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City v. Soc. Of Urban Renewal Coordinators, 20 OCB 34 (BOC 1977) [Decision No. 34-77 (Cert.)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF CERTIFICATION ----------------------------------X In the Matter of THE CITY OF NEW YORK Petitioner -and-LOCAL 375, CIVIL SERVICE TECHNICAL DECISION NO. 34-77 GUILD, DISTRICT COUNCIL 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO DOCKET NO. RE-69-76 -and-NEW YORK CITY SOCIETY OF URBAN RENEWAL COORDINATORS Respondents ----------------------------------X A P P E A R A N C E S: Adam Blumenstein, Esq. for City of New York Morris Weissberg, Esq. For NYCSURC Murray Klein, Esq. for Local 375 ORDER CONSOLIDATING CERTIFICATIONS On November 16, 1977, the Board of Certification issued its Decision No. 29-77 herein, which DETERMINED, that the employees in Certification 46J-75 (as amended) and the employees in Certification 50-71 and 51-71 together constitute a unit appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining. . . . The Board also found that an overwhelming majority of the employees in unit 46J-75 (as amended), including the additional Project Development
Decision No. 34-77 2 Docket No. RE-69-76 coordinators, will be on [voluntary] dues check-off to Local 375. Therefore, in accordance with our procedures, the majority representative of the unit may be determined upon majority dues check-off.
Decision No. 34-77 3 Docket No. RE-69-76 However, because the NYCSURC had suggested that the supervisors covered by Certification No. 51-71 retained their desire for a separate supervisory unit, the Board also DETERMINED, that the NYCSURC may submit to this Board, within thirty days of receipt of this Order, a petition for a supervisory unit supported by proof of interest amounting to 30% of the employees in the potential supervisory unit . . . Since NYCSURC has not submitted such a petition, and the time to do so has expired, we shall now consolidate the cited Certifications. 0 R D E R NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in the Board of Certification by the New York City Collective Bargaining Law, it is hereby ORDERED that Certifications 50-71, 51-71 and 46J-75 (as amended) be, and the same hereby are, combined and consolidated so as to constitute one bargaining unit (to be cited by the present Decision Number), consisting of the titles set forth in the Appendix to this Order; and it is hereby
Decision No. 34-77 4 Docket No. RE-69-76 CERTIFIED that Civil Service Technical Guild, Local 375, District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, is the exclusive representative for the purposes of collective bargaining of all employees in the consolidated unit. DATED: New York, New York December 30, 1977 ARVID ANDERSON Chairman WALTER L. EISENBERG Member ERIC J. SCHMERTZ Member
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 APPENDIX The titles and title code numbers of the employees affected by this decision are as follows: Jr. Project Development Coordinator 22510 Assistant Project Development Coordinator 22515 Project Development Coordinator 22525 Senior Project Development Coordinator 22530 Air Pollution Control Engineer 20610 Air Pollution Control Engineering Trainee 20604 Air Pollution Inspector 31315 Art Composer (CETA) 09383 Architect (including specialty) 21215/16 Architectural Associate (CETA) 09421 Architectural Trainee 21204 Asst. Air Pollution Control Engineer 20605 Asst. Architect (incl. OTB) 21210 Asst. Chemical Engineer 20510 Asst. Chemist (incl. specialty) 21810/11 Asst. Civil Engineer 20210 Asst. Coordinator of Highway Transportation Studies 22360 Asst. Electrical Engineer (incl. OTB) 20310 Asst. Engineer (Accounting) 20710 Asst. Engineering Technician(incl. JOP & OTB) 20112, 09517 Asst. Geologist 21910 Asst. Landscape Architect 21310 Asst. Mechanical Engineer 20410 Asst. Physicist (including specialties) 22010/13 Asst. Plan Examiner (Buildings) 22405 Asst. Planner (incl. OTB) 22110 Asst. Project Coordinator (incl. OTB) 22420 Asst. Project Manager 22502 Asst. Project Services Specialist 22516 i
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 Asst. Scientist (Radiation Control) 21511 Asst. Signal Circuit Engineer 20311 Asst. Space Analyst 80181 Asst. Supt. of Construction (incl. OTB) 34210 Asst. Supt. of Construction and Repairs 91355 Asst. Supervisor of Electrical Installations 34208 Asst. Supervisor of Mechanical Installations 34209 Asst. Surveyor 21010 Asst. Urban Designer 22092 Associate Space Analyst 80183 Automotive Specialist 20130 Cartographer (Civil Defense) 71411 Chemical, Biological & Radiological Officer(C.D.) 71435 Chemical Engineer 20515 Chemical Engineering Associate (CETA) 09426 Chemical Engineering Draftsman 20505 Chemical Engineering Trainee 20504 Chemist (including specialties) 21815/21 Chief Supervisor of Mechanical Installations 34265 Civil Engineer (including specialties) 20215/20 Civil Engineering Draftsman 20205 Civil Engineering Trainee 20201 Computer Equipment Design Specialist (OTB) 05600 Computer Equipment Design Trainee (OTB) 05632 Construction Management Assistant 00103 Construction Manager (including specialty & OTB) 34217/18 Deputy Surveyor 21013 Director of Intersectional Traffic Control 22347 Electrical Engineer (including specialties) 20315/20 Electrical Engineering Associate (CETA) 09427 Electrical Engineering Draftsman 20305 Electrical Engineering Trainee 20301 Engineer (specialties) 20715, 20815 Engineer-Assessor (specialties) 20915/19 Engineering Aide 20101 Engineering Assistant (CETA) 09407 Engineering Associate (CETA) 03482 Engineering Technician(incl. spec., CETA & OTB) 20113/15, 09455, 09482 ii
