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City v. DC37, 16 OCB 46 (BOC 1975)[Decision No. 46-75 (Con. Cert.)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF CERTIFICATION --------------------------------- x In the Matter of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Petitioner, DECISION NO. 46-75 -and-DISTRICT COUNCIL 37, AFSCME, DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 AFL-CIO, AND ITS AFFILIATED LOCALS, Respondent. --------------------------------- x DECISION AND INTERLOCUTORY ORDER CONSOLIDATING CERTIFICATIONS On June 19, 1975, the New York City Office of Labor Relations filed a petition requesting the consolidation into one bargaining unit of fifty separate units represented by District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO (DC 37) and/or its affiliated locals. 1 The City states that all of the employees in the above-noted units are in titles either now covered under the single City-Wide Contract for those conditions which must be uniform City-wide or receive equivalent benefits, and that, since all of the certifications in question are now held by DC 37 or its affiliates, all such employees have a single community of interest which justifies consolidation into a single bargaining unit. 1 The City's petition was later amended to withdraw a unit of book repairers and to include two additional DC 37 units of Student Center custodial employees and certain City University clerical employees.
DECISION No. 46-75 2 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 The City declares that the proposed consolidated unit is consistent with the decisions and policies of the Board of Certification and, if adopted, would further the efficient operation of the public service and enhance sound labor relations. The City states that the proposed consolidation would avert the proliferation of bargaining units, minimize the possibility of whipsawing and leapfrogging of settlements, and reduce the number of contracts which require negotiation and administration, thereby enabling the City to bargain more effectively and better project its labor costs. The City requests that, if the Board of Certification should decline to approve the proposed single unit, the Board "consolidate the listed certifications into units based upon broad occupational groups which would further the end of sound labor relations and comport with previous Board decisions. . .” On September 22, 1975, DC 37 filed an Affirmation in Opposition to the City's Petition to Consolidate. It asserts that the City's petition has not fully considered the criteria to be applied by the Board of Certification. DC 37 contends that the right of employees to bargain on wages, hours, and working conditions "would be severely limited if all of the titles represented by District Council 37 or its affiliates were thrown into one hodge-podge unit
DECISION No. 46-75 3 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 consisting of white collar, blue collar, professional and institutional employees." DC 37 further argues that the fact that all of the affected titles are covered by the City-Wide Contract or receive equivalent benefits does not establish a community of interest since many other employees represented by other employee organizations also are covered by the City-Wide Contract and that the "City-wide bargaining community of interest does not obliterate the strong community of interest shared by employees in the same occupational groupings." DC 37 points out that its organizational structure is designed to embrace a broad spectrum of occupational groups consisting of professional, blue collar, white collar and institutional employees, and that DC 37 does not now propose, nor has it ever proposed, to bargain for all such employees as a single unit. DC 37 declares that the history of bargaining does not support the City's petition but, in effect emphasizes the separate interests of the various occupational groups. DC 37 rejects the City's arguments concerning the "efficient operation of the public service and sound labor relations" and contends that such criteria cannot, in the instant case, be the basis for denying the rights of self-determination
DECISION No. 46-75 4 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 guaranteed to employees by the Taylor Law and the New York City Collective Bargaining Law (NYCCBL). DC 37 further argues that there is no evidence of whipsawing or leap-frogging to justify the proposed consolidation. It declares that the Board's policy of consolidation "should only be followed when it is possible to do so without severe dislocation or inequities," and therefore "what the City is requesting is actually a complete reversal of Board decisions and policies." Lastly, D.C. 37 argues that the proposal would combine supervisory and non-supervisory and professional and non-professional employees, and that such combinations cannot be instituted against the wishes of the affected employees. The Civil Service Technical Guild., Local 375, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, the certified collective bargaining representative for some of the titles in question, also filed objections. The Guild asserts that while it is affiliated with DC 37 as a matter of identification, its certificates do not run to D.C. 37. It declares that such affiliation "does not per se establish a community of interest within the meaning and intent of Rule 2.10b" and moreover "expressly excludes interference with the autonomy of any affiliate, particularly its right to bargain on non-City-wide matters."
