Territorial Court

Decision Information

Decision information:

Abstract: Transcript of the Proceedings

Decision Content

             In the matter of K., B.J., 2013 NWTTC 11



             IN THE MATTER OF the Child and Family Services Act,
             S.N.W.T., 1997, c. 13 as amended

             AND IN THE MATTER OF the child:

                             K., B. J.

                             Born: February 14, 2005

                         Apprehended: January 15, 2013


             Transcript of the Proceedings before The Honourable Judge

             B. E. Schmaltz, at Yellowknife the Northwest Territories

             on February 25th, A.D. 2013.

             Initials have been used in this transcript as per direction
                            of the presiding Judge


             Ms. BL McIlmoyle:         Counsel for the Director of
                                       Child and Family Services

             Ms. J. Savoie, agent
             Mr. P. Parker:            Counsel for the Mother

             Mr. K. Kinnear:           Counsel for the Father

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         1     THE COURT:            This is the director's

         2         application to confirm the apprehension of B.,

         3         who is eight years old.  I will not go into

         4         all of the facts, they are set out in the

         5         affidavit of Ms. M, but B. was apprehended in

         6         [community name edited] where her father lives

         7         and B. had been living with her father.

         8         Ms. K., B's mother, and Mr. K. were in a

         9         relationship.  They separated in March of

        10         2009.  Ms. K., B's mother, lives in

        11         Yellowknife.

        12             In March of '09, Ms. K. moved to

        13         Yellowknife.  She did intend to return to

        14         [community name edited] and get custody of B.,

        15         and in September of '09 she brought B. back to

        16         Yellowknife with her and it was agreed at that

        17         time between the mother and father that B.

        18         would live with Ms. K., her mother.  In

        19         September of '09, Ms. K. commenced an

        20         application in Supreme Court and she obtained

        21         a custody order giving B's mother and father

        22         joint custody with Ms. K., her mother, having

        23         the day-to-day care and control of B.  That

        24         order was obtained in October of '09.

        25             I do note, just for the record, in Ms. K's

        26         affidavit it says it was obtained in October

        27         of 2012 but it is October of 2009 that Justice

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         1         Charbonneau made that order.

         2             Then, in late '09, Ms. K. did not feel

         3         that her living situation was the best for B.,

         4         and there was an agreement between Mr. and Ms.

         5         K. that temporarily B. would return to

         6         [community name edited].  So B. went back to

         7         [community name edited] to live with Mr. K.

         8             Ms. K. has stated in her affidavit that in

         9         early 2010 she asked that B. be returned, and

        10         Mr. K. refused.  She states in her affidavit

        11         that "he continued to refuse despite my

        12         continued requests that he return her to my

        13         care".

        14             Between May of 2010 and August of 2010,

        15         Ms. K. worked in the MacKenzie Delta area, I

        16         believe she was working in Inuvik but going to

        17         the communities up in the area, and she

        18         visited B. regularly and often brought B. back

        19         to Inuvik with her to stay with her at Ms. K's

        20         sister's home.

        21             Her affidavit further states that last

        22         October she visited with family in [community

        23         name edited] and she took B. with her to visit

        24         her family in Inuvik.  Ms. K. says in her

        25         affidavit that when she is not in [community

        26         name edited], she speaks to B. on the phone

        27         three to four times per week and since January

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         1         15th when B. was apprehended, Ms. K. has

         2         spoken to her approximately ten times.  That

         3         affidavit was sworn on January 31st, so over a

         4         little more than a two week period.

         5             Ms. K. wants B. returned to her care and

         6         wants to raise B. in Yellowknife.

         7             Ms. K. has stated in her affidavit that

         8         she is now in a relationship.  She is living

         9         in a three-bedroom home with her partner.

        10         There is room for B. in the home, and Ms. K's

        11         partner has told her, and again I quote from

        12         her affidavit, that "he would welcome B. to

        13         live in his home".

        14             Now, as I said, B. was apprehended and I

        15         do find that there are reasonable grounds for

        16         the apprehension which is the first part of

        17         Section 12.4, and I am going to go into Ms.

        18         M's affidavit that set out the circumstances

        19         leading to the apprehension.