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 Engineering Technician Aide (JOP) 09456 Engineering Technician Trainee (incl. OTB) 20111 iii
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 Environmental Compliance Agent (CETA) 09227 Environmental Compliance Aide (CETA) 03455 Environmental Control Engineer (CETA) 09373 Environmental Control Technician 90971 Estimator (including specialties & OTB) 20121/23 Fire Prevention Inspector 31615 General Supt. of Construction (incl. spec.) 34266/67 General Supt. of Construction & Repairs 91396 Geologist 21915 Highway Transportation Specialist 22315 Illustrator (incl. OTB) 91410 Instrument Maker (Radiology) 91722 Jr. Air Pollution Control Engineer 20601 Jr. Architect 21206 Jr. Chemical Engineer 20506 Jr. Chemist 21805 Jr. Civil Engineer 20206 Jr. Draftsman 20102 Jr. Electrical Engineer 20306 Jr. Geologist 21905 Jr. Landscape Architect 21305 Jr. mechanical Engineer 20406 Jr. Physicist 22005 Jr. Planner 22105 Jr. Urban Designer 22091 Landmarks Preservation Specialist 92242 Landmarks Preservation Specialist Trainee 92239 Landscape Architect 21315 Landscape Architectural Trainee 21304 Mechanical Engineer (including specialties) 20415/18 Mechanical Engineering Associate (CETA) 09428 Mechanical Engineering Draftsman 20405 Mechanical Engineering Trainee 20402 Painting Inspector 32815 Physicist (including specialties) 22015/18 Plan Examiner (Buildings) 22410 Planner 22115 iv
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 Principal Air Pollution Inspector 31360 Principal Chemist (incl. spec.) 21835/37 Principal Engineering Technician (incl. OTB) 20117 Principal Fire Prevention Inspector 31658 Principal Illustrator (incl. OTB) 91460 Principal Physicist 22030 Principal Planner (incl. OTB) 22130 Project Coordinator (incl. OTB) 22421 Project Services Specialist 22526 Railroad Signal Specialist 91796 Safety Officer (incl. OTB) 31617 Scientist (Radiation Control) 21516 Scientist (Water Ecology) 21538 Sr. Air Pollution Control Engineer 20615 Sr. Air Pollution Inspector 31335 Sr. Architect (including specialty) 21225/26 Sr. Automotive Specialist 20131 Sr. Chemical Engineer 20525 Sr. Chemist (including specialties) 21825/31 Sr. Civil Engineer (including specialties) 20225/32 Sr. Computer Equipment Design Specialist (OTB) 05601 Sr. Electrical Engineer (including specialties) 20325/29 Sr. Engineer (specialties 20234, 20725, 20825 Sr. Engineer -Assessor 20920 Sr. Engineering Tech. (incl. spec., JOP & OTB) 20114/16, 09518 Sr. Environmental Control Technician 90972 Sr. Estimator (including specialties) 20126/23 Sr. Fire Prevention Inspector 31635 Sr. Geologist 21925 Sr. Highway Transportation Specialist 22325 Sr. Hull and Machinery Inspector 33335 Sr. Illustrator (incl. OTB) 91435 Sr. Industrial Engineer 20625 Sr. Landmarks Preservation Specialist 92243 Sr. Landscape Architect 21325 Sr. Mechanical Engineer (including spec 20425/28 Sr. Meteorologist 21950 v
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 vi
Decision No. 34-77 Docket No. RE-69-76 Sr. Painting Inspector 32835 Sr. Physicist (including specialties) 22025/29 Sr. Plan Examiner (Buildings) 22411 Sr. Planner (incl. OTB) 22125 Sr. Principal Illustrator (incl. OTB) 91465 Sr. Project Coordinator 22422 Sr. Project Services Specialist 22531 Sr. Scientist (Radiation Control) 21526 Sr. Steel Construction Inspector 32535 Sr.'Supervisor of Mechanical Installations 34235 Sr. Traffic Control Inspector 31735 Sr. Urban Designer 22094 Sr. Waterfront Construction Inspector 34535 Superintendent of Construction (incl. OTB) 34215 Superintendent of Construction and Repairs 91375 Supervising Air Pollution Inspector 31355 Supervising Environmental Control Tech. 90972 Supervising Fire Prevention Inspector 31655 Supervising Hull & Machinery Inspector 33355 Supervising Landmarks Preservation Specialist 92244 Supervising Traffic Control Inspector 31750 Supervisor of Diesel Engine Maintenance 91642 Supervisor of Electrical Installations 34220 Supervisor of mechanical Installations 34216 Surveyor 21015 Telemetric Systems Specialist 20238 Traffic Control Inspector 31715 Urban Designer 22093 Waterfront Construction Inspector 34515 vii
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