DECISION No. 46-75 5 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 The Guild contends that the proposed consolidation is not consistent with prior unit determinations made by the Board of Certification and would result in the loss of the fullest freedom of its members to exercise their collective bargaining rights. DISCUSSION Section 1173-5.0b(l) of the NYCCBL gives the Board of Certification the power and duty "to make final determinations of the units appropriate for purposes of collective bargaining between public employers and public employee organizations." The criteria employed by the Board of Certification in unit determinations are set forth in Rule 2.10 of the Consolidated Rules: 2.10 Appropriate Units--Determination. In determining appropriate bargaining units, the Board will consider, among other factors: a. Which unit will assure public employees the fullest freedom in the exercise of the rights granted under the statute and the applicable executive order; b. The community of interest of the employees;
DECISION No. 46-75 6 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 c. The history of collective bargaining in the unit, among other employees of the public employer, and in similar public employment; d. The effect of the unit on the efficient operation of the public service and sound labor relations." The Board has deemed this statutory authority to be sufficiently broad to warrant its finding as appropriate, units other than those sought by the parties in a particular case. 2 This interpretation of its statutory authority is consistent with the Court of Appeal's ruling in Civil Service Employees Association v. Helsby (303 NYS 2d 690, 1969). 3 The Board believes that the adoption of a single monolithic bargaining unit, as proposed by the City, would tend to smother the legitimate interests of employees who embrace a broad spectrum of occupations and skills by depriving them of meaningful collective bargaining representation at the unit level. While we recognize that the employees involved have a common interest in City-wide subjects of bargaining which are required by law to be uniform, we are 2 See Board Decision Nos. 4-69, 14-73, 46-73. 3 The Court of Appeals affirmed the Appellate Division decision which held: "...the statute [Taylor Law] expressly authorizes the Board to establish appropriate employer-employee negotiating units, applying those standards prescribed by the Legislature. Such determination must be made by providing a resolution of a particular dispute as to representation status on petitions filed with it pursuant to §205, but we do not construe the Board's function as being limited to a review of the employer's designation or to approving or disapproving units proposed by the parties to the dispute." (emphasis added)
DECISION No. 46-75 7 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 not convinced that this community of interest extends to unit subjects of bargaining, such as wages, which are not subject to any City-wide uniformity requirement. However, a continuation of the still unduly fragmented status quo, with the resultant delays and unnecessary duplications in bargaining, would not be in line with our policy of favoring orderly consolidations. 4 Having considered the Citys alternative proposal to consolidate the listed certifications into units based upon broad occupational groups,” the Board proposes the establishment of twelve occupationally-related units. 5 (See page 9 and Appendix). 4 Since early 1968 the Board has pursued a policy aimed at developing a structure of bargaining that is at once coherent and viable. The number of bargaining units in the City has been reduced from approximately 400 to the present figure, not including the reductions effected by this decision, of 167, by consolidating units along broad occupational lines and curbing the proliferations of additional groups by accreting new titles to existing units having a community of interest. 5 The establishment of bargaining units along occupational lines has been an approach followed nation-wide. In Wisconsin, the legislature established fourteen (14) statewide units reflecting different occupational groupings (GERR RF-91, 51:5811, 1974); in Hawaii, the legislature created thirteen (13) statewide occupational units (GERR RF-95, 51:2015, 1975). The Massachusetts Labor Relations Commission has created ten (10) statewide units along occupational lines (598 GERR E-1, 1975). It should be noted that it all of the above states, the units created encompass all employees subject to collective bargaining. The New York State Public Employment Relations Board, when faced with the problem of determining appropriate bargaining units for all state employees, excluding members of the state police and professional employees of the State University of New York, established five (5) broad occupational units (1 PERB 3226, 1968).
DECISION No. 46-75 8 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 We are convinced that our proposal will not deny the affected employees the fullest freedom in the exercise of their right to choose a bargaining representative, since they are all represented by or affiliated with the same labor organization, namely DC 37. Moreover, an employee's right to self-determination is not an unqualified one but is limited to the selection of a desired collective bargaining representative for the unit deemed appropriate by the Board. With respect to the objections of both DC 37 and the Guild concerning the creation of units consisting of combinations of supervisory and non-supervisory and professional and non-professional employees, the Board points out that in most of the units involved in this case, such combinations already exist and, in many instances, were actively sought, in prior representation cases, by the unions in question. In addition, the Board emphasizes that it has the statutory responsibility to consider not only the wishes of the employees involved, but also the wishes and needs of the public employer for efficient operations and sound labor relations. We are persuaded that our policy of favoring consolidations into broad-based occupational units is consistent with our statutory mandate and will enhance the purposes of the NYCCBL. The Board is authorized to apportion to the criteria set forth in Rule 2.10 whatever weight it deems wise in a
DECISION No. 46-75 9 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 particular case. 6 In establishing the proposal herein, we have taken into consideration, among other factors, the history of bargaining, which necessarily includes bargaining by various local unions having a common professional and occupational interest, e.g., Civil Service Technical Guild, Local 375, and Local 371, representing Social Services, both of which groups have had a long history of bargaining for occupa-tionally-related titles. As a result of the exhaustive analysis of existing certifications and bargaining contracts in which the Board has been engaged for several years, together with careful consideration of the parties' arguments herein, we propose the formulation of the following twelve (12) broad-based occupational units: (See Appendix for more detailed description.) 1. Social Service 2. Institutional Service 3. Clerical 4. Accounting and Statistical 5. Business Inspection 6. Health Services 7. Custodial 8. General Maintenance 9. Parks and Public Works 10. Engineering and Scientific 11. Real Estate 12. Motor Vehicle Operation 6 Board Decision No. 61-71.
