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DC37 v. City,24 OCB 30 (BOC 1979) [30-79 (Cert.)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF CERTIFICATION ---------------------------------X In the Matter of DECISION NO. 30-79 DISTRICT COUNCIL 37, AFSCME, DOCKET NO. RU-725-79 AFL-CIO -and-THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND RELATED PUBLIC EMPLOYERS ----------------------------------X DECISION AND ORDER The parties hereto having agreed, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board, that the title of Document Manager(CETA)should be added, by accretion, to Certification No.46C-75(as amended), presently covering various clerical an related titles including Department Librarian; And it further appearing to the satisfaction of the Board that certain titles in Certification No. 46C-75 (as amended) should be deleted therefrom because some are obsolete and vacant, and others are unique to agencies which are no longer under the jurisdiction of the Board, and the parties having no objection to such deletions; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in the Board of Certification by the New York City Collective Bargaining Law, it is hereby
Decision No. 30-79 2. Docket No. RU-725-79 ORDERED that Certification No. 46C-75 (as previously amended) be, and the same hereby is, further amended by including the title of Document Manager (CETA) and by deleting therefrom the titles so listed in the Appendix to this Decision, subject to existing contracts, if any. DATED: New York, N.Y. December 13, 1979 ARVID ANDERSON CHAIRMAN WALTER L. EISENBERG MEMBER ERIC J. SCHMERTZ MEMBER
Decision No. 30-79 3. Docket No. RU-725-79 APPENDIX The titles and title code numbers of the employees affected by this decision are as follows: TITLE ADDED TO CERTIFICATION NO. 46C-75 Document Manager (CETA) 09905 TITLES DELETED FROM CERTIFICATION NO. 46C-75 Administrator (LEAA) 08860 Alphabetic Key Punch Operator (IBM) 10905,08055 Camera Operator (LEAA) 08501 College Administrative Assistant 10127 College Counselor (CETA) 09296 College Office Assistant A 10107 College Office Assistant B 10110 College Secretarial Assistant A 10210 College Secretarial Assistant B 10215 Computer Output Microfilm Operator 1356,09340 Confidential Attendant 08701 Confidential Messenger 08665 Court Assistant 08205 Court Reporter I 08365 Deputy Microfilm Manager (LEAA) 08494 Foreman of Laborers 08620 Head Law Stenographer 08360 Head Process Server 01578 Head Process Server and Court Aide 01574 Hearing Stenographer 01588 Law Stenographer 08350 Microfilm Laboratory Supervisor(LEAA 08508 Microfilm Production Supervisor(LEAA)08505 Principal Account Clerk 01740,08031 Principal Clerk 01744,08030 Principal Key Punch Operator 08058 Principal Stenographer 08180
Decision No. 30-79 4. Docket No. RU-725-79 TITLES DELETED FROM CERTIFICATION NO. 46C-75 (continued) Registrar Assistant - Remedial Assistant (CETA) 09423 Reporting Stenographer 08385 Sr. Computer Output Microfilm Operator 13517,09341 Sr. Court Reporter 08376 Sr. Law Stenographer 08355 Sr. Messenger 12010 Sr. Remington Bookkeeping Machine 11810 Operator Sr. Typewriter Accountant 11911 Sr. Typewriter Bookkeeper 11911 Sr. Typewriter Maintainer 90835 Shorthand Reporter 10405 Statistical Aide (LEAA) 08941 Supvsg. Blueprinter 11120 Supvsg. Blueprinter and Photostat 11121 Operator Supvsg. Computer output Microfilm 13518,01924 Operator Supvsg. Messenger 12015 Supvsg. Process Server 30215,01924 Supvsg. Process Server and Court Aide 01926 Supvsg. Telephone Operator 10815 Supvsg. Typewriter Maintainer 90850 Supvsg. Typist 10315 Tabulator Operator Trainee 11031 Typewriter Maintainer 90810 and Urban Center employees in various clerical and related titles.
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