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Ass. of Methods Ana. V. Dept of Social Ser., 2 OCB 5 (BOC 1968) [Decision No. 5-68 (Cert.)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF CERTIFICATION -------------------------------- x In the Matter of the Petition of ASSOCIATION OF METHODS ANALYSTS Docket No. R-197-66 -and-Decision No. 5-68 NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ------------------------------- x DECISION AND ORDER This proceeding was transferred to the Board of Certification pursuant to Rule 13.13 of the Consolidated Rules of the Office of Collective Bargaining. Association of Methods Analysts, herein called Petitioner, filed its petition herein with the New York City Department of Labor on December 22, 1966. Upon consideration of the investigation by the Department of Labor and its own investigation, and after due deliberation, the Board of Certification issues the following Decision and Order: By letter dated November 16, 1965, the New York City Department of Labor advised the Department of Personnel that Petitioner represented a City-wide majority in the titles Methods Analyst and Junior Methods Analyst and that it would be appropriate for the City to bargain collectively with Petitioner for such titles. Such City-wide majority still exists today and Petitioner is a party to a collective bargaining agreement with the City covering such titles. Section 1173-3.01 of the New York City Collective Bargaining Law defines the term certified employee organization to mean any public employee organization * * * (3) recognized by a municipal agency,
Decision 5-68 -2-or certified by the department of labor, as such exclusive bargaining representative prior to the effective date of this chapter, unless such recognition has been or is revoked or such certificate has been or is terminated." As Petitioner is the City-wide representative of the titles involved, we shall dismiss this petition for a departmental certificate. O R D E R It is hereby; ORDERED, that the petition filed herein, be, and the same hereby is, dismissed. DATED: New York, N.Y. March 19, 1968 ARVID ANDERSON Chairman ERIC SCHMERTZ Member SAUL WALLEN Member
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