DECISION No. 46-75 10 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 All consolidations shall be subject to existing contracts. Following the practice established in earlier consolidation cases, the harmonization of differing contract expiration dates will be left to the parties for resolution at future negotiations. The City, DC 37, the Civil Service Technical Guild, and any of the other affected local unions, shall be allowed ten (10) days from the date of this determination in which to serve and file written objections, if any, as to why the Board should not certify the twelve (12) units proposed herein. O R D E R NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in the Board of Certification by the New York City Collective Bargaining Law, it is hereby ORDERED, that, effective October 17, 1975, all Certifications heretofore issued for the titles listed in the Appendix to this Decision and Interlocutory Order shall be terminated and superseded by the following Certifications:
DECISION No. 46-75 11 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 A. Social Service B. Institutional Service C. Clerical D. Accounting and Statistical E. Business Inspection F. Health Services G. Custodial H. General Maintenance I. Parks and Public Works J. Engineering and Scientific K. Real Estate L. Motor Vehicle Operation provided, however, that if written objections to any of the Certifications are filed by the City, District Council 37, the Civil Service Technical Guild, and/or any of the other affected local unions, on or before October 17, 1975, so much of this Decision and Interlocutory Order as is affected by such objection shall be stayed pending final determination by the Board of Certification of said objections. DATED: New York, New York. October 6, 1975 ARVID ANDERSON Chairman WALTER L. EISENBERG Member ERIC J. SCHMERTZ Member
DECISION No. 46-75 12 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 APPENDIX Unit A - Social Service replaces the following: A-I Certification No. 15-73 (as amended by Decisions 56-73, 67-73, 81-73, 4-74, 41-74, 73-74, 5-75, 6-75, 23-75 and 38-75) Addiction Aide Addiction Counselor Addiction Services Education Specialist Addiction Specialist (including specialty) Administrator of Youth Services (including specialty) Alcoholism Counselor Area Services Coordinator Assistant Addiction Counselor Assistant Administrator of Youth Services Assistant Area Services Coordinator Assistant Case Worker Assistant Community Liaison Worker Assistant Community Organization Specialist (Urban Renewal) Assistant Community Specialist (Model Cities) Assistant Neighborhood Aide (EEA) & (CETA) Assistant Program Specialist (Correction) Assistant Superintendent (Children's Institutions) Assistant Superintendent of Bridge House Assistant Superintendent of Welfare Shelters Assistant Supervisor (Methadone Treatment Center) Assistant Supervisor of Youth Services (incl. specialty) Assistant Teacher (Day Care Center) Assistant Youth Services Specialist Caretaker at Bridge House Case Aide Case Worker Children's Counselor Community Aide (Model Cities) Community Liaison Aide Community Liaison Trainee Community Liaison Worker Community Organization Specialist (Urban Renewal) Community Service Aide Community Specialist (Model Cities) Community Trainee (Model Cities) Community Youth Worker (EEA) & (CETA) Correctional Aide Correctional Counselor Correctional Supervisor Correctional Tour Commander Counselor (Addiction Treatment)
DECISION No. 46-75 13 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 A-I continued Director (Day Care Center) Director of Residential Child Care Drug Abuse Aide (EEA), (CETA) & (WREP) Drug Abuse Specialist (EEA) & (CETA) Family Assistant (EEA-W), (CETA) & (WREP) Group Homemaker Group Teacher (Day Care Center) Group Worker Home Aide Home Economist Home Economist Trainee Homemaker Hospital Care Investigator House Parent Human Resources Aide Human Resources Specialist (including specialty) Human Resources Specialist Trainee Human Resources Technician (including specialty) Human Services Technician (EEA, 6, W) & (CETA) Instructor-Billings and Collections Systems Neighborhood Aide (EEA) & (CETA) Principal Addiction Specialist [with certain exceptions] Principal Children's Counselor Principal Community Liaison Worker [with certain exceptions] Principal Home Economist Principal Hospital Care Investigator Principal Program Coordinator (Model Cities) [with certain exceptions] Principal Program Specialist (Model Cities) [with certain exceptions] Principal Senior Citizen Specialist (Office for the Aging) Program Coordinator (Model Cities) Program Specialist (Correction) Program Specialist (Model Cities) Research Assistant (Behavioral Sciences) Senior Addiction Specialist (including specialty) Senior Area Services Coordinator Senior Children's Counselor Senior Citizen Aide (Office for the Aging) Senior Citizen Specialist I (Office for the Aging) Senior Citizen Specialist II (Office for the Aging) Senior Community Liaison Worker Senior Community Organization Specialist (Urban Senior Counselor (Addiction Treatment) Senior Homemaker Senior Hospital Care Investigator Senior House Parent Senior Human Resources Specialist (including specialty) Senior Human Resources Technician (including specialty) Senior Community Specialist (Model Cities)
