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L.300, et. Al v. City, Related Public Employers,36 OCB 8 (BOC 1985) [8-85 (Cert.)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF CERTIFICATION ------------------------------ x In the Matter of LOCAL 300, THE CIVIL SERVICE FORUM, S.E.I.U., AFL-CIO DECISION NO. 8-85 -and-DOCKET NO. RU-937-85 THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND RU-942-85 RELATED PUBLIC EMPLOYERS ------------------------------ x DECISION AND ORDER These petitions request, in the aggregate, the consolidation of the following certifications: Certification No. 58B-76 Elevator Starter Senior Custodial Assistant Window Cleaner Certification No. 47-82 (as amended by Decisions 4-83 and 2-85) A residual unit consisting of various levels of Fingerprint Technicians, Quality Assurance Specialists, Buyers, Purchase Inspectors, Auditors of Accounts, Bookbinders and related titles and the addition thereto of the new title of Quality Assurance Specialist Trainee. Although Certification No.58B-76 was issued to Locals 300 and 733, SEIU, jointly, Local 300 has submitted a copy of an order of the International President of Service Employees
Decision No. 8-85 2 Docket Nos. RU-937-85 RU-942-85 International Union, directing "that Local 733 be...consolidated and merged with and into Local 300 ... effective June 1, 1985." (Local 733 had been in trusteeship since October 22, 1984). Notice of these petitions was published in The City Record on June 24 and July 19, 1985, respectively, and notices were posted on the bulletin boards of the agencies where the affected employees serve. The trustee of Local 733 was also notified of the pendency of the consolidation petition. No objections or interventions have been filed. The City's Office of Municipal Labor Relations, by letters dated July 29, 1985, states that it has no objections to these petitions. Accordingly, we shall grant both petitions in all respects. O R D E R Pursuant to the powers vested in the Board of Certification by the New York City Collective Bargaining Law, it is hereby ORDERED that Certification No. 58B-76 be, and the same hereby is, amended by deleting therefrom Local 733, SEIU, as one of the certified representatives; and it is further ORDERED that Certification No. 47-82 (as previously amended) be, and the same hereby is, further amended to in-
Decision No. 8-85 3 Docket Nos. RU-937-85 RU-942-85 clude the title of Quality Assurance Specialist Trainee; and it is further ORDERED that Certifications 58B-76 and 47-82 (as amended) be, and the same hereby are, combined and consolidated so as to constitute one bargaining unit (to be cited by the present Decision Number), consisting of the employees in the titles set forth in the Appendix to this Order; and it is hereby CERTIFIED that Local 300, the Civil Service Forum, S.E.I.U., AFL-CIO, is the exclusive representative for the purposes of collective bargaining of all employees in the consolidated unit, subject to existing contracts, if any. Dated: New York, N.Y. August 15, 1985 ARVID ANDERSON CHAIRMAN DANIEL G. COLLINS MEMBER MILTON FRIEDMAN MEMBER
Decision No. 8-85 4 Docket Nos. RU-937-85 RU-942-85 APPENDIX The titles and title code numbers of the employees affected by this decision are as follows: Assistant Buyer 12110 Assistant Purchasing Agent 12120, 96340 Associate Quality Assurance Specialist 34190/97 (incl. spec.) Associate Special Officer (Adueduct Patrol) 70502 Auditor of Accounts 40810 Auditor of Printing 12135 Bookbinder 92105 Bookbinder's Seamstress 92106 Buyer (incl. specialties) 12125 ff. Elevator Starter 80935 Fingerprint Technician 71110 Fingerprint Technician Trainee 71105 Furniture Specifications Writer 12134 Laboratory Helper 82107 Laboratory Helper (Competitive) 82104 Mortgage Tax Examiner 30505 Principal Fingerprint Technician 71165 Principal Mortuary Technician 52017 Principal Purchase Inspector 34160 Procurement and Materials Analyst 03944 Procurement and Materials Specialist 03942, 00251/2 Purchase Inspector (incl. spec.) 34115 ff. Purchasing Agent 12121, 96351/3 Quality Assurance Specialist (inc. spec.) 34171/84 Quality Assurance Specialist Trainee 34170 Salvage Appraiser 12175 Satisfaction Clerk 30405 Senior Auditor of Accounts 40815 Senior Buyer (incl. spec.) 12140 ff. Senior Custodial Assistant 82016 Senior Fingerprint Technician 71135
Decision No. 8-85 5 Docket Nos. RU-937-85 RU-942-85 (Appendix contd) Senior Mortuary Technician 52016 Senior Purchase Inspector (Repairs & Supplies)* 34145 Senior Salvage Appraiser 12176 Senior Satisfaction Clerk 30410 Special Officer (Aqueduct Patrol) 70501 Supervising Auditor of Accounts (except one employee) 40820 Supervising Bookbinder 92170 Supervising Buyer 12154 Window Cleaner 90749 * in HHC only
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