        20             It appears that Mr. K. may have had, and

        21         perhaps just at the time or around the time of

        22         the apprehension, difficulties with drinking,

        23         but there were concerns with respect to B's

        24         care by Mr. K. and his drinking.  I think that

        25         is sufficient to say on this application.

        26             Section 12.4 of the Child and Family

        27         Services Act states where,

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         1             Upon hearing an application for an

         2             apprehension order, the Court

         3             determines that

         4             (a) there are reasonable grounds

         5             to believe that the child needs

         6             protection; and

         7             (b) the person who apprehended the

         8             child had, at the time of the

         9             apprehension, reasonable grounds

        10             to believe that the child's health

        11             or safety would be in danger if

        12             the child were returned to a

        13             person having lawful custody of

        14             the child, then the Court shall

        15             make an order confirming the

        16             apprehension.

        17             As I said, I have no difficulty with

        18         12.2(1)(b) - that at the time of the

        19         apprehension, there were reasonable grounds

        20         for the apprehension.  But I also have to find

        21         that there are reasonable grounds to believe

        22         that the child needs protection.  Now I

        23         recognize that that is not finding that B.

        24         needs protection; it is simply reasonable

        25         grounds to believe that.

        26             Ms. K. has, according to the court order

        27         from October of 2009, and I recognize that

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         1         that order is just over three years old now,

         2         but she has joint custody with Mr. K. and she

         3         has the day-to-day care of B. or was given the

         4         day-to-day care by Justice Charbonneau.  I

         5         recognize that the status quo since late '09,

         6         perhaps early 2010, has been that B. has been

         7         in [community name edited] with her father, I

         8         recognize that is what the status quo is.

         9         But, there is a court order in place giving L.

        10         A. K. joint custody of B. and having the

        11         day-to-day care and control of B..

        12             The director concedes that that is a valid

        13         court order and I take it by that concession

        14         that that order has not been varied or changed

        15         and is, on the face of it, in effect.  As I

        16         understand the law, and I recognize this is

        17         family law, I do not see that family law is

        18         any different with respect to legal principles

        19         than any other kind of law.  But as I

        20         understand the law, a court order is effective

        21         until it is varied, quashed, changed, in some

        22         manner something is done that makes it not in

        23         effect any longer.

        24             Nothing has been done to that order.  I do

        25         not believe that a court order goes bad

        26         because it is "stale".

        27             I recognize that often custody orders,

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         1         access orders, maintenance orders are changed.

         2         They are fairly fluid instruments in family

         3         law.  But that is because they are changed,

         4         not because we decide they should be changed

         5         in that it has not been exercised or it has

         6         not been enforced and therefore it should not

         7         be been enforced.  If Mr. K. wanted to change

         8         that order, he could have perhaps made an

         9         application but at this point the order is

        10         still in effect.

        11             I do find that Ms. K. does have lawful

        12         custody of B. because of the order of Justice

        13         Charbonneau from October 29th, 2009.  That

        14         order gave L. A. K. joint custody of B. with

        15         day-to-day care and control.  So I find Ms. K.

        16         has lawful custody of B.

        17             I recognize as well that at this hearing,

        18         in all matters involving child protection

        19         concerns, it is the best interests of the

        20         child that has to be paramount.

        21             The director wants the apprehension

        22         confirmed and then says it will be bringing an

        23         application for temporary custody placing B.

        24         in foster care if a temporary custody order

        25         were obtained.  Being that Ms. K. has lawful

        26         custody of B. and from what I know of Ms. K.,

        27         and I have referred to it, what she has in her

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         1         affidavit, and even taking into account D. R's

         2         affidavit, the supplementary affidavit sworn

         3         on February the 21st, and I will refer briefly

         4         to that:  It refers to either one or two

         5         conversations, I do not know the details of

         6         these conversations, where B. told D. R.