DECISION No. 46-75 14 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 A-I continued Senior Program Coordinator (Model Cities) Senior Program Specialist (Correction) Senior Program Specialist (Model Cities) Senior Veteran Counselor Social Worker Street Club Worker Superintendent of Adult Institutions Superintendent of Bridge House Supervising Addiction Specialist Supervising Area Services Coordinator Supervising Children's Counselor Supervising Correctional Counselor Supervising Counselor (Addiction Treatment) Supervising Home Economist Supervising Hospital Care Investigator Supervising Human Resources Specialist (incl. specialties) Supervisor I, II, III (Child Welfare) Supervisor (Methadone Treatment Center) Supervisor I, II, III (Social Work) Supervisor II, III (Training) Supervisor I, II, III (Welfare) Supervisor of Child Care Supervisor of Youth Services (including specialty) Supervisor of Group Workers Teacher Aide (Day Care Center) Veteran Counselor Vocational Counselor (Addiction Treatment) Youth Services Specialist A-II Certification No. 16-73 Assistant Chief Consultant (Mental Health Standard and Services) Consultant (Child Welfare) Consultant (Day Camp) Consultant (Early Childhood Education) Consultant (Parent Education) Consultant (Public Health Social Work) Mental Health Education Specialist Principal Consultant (Early Childhood Education) Senior Consultant (Child Welfare) Senior Consultant (Early Childhood Education) Senior Consultant (Mental Health Standard and Services) Senior Consultant (Parent Education) Senior Consultant (Psychiatric Nursing) Senior Consultant (Public Health Social Work)
DECISION No. 46-75 15 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 A-III Certification No. 24-68 (as amended by Decisions 80-68 and 31-75) Equal Opportunity Aide (CETA) Junior Human Rights Specialist Human Rights Specialist Supervising Human Rights Specialist Principal Human Rights Specialist A-IV Certification No. 38-73 (as amended by Decisions 58A-73, 74-73 and 58-74) Mental Health Worker Trainee Senior Mental Health Worker Supervising Mental Health Worker A-V Certification No. 34-72 (as amended by Decisions 67-74, 3-75 and 31-75) Assistant Supervisor of Recreation Center Director Cultural Programs Assistant Cultural Programs Specialist Cultural Programs Trainee Puppeteer Recreation Assistant Recreation Director Recreation Specialist (Part-Time) Recreation Worker (CETA) Supervising Puppeteer Teacher of Recreation A-VI Certification No. 71-74 (as amended by Decision 73-74) Claim Examiner Compliance Specialist (EEA) & (CETA) Decedent Property Agent Investigator Investigator Aide Investigator (EEA) & (CETA) Senior Claim Examiner Senior Investigator Supervising Claim Examiner Supervising Investigator A-VII Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Investigator (OTB) Senior Investigator (OTB) Supervising Investigator (OTB)
DECISION No. 46-75 16 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 A-VII continued Assistant Community Liaison Worker (OTB) Community Liaison Worker (OTB) Principal Community Liaison Worker (OTB) Senior Community Liaison Worker (OTB) A-VIII Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Juvenile Counselor Senior Juvenile Counselor Principal Juvenile Counselor Supervising Custodian of Children Head Juvenile Counselor
DECISION No. 46-75 17 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit B - Institutional Service replaces the following: B-I Certification No. 22-72 (as amended by Decisions 58-72, 57-73, 61-74, 18-75,23-75 and 31-75) Beautician Dietary Aide Food Services Aide (WREP) and (CETA) Housekeeping Aide Hospital Aide (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Institutional Aide Institutional Aide (Juvenile Detention Center) Licensed Barber Nurse's Aide Nurse's Aide (Handicapped Children) Nurse's Aide (Transport Escort) Patient Aide (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) B-II Certification MR-6/66 (as amended by Decisions 23-75 and 31-75) Laundering Aide (WREP) Laundry Aide (CETA) Laundry Worker Sr. Laundry Worker Washer B-III Certification MR-12/65 Mortuary Caretaker
DECISION No. 46-75 18 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit C - Clerical replaces the following: C-I Certification No. 39-73, (as amended by Decisions 51-73, 61-74, 73-74, 8-75, 23-75, 31-75 and 35-75) Account Clerk Administrative Aide Alphabetic Key Punch Operator (IBM) Assistant Public Services Officer Blueprinter Blueprinter and Photostat Operator Bookkeeping Machine Operator Cashier Chief Office Assistant Clerk (including specialties) Clerk (EEA, 6, W) Confidential Secretary Correction Administrative Aide Correction Office Associate (CETA) Courier (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Data Control Clerk Department Library Aide EDP Card Punch Operator (EEA) and (CETA) Engineering Draftsman and Photographer Executive Stenographer File Clerk Fiscal Office Assistant (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Head Process Server Head Process Server and Court Aide Hospital Clerk Hospital Office Assistant (EEA) Housing Police Administrative Aide Income Maintenance Office Assistant (CETA) Information Clerk (Department of Probation) Key Punch Operator Legal Secretary Maintenance Control Scheduler Medical Clerk Medical Recorder (EEA) Messenger Office Appliance Operator Office Assistant Office Assistant (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Office Machine Assistant (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Parking Meter Collector Photographer and Photostat Operator Photostat Operator Police Administrative Aide Police Office Associate (EEA), (CETA) Principal Account Clerk Process Server Public Services Aide Public Services Officer
