. it is IICTL'hy This constitute-s tiiL· Lkcisiun :llld ut·clcr ol' tiii~; C'llllrt. t ln i\l·tick 7K rL·view. this C'uurt is limited to The relevant record is tnOI'l' fltlding tlwl the Rcspomknt's a rational bdsis i11 the i<IW. it Ill LISt r-:-_ \ ------~~------lion. Rohcl"t E. Tones APR 3 o 2012 NI::W YORK COUNTY CLEHK'S OF.FICE
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.