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City v. DC 37, 7 OCB 14 (BCB 1971) [Decision No. B-14-71 (Arb)] OFFICE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BOARD OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ------------------------------In the Matter of OFFICE OF LABOR RELATIONS OF DECISION NO. B-14-71 THE -CITY OF NEW YORK DOCKET NO. BCB-97-71 -and (A-1165-71) DISTRICT COUNCIL 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO -------------------------------0 R D E R The above-named petitioner, having petitioned this Board, by petition duly verified June 9, 1971, contesting the arbitrability of the dispute contained in respondents request for arbitration dated June 4, 1971, and the petitioner and respondent having thereafter agreed to proceed to arbitration concerning the said dispute between them pursuant to stipulation dated September 15, 1971, and the petitioner having withdrawn its petition contesting arbitrability, NOW, THEREFORE, it is ORDERED, that upon compliance by-the respondent with paragraph 2 of said stipulation, dated September 15, 1971, a copy of which is on file with this Board, and upon written notice to the Chairman of the Board of such compliance by the respondent and written confirmation thereof by the petitioner, the parties are hereby directed to proceed to arbitration expeditiously, and it is further
BCB-97-71 2 ORDERED, that the petitioners petition be, and the same hereby is, dismissed effective as of the day that written notice of compliance with paragraph 2 of said stipulation, and confirmation thereof, is received by the Chairman of the Board. DATED: New York, N.Y. September 27, 1971. ARVID ANDERSON C h a i r m a n WALTER L. EISENBE M e m b e r ERIC J. SCHMERTZ M e m b e r TIMOTHY W. COSTELLO M e m b e r EDWARD SILVER M e m b e r HARRY VAN ARSDALE, JR. M e m b e r
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