DECISION No. 46-75 19 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 C-I continued Registrar Assistant Secretary Secretary (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Senior Account Clerk Senior Accounting Machine Operator Senior Clerk (including specialty) Senior Key Punch Operator Senior Legal Secretary Senior Messenger Senior Office Appliance Maintainer Senior Office Appliance Operator Senior Police Administrative Aide Senior Process Server Senior Process Server and Court Aide Senior Remington Bookkeeping Machine Operator Senior Secretary Senior Stenographer Senior Tabulator Operator Senior Telephone Operator Senior Toll Collector (Markets) Senior Typewriter Accountant Senior Typewriter Bookkeeper Senior Typewriter Maintainer Senior Typist Shop Clerk Stenographer Stenographer (Law) Stenographic Transcriber (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Supervising Blueprinter Supervising Blueprinter and Photostat Operator Supervising Clerk(including specialty) Supervising Key Punch Operator Supervising Messenger Supervising Parking Meter Collector Supervising Process Server Supervising Process Server and Court Aide Supervising Stenographer Supervising Tabulator Operator Supervising Telephone Operator Supervising Typewriter Maintainer Supervising Typist Switchboard Operator (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Tabulator Operator Tabulator Operator Trainee Telephone Operator Ticket Agent Toll Booth Agent (CETA)
DECISION No. 46-75 20 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 C-I continued Toll Collector (Markets) Transcriber (EEA), (CETA) and (WREP) Transcriber/Typist (EEA) and (CETA) Transcribing Typist Typewriter Maintainer Typist Varitypist C-II Certification No. 75-72 Chief Law Stenographer Chief of Stenographic Services Grand Jury Stenographer Hearing Reporter Hearing Stenographer Sr. Grand Jury Stenographer Sr. Hearing Reporter Supervising Hearing Reporter Shorthand Reporter C-III Certification No. 44-73 (B) Law Stenographer Senior Law Stenographer Head Law Stenographer C-IV Certification No. 62-72 (as amended by Decision No. 12-74) Court Reporter I Reporting Stenographer Sr. Court Reporter C-V Certification No. 43-74 (as amended by Decision No. 4-75) Chief Clerk Confidential Attendant Confidential Messenger Court Assistant Foreman of Laborers Principal Clerk Principal Key Punch Operator Principal Stenographer C-VI Certification No. 8 NYCDL 104 (as amended by Decision No. 26-68) Interpreter (incl. all specialties)
DECISION No. 46-75 21 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 C-VII Certification 79-70 Department Librarian Department Senior Librarian Department Supervising Librarian Department Principal Librarian C-VIII Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Account Clerk (OTB) Administrative Aide (OTB) Branch Supervisor (OTB) Cashier (OTB) Cashier Trainee (OTB) Chief Clerk (OTB) Chief Racing Information Clerk (OTB) Clerk (OTB) Cutting Machine Operator (OTB) Duplicating Machine Operator (OTB) Duplicating Machine Operator Trainee (OTB) Electronic Office Equipment Repairman (OTB) File and Library Clerk (OTB) Head Clerk (OTB) Keypunch Operator (OTB) Office Appliance Operator (OTB) Racing Information Clerk (OTB) Senior Account Clerk (OTB) Senior Clerk (OTB) Senior Duplicating Machine Operator (OTB) Senior Keypunch Operator (OTB) Senior Legal Secretary (OTB) Senior Office Appliance Operator (OTB) Senior Racing Information Clerk (OTB) Senior Stenographer (OTB) Senior Telephone Operator (OTB) Senior Typist (OTB) Stenographer (OTB) Supervising Clerk (OTB) Supervising Stenographer (OTB) Supervisor of Duplicating Services (OTB) Telephone Operator (OTB) Typist (OTB) C-IX Certification No. 27-70 College Assistant C-X Certification No. 46-73 Urban Center employees in the following titles: Clerk Clerical Worker I Clerical Worker II
DECISION No. 46-75 22 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 C-X continued Clerical Worker Secretary Secretary I Secretary II Secretary III Clerk/Typist Clerk/Typist Jr. Clerk/Typist/Receptionist/Telephone Operator Telephone Operator Assistant Accountant Assistant Bookkeeper Registrar (Supv. Records Clk.) Registrar Clerk Library Aide Bookroom Clerk Supt., Office Services Assistant for Office Services Admissions Assistant-Clerk/Typist Supt. and employees of the Board of Higher Education in the following titles: College Office Assistant A College Office Assistant B College Secretarial Assistant A College Secretarial Assistant B College Administrative Assistant (with certain exceptions)
DECISION No. 46-75 23 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit D - Accounting and Statistical replaces the following: D-I Certification No. 69-72 (as amended by Decisions 100-73, 19-74, 73-74 and 31-7.5) Accountant Accountant (EEA) Actuary Assistant Accountant Assistant Actuary Assistant Director of Rent Research Assistant Economist Assistant Research Aide (CETA) Assistant Retirement Benefits Examiner Assistant Statistician Associate Accountant Director of Rent Research Economic Aide (CETA) Economic Analyst (EEA) & (CETA) Economist Fiscal Records Analyst (EEA),(CETA) Fiscal Records Assistant (EEA),(CETA) Investment Analysis Trainee Investment Analyst Personnel Data Analyst (EEA) Principal Retirement Benefits Examiner Principal Statistician Retirement Benefits Counselor Research Aide (EEA),(CETA) Research Assistant Rent Research Associate Retirement Benefits Examiner Retirement Benefits Examining Trainee Senior Accountant Senior Accountant (Group Chief) Senior Actuary Senior Actuary (Group Chief) Senior Economist Senior Investment Analyst Senior Rent Research Associate Senior Statistician Statistical Aide (CETA) Statistician Statistician Trainee Supervising Accountant Supervising Economist Supervising Investment Analyst Supervising Retirements Benefits Examiner