         7         what B. says her mother told her.  It says

         8         that B. stated that her mother told her that

         9         her father drinks too much and "even when you

        10         were young he drank lots".  I don't know what

        11         context that was told to B. in and you could

        12         certainly put many different slants on that

        13         comment.  Whether perhaps Ms. K., if she said

        14         it even, was trying to explain to B. why the

        15         status quo may change and to explain to her

        16         why she was not living with her father,

        17         certainly that little bit of information does

        18         not cause me concerns about Ms. K. as a

        19         mother.

        20             The other comment with respect to "your

        21         grandmother is weak now, you may have to live

        22         with me as your grandmother won't live long".

        23         That comment is in quotes in Mr. R's

        24         affidavit.  I have to say the wording of that

        25         surprises me from an eight-year-old. I do not

        26         know what was said and, again, I do not know

        27         the context of that, or as well how that arose

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         1         in conversation.

         2             With respect to that affidavit, being that

         3         it is based on hearsay, causes me some concern

         4         as well with respect to weight.  But even if

         5         that did happen, even if those conversations

         6         did transpire, they cause me no concerns with

         7         respect to Ms. K's ability to parent B.

         8             Taking everything into consideration,

         9         recognizing that it is the best interests of

        10         B. that I have to keep in mind here, I do not

        11         find that there are reasonable grounds to find

        12         that today B. needs protection.  B's mother

        13         has stepped forward, she has lawful custody of

        14         B., and I have no concerns with her ability to

        15         parent B. on the information that has been put

        16         before me.  I do not find that Ms. K. has to

        17         prove that her situation is the best situation

        18         for B., or that her situation is not a bad

        19         situation for B..  from what I know of Ms. K's

        20         situation, and the fact that Ms. K. has

        21         stepped forward and said she wants B. returned

        22         to her care, there being nothing before me

        23         that B. has ever been in danger when she was

        24         in Ms. K's care, I am denying the director's

        25         application to have the apprehension

        26         confirmed.  I do not find that there are

        27         reasonable grounds to find B. in need of

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         1         protection today and B. is to be returned to

         2         Ms. K's care.  Ms. K. has lawful custody of

         3         B..

         4             Is there anything further needed on this,

         5         Ms. McIlmoyle?

         6     MS. McILMOYLE:        Your Honour, I am thinking

         7         that it is going to take some time to have B.

         8         brought down and I am wondering if Mrs. K.

         9         will be going up to pick her up or whether the

        10         director should have someone accompany her

        11         down here.  I am thinking Ms. K. should make

        12         the trip up there and then that way assist B.

        13         in saying good-bye to her grandparents, who

        14         she is very close to, and it is just my

        15         suggestion, Your Honour.  But I think that we

        16         have to be cognizant of the connection that

        17         the child does have with her grandmother and

        18         that we make that split as gentle as possible

        19         for her, and with her mother being there that

        20         might be the best way of getting through that

        21         transition period.

        22     THE COURT:            B. was not living with her

        23         grandparents, was she?

        24     MS. McILMOYLE:        Yes, she was.

        25     THE COURT:            Was Mr. K. living with his

        26         parents?

        27     MS. McILMOYLE:        Mr. K. was living with his

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         1         parents.

         2     THE COURT:            I have no jurisdiction, Ms.

         3         McIlmoyle, over any of that.

         4     MS. McILMOYLE:        I think that it is not going

         5         to happen that we get her on a flight out of

         6         there today but give us a few days to get

         7         everything in place and the director will

         8         follow the order that you have granted today.

         9     THE COURT:            I have not granted an order

        10         today, I have just dismissed the application.

        11     MS. McILMOYLE:        That's true, thank you, Your

        12         Honour.

        13     THE COURT:            Anything further, Ms.

        14         Savoie?

        15     MS. SAVOIE:           No, Your Honour.

        16     THE COURT:            Mr. Kinnear?

        17     MR. KINNEAR:          No, Your Honour, thank you.

        18     THE COURT:            Good luck, Ms. K.

        19             That is everything for today?   We will

        20         adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9:30.

        21     (ADJOURNMENT)


        23         ----------------------------------------------





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         2                          Certified correct to the
                                     best of my skill and
         3                           ability,

                                     Transcribed from an Audio
         5                           Disk provided to me,



                                     Lois Hewitt,
        10                           Court Reporter


















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 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.