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City, et. Al v. L.1707, et. Al, 12 OCB 70 (BOC 1973) [Decision No. 70-73 (Cert.)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF CERTIFICATION -------------------------------------------X THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND RELATED PUBLIC EMPLOYERS -and-DECISION NO. 70-73 COUNCIL OF SUPERVISORS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF NEW YORK CITY, LOCAL 1, SASOC, AFL-CIO, DOCKET NO. RE-30-73 -and-GROUP DAY CARE CENTERS operated under the aegis of the AGENCY FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT_ of the HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION ---------------------------------------------X ---------------------------------------------X THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND RELATED PUBLIC EMPLOYERS -and-LOCAL 1707, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL AGENCY EMPLOYEES, AFSCME, AFL-CIO DOCKET NO. RE-35-73 -and-BAISLEY, FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY, and NEW BRIGHTON DAY CARE CENTERS ---------------------------------------------X O R D E R The City of New York having filed, on February 13, 1973 a petition (RE-30-72) alleging the existence of a question concerning representation of certain employees of group day care centers operated under the aegis of the Agency for Child Development of the New York City Human Resources Administration, and The City of New York having filed, on August 17, 1973 a petition (RE-35-73) alleging the existence of a question concerning representation of certain non-managerial and non-
Decision No. 70-73 2 Docket Nos. RE-30-73 RE-35-73 confidential employees employed by the Baisley, Fellowship community, and New Brighton Day Care Centers. And, further, it appearing to the Board of Certification that good and sufficient reason exists for consolidation of the above-entitled cases, it is hereby 0 R D E R E D, that these cases be, and the same hereby are, consolidated. DATED: New York, N.Y. September 10, 1973 ARVID ANDERSON CHAIRMAN ERIC J. SCHMERTZ MEMBER WALTER L. EISENBERG MEMBER
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