DECISION No. 46-75 24 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 D-II Certification No. 37-72 (as amended by Decisions 8-73, 90-73, 73-74, 7-75 and 31-75) Assistant Computer Operator Assistant Computer Programmer Assistant Computer Systems Analyst Computer Operator Computer Programmer Computer Programming Trainee Computer Systems Analyst Computer Systems Analyst Trainee Data Librarian EDP Operator (EEA) and (CETA) EDP Programmer (EEA) and (CETA) Income Tax Systems Analyst Principal Computer Operator Principal Computer Programmer Senior Computer Operator Senior Computer Programmer Senior Computer Systems Analyst Supervising Computer Operator Supervisor, Computer Operations Supervisor Scheduling & Control (EDP) D-III Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Computer Operator (OTB) Computer Programmer (OTB) Computer Programmer Trainee (OTB) Computer Systems Analyst (OTB) Computer Systems Analyst Trainee (OTB) Principal Computer Operator (OTB) Principal Computer Programmer (OTB) Senior Computer Operator (OTB) Senior Computer Programmer (OTB) Senior Computer Systems Analyst (OTB) Supervising Computer Operator (OTB)
DECISION No. 46-75 25 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 D-III continued Accountant (OTB) Assistant Accountant (OTB) Assistant Statistician (OTB) Associate Accountant (OTB) Investment Analyst Trainee (OTB) Investment Analyst (OTB) Research Assistant (OTB) Statistician (OTB)
DECISION No. 46-75 26 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit E - Business Inspection replaces the following: E-I Certification No. 2-74 (as amended by Decisions 48-74 and 73-74) Compliance Agent (EEA) and (CETA) Compliance Aide (EEA) and (CETA) Consumer Affairs Inspector Trainee Consumer Affairs Inspector Consumer Affairs Specialist Inspector of Ports and Terminals Principal Inspector of Ports and Terminals Senior Consumer Affairs Inspector Senior Inspector of Ports and Terminals Senior Consumer Affairs Specialist Supervising Consumer Affairs Inspector Supervising Inspector of Ports and Terminals Supervising Consumer Affairs Specialist E-II Certification No. 80-73 Assistant Rent Examiner Principal Rent Examiner Rent Examiner Rent Inspector Senior Rent Examiner Senior Rent Inspector Supervising Rent Examiner Supervising Rent Inspector
DECISION No. 46-75 27 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit F - Health Services replaces the following: F-I Certification No. 77-73 (as amended by Decisions 62-74 and 31-75) Consultant Public Health Nurse (incl. all specialties) District Supervising Public Health Nurse Doctor's Aide (CETA) Doctor's Associate (CETA) Junior Public Health Nurse [full-time] Pediatric Nurse Associate Physician Associate Physician's Associate Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse (Session) Supervising Public Health Nurse F-II Certification No. 44-72 Anaesthetist Senior Anaesthetist F-III Certification No. MR-6/66 Medical Record Librarian Senior Medical Record Librarian Supervising medical Record Librarian F-IV Certification No. 78-73 Institutional Inspector Senior Institutional Inspector Supervising Institutional Inspector Principal Institutional Inspector
DECISION No. 46-75 28 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 F-V Certification. No. 37-73 Environmental Health Technician Public Health Sanitarian Trainee Public Health Sanitarian Senior Public Health Sanitarian Supervising Public Health Sanitarian Principal Public Health Sanitarian F-VI Certification No. 55-71 Nutritionist Trainee Nutritionist Supervising Nutritionist Principal Nutritionist F-VII Certification No. 92-73 Psychologist Senior Psychologist Chief Psychologist F-VIII Certification No. 66-72 (as amended by Decisions 62-73 and 14-75) Assistant Director of Rehabilitation Audiologist Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapy Assistant Physical Therapist Rehabilitation Counselor Senior Occupational Therapist Senior Physical Therapist Senior Rehabilitation Counselor Senior Speech and Hearing Therapist Supervising Audiologist Supervising Therapist
DECISION No. 46-75 29 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 F-IX Certification No. 60-74 (as amended by Decisions 23-75 and 31-75) Assistant Public Health Advisor (C.D.C.) Assistant Venereal Disease Case Finder (EEA, 6, W) Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Public Health Advisor (C.D.C.) Public Health Assistant School Health Aide (WREP) Senior Public Health Advisor (C.D.C.) Supervising Dental Assistant Venereal Disease Case Finder (E.E.A.) and (CETA)
DECISION No. 46-75 30 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit G - Custodial replaces the following: G-I Certification No. 39-72 (as amended by Decisions 55-72, 53-73, 60-73, 73-74, 18-75 and 23-75) Attendant Building Assistant (EEA),(CETA) & (WREP) Curator of Jumel Mansion Custodial Assistant Custodial Assistant (Juvenile Detention Center) Elevator Operator Laborer (City Rent) Lift Aide (EEA), (CETA) & (WREP) Lift Operator (VIREP) Park Worker (EEA) & (CETA) Security Aide (EEA), (CETA) & (WREP) Senior Attendant Utility Worker (WREP) Watchman Watchman (Juvenile Detention Center) G-II Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Attendant Guard (OTB) Custodial Assistant (OTB) Senior Attendant Guard (OTB) G-III Certification No. 30-73 (as amended by Decisions 59-73, 95-73, 73-74 and 23-75) Assistant Rodent Control Aide (EEA),(CETA)&(WREP) Crew Chief (Pest Control) Exterminator Foreman (Exterminators) Pest Control Aide Pest Eliminator (EEA) Regional Director (Bureau of Control) Rodent Control Aide (EEA),(CETA)&(WREP) Rodent Control Crew Chief (EEA)&(CETA) Senior Crew Chief (Pest Control) Senior Foreman (Exterminators)
DECISION No. 46-75 31 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 G-IV Part of Certification No. 25-73 (as amended by Decision No. 18-75) Custodial Foreman Custodial Foreman (Juvenile Detention Center) Senior Custodial Foreman Supervising Custodial Foreman G-V Certification No. 47-71 All non-Civil Service employees of the Board of Higher Education performing custodial, cleaning, painting, and related work (including mechanics) employed at the following student centers of the City University of New York: Baruch College Student Center, Brooklyn College Student Center, City College (John H. Finley) Student Center, Queens College Student Center, Hunter College (Roosevelt House) Student Center, and Borough of Manhattan Community College Student Center
DECISION No. 46-75 32 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit H - General Maintenance replaces the following: H-I Certification No. 71-70 Traffic Device Maintainer Traffic Device Maintenance Trainee H-II Certification No. 74-70 (I) Assistant Institutional Maintainer H-III Certification No. 74-70 (II) Assistant Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor H-IV Part of Certification No. 25-73 (as amended by Decision No. 18-75) Building Repairman Senior Building Repairman H-V Part of Certification No. 33-72 (as amended by Decision No. 63-73) Assistant Park Maintainer Park Maintainer H-VI Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Assistant Maintainer (OTB) Maintainer (OTB) Supervising Maintainer (OTB) Unit I - Parks and - Public Works replaces the following: I-I Part of Certification No. 33-72 (as amended by Decision No. 63-73) Assistant Monument Restorer Assistant Park Director Climber and Pruner Foreman of Gardeners
DECISION No. 46-75 33 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 I-I continued Gardener General Park Foreman Horticulturist Menagerie Keeper Monument Restorer Park Foreman Senior Menagerie Keeper Senior Supervisor of Park Operations Supervisor of Menagerie Supervisor of Park Operations Swimming Pool Operator I-II Certification No. 41-69 (as amended by Decision No. 12-72) Borough Foreman (including specialties) District Foreman (including specialties) Foreman (including specialties) General Superintendent of Repairs to Distribution Superintendent of Repairs to Distribution Superintendent of Sewer Service I-III Certification No. 68-74(B) Water Plant Operator Watershed Inspector
DECISION No. 46-75 34 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit J - Engineering and Scientific replaces the following: J-I Certification No. 60-71 (as amended by Decisions 42-72, 6-73, 36-73, 43-73, 42-74, 73-74, 25-75 31-75 and 40-75) Air Pollution Control Engineer Air Pollution Control Engineering Trainee Architect (including specialty) Architectual Associate (CETA) Architectual Trainee Assistant Air Pollution Control Engineer Assistant Architect Assistant Chemical Engineer Assistant Chemist (including specialty) Assistant Civil Engineer Assistant Coordinator of Highway Transportation Studies Assistant Electrical Engineer Assistant Engineer (Accounting) Assistant Geologist Assistant Landscape Architect Assistant Mechanical Engineer Assistant Physicist (including specialties) Assistant Plan Examiner (Buildings) Assistant Planner Assistant Scientist (Radiation Control) Assistant Signal Circuit Engineer Assistant Surveyor Assistant Urban Designer Automotive Specialist Chemical, Biological and Radiological Officer (C.D.) Chemical Engineer Chemical Engineering Draftsman Chemical Engineering Trainee Chemist (including specialties) Civil Engineer (including specialties) Civil Engineering Draftsman Civil Engineering Trainee Deputy Surveyor Director of Intersectional Traffic Control Electrical Engineer (including specialties) Electrical Engineering Draftsman Electrical Engineering Trainee
DECISION No. 46-75 35 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 J-1 continued Engineer (specialties) Engineer-Assessor (specialties) Engineer-Electrical Power (EEA) Engineering Associate (LEA) & (CETA) Environmental Control Engineer (EEA) & (CFTA) Geologist Jr. Air Pollution Control Engineer Jr. Architect Jr. Chemical Engineer Jr. Chemist Jr. Civil Engineer Jr. Electrical Engineer Jr. Geologist Jr. Landscape Architect Jr. Mechanical Engineer Jr. Physicist Jr. Planner Jr. Urban Designer Landmarks Preservation Specialist Landmarks Preservation Specialist Trainee Landscape Architect Landscape Architectural Trainee Mechanical Engineer (including specialties) Mechanical Engineering Draftsman Mechanical Engineering Trainee Physicist (including specialties) Plan Examiner (Buildings) Planner Principal Chemist (including specialties) Principal Planner Railroad Signal Specialist Scientist (Radiation Control) Sr. Air Pollution Control Engineer Sr. Architect (including specialty) Sr. Automotive Specialist Sr. Chemical Engineer Sr. Chemist (including specialties) Sr. Civil Engineer (including specialties) Sr. Electrical Engineer (including specialties) Sr. Engineer (specialties) Sr. Engineer-Assessor Sr. Geologist Sr. Industrial Engineer Sr. Landmarks Preservation Specialist Sr. Landscape Architect
DECISION No. 46-75 36 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 J-I continued Sr. Mechanical Engineer (including specialty) Sr. Meteorologist Sr. Physicist (including specialties) Sr. Plan Examiner (Buildings) Sr. Planner Sr. Scientist (Radiation Control) Sr. Urban Designer Surveyor Telemetric Systems Specialist Urban Designer and restored Rule X equivalents J-II Certification No. 10-73 (as amended by Decisions 43-73, 39-74, 25-75 and 31-75) Art Composer (CETA) Assistant Engineering Technician Assistant Project Coordinator Assistant Project Services Specialist Assistant Space Analyst Assistant Superintendent of Construction Assistant Superintendent of Construction and Repairs Assistant Supervisor of Electrical Installations Assistant Supervisor of Mechanical Installations Cartographer (Civil Defense) Chief Supervisor of Mechanical Installations Construction Management Assistant Construction Manager (including specialty) Engineering Aide Engineering Technician (including specialty) Engineering Technician Trainee Environmental Control Technician Estimator (including specialties) General Superintendent of Construction (including specialty) General Superintendent of Construction and Repairs Highway Transportation Specialist Illustrator Instrument Maker (Radiology) Junior Draftsman Principal Engineering Technician Principal Illustrator Project Coordinator Project Services Specialist
DECISION No. 46-75 37 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 J-II continued Senior Engineering Technician (including specialty) Senior Environmental Control Technician Senior Estimator (including specialties) Senior Highway Transportation Specialist Senior Illustrator Senior Principal Illustrator Senior Project Coordinator Senior Project Services Specialist Senior Supervisor of Mechanical Installations Superintendent of Construction Superintendent of Construction and Repairs Supervising Environmental Control Technician Supervisor of Electrical Installations Supervisor of Mechanical Installations J-III Certification No. 96-73 (as amended by Decision No. 73-74 Air Pollution Inspector Environmental Compliance Aide (EEA) & (CETA) Environmental Compliance Agent (EEA) & (CETA) Fire Prevention Inspector Painting Inspector Principal Air Pollution Inspector Safety Officer Senior Air Pollution Inspector Senior Fire Prevention Inspector Senior Hull and Machinery Inspector Senior Steel Construction Inspector Senior Traffic Control Inspector Senior Waterfront Construction Inspector Supervising Air Pollution Inspector Supervising Fire Prevention Inspector Supervising Hull and Machinery Inspector Supervising Traffic Control Inspector Traffic Control Inspector Waterfront Construction Inspector J-IV Certification by reason of voluntary recognition. Assistant Architect (OTB) Assistant Electrical Engineer (OTB) Assistant Planner (OTB)
DECISION No. 46-75 38 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 J-IV continued Estimator (OTB) Principal Planner (OTB) Senior Planner (OTB) Assistant Engineering Technician (OTB) Assistant Project Coordinator (OTB) Assistant Superintendent of Construction (OTB) Construction Manager (OTB) Engineering Technician (OTB) Engineering Technician Trainee (OTB) Illustrator (OTB) Principal Engineering Technician (OTB) Principal Illustrator (OTB) Project Coordinator (OTB) Senior Engineering Technician (OTB) Senior Illustrator (OTB) Senior Principal Illustrator (OTB) Superintendent of Construction (OTB) Safety Officer (OTB) Computer Equipment Design Specialist (OTB) Computer Equipment Design Trainee (OTB) Senior Computer Equipment Design Specialist (OTB)
DECISION No. 46-75 39 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 Unit K - Real Estate replaces the following: K-I Certification No. 93-73 (as amended by Decision No. 31-75) Assistant Supervising Real Estate Manager Property Manager (CE-TA) Real Estate Aide Real Estate Assistant Real Estate Manager Relocation Aide Relocation Assistant Senior Real Estate Manager Supervising Real Estate Manager Supervisor of Real Estate Maintenance K-II Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Assistant Supervising Real Estate Manager (OTB) Senior Real Estate Manager (OTB) Supervising Real Estate Manager (OTB) Supervisor of Real Estate Maintenance (OTB) K-III Certification No. 31-74 Appraiser (Real Estate) Assessor Assistant Assessor Principal Title Examiner Right of Way Negotiator Senior Appraiser (Real Estate) Senior Assessor Senior Right of Way Negotiator Senior Title Examiner Supervising Appraiser (Real Estate) Supervising Assessor Title Examiner K-IV Certification No. 24-73 Assistant Real Estate Repairman Real Estate Repairman Repair Aide (HDA) Repair Crew Chief (HDA) Repair Crew Worker (HDA) Repair Shop Manager (HDA) Senior Repair Crew Chief (HDA)
DECISION No. 46-75 40 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 K-V Certification No. 68-74(A) Demolition Inspector Senior Demolition Inspector Supervising Demolition Inspector Unit L - Motor Vehicle Operation replaces the following: L-I Certification No. 23-74 (as amended by Decisions 73-74, 23-75 and 31-75) Automotive Operator (EEA), (WREP) & (CETA) Motor Vehicle Foreman Motor Vehicle Operator Senior Motor Vehicle Foreman Senior Taxi and Limousine Dispatcher Senior Taxi Coordinator (CETA) Taxi and Limousine Dispatcher Taxi Coordinator (CETA) L-II Certification by reason of voluntary recognition Motor Vehicle Foreman (OTB) Motor Vehicle Operator (OTB)
DECISION No. 46-75 41 DOCKET NO. RE-56-75 OTB Unit The following titles shall remain temporarily in a residual N.Y.C. Off-Track Betting Corporation Unit certified to D.C. 37, AFSCME Assistant Buyer (OTB) Buyer (OTB) Senior Buyer (OTB) Supervising Buyer (OTB) Purchase Inspector (OTB) Auditor of Accounts (OTB) Senior Auditor of Accounts (OTB) Supervising Auditor of Accounts (OTB) Junior Contracts Administrator (OTB) Technical Controller (OTB) Technical Controller Shift Supervisor (OTB) Junior Building Custodian (OTB) Assistant Stockman (OTB) Stockman (OTB) Storekeeper (OTB) Senior Storekeeper (OTB) Principal Storekeeper (OTB) Attorney Trainee (OTB) Attorney (OTB) Associate Attorney (OTB) Security Officer (OTB) Trainee Automotive Mechanic (OTB) Automotive Mechanic (OTB) Senior Auto Mechanic (Supervisor)(OTB)
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