Territorial Court

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SC C^ lob (Don

IN THE TERRITORIAL COURT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Ji c c OR-L P-EASONS FOR JUDGJ'IENT OF HIS LOrtDSHIP THE HONOUIUELE MR. JUSTICE \ VJILLL.M G. MO.t.iOW, g iven on t h o 24th d:.y o f Novoabor, A.D. , 1 9 6 6 , a t t h o Town of Kay R i v e r , N.W.T., In t h e n a t t e r Let'ween: WLP. M\JESTY TH£ QUEEN P-espondent - and -RODEPJCK JAr-ES CHALIFOUi: Appellant

.MO.-hRGW. J. In this case I take the same viev/ as the Justice of I the Peace, that it is r.ot i\ de^irt^ble situation for a person to cake liquor avnliable to teenagers, and in this case to a juvenile. There i;̂ no question about it, tĥ it this is one of the cciuses of so r::uch crime and oociil difflcidty in this area. If the Ordinance did not \vx\'Q its confused wording I v;ould feel that I should nalntain the same penaltyv nnd sentence.^ as was given by the Justice of the Peace.

Kowover, there is an inconelsteocy in the way the Ordinance is worded on penalties, end in̂ H3 Qudtin v ^ Itsi^/^unreported), Vx. Justice Sissons, fonner Judge of thia Court, wrote a Judgment in vhich he decided that-̂ 'the general penalty provision\Qnl7 applied in this type of c:xse. Instead of $100;^0^therefore 4t v/ould be a cvixinuD of ^^OiQQ-,

f The sentence v;ill therefore b^ vSO;©©'plus costs on each count, and in addition twenty-three days on each count. Should the ^ ^ ^^ ^

- 2 - -18 fine not bo paid within fourteen days there will bo an additional » thirty days in czch C3ce. Tho tvvo penalties will be concurrent, not consecutive. Docs that cover everything?

-Mr*v-̂ illittTrai Actually^tho fines v̂e been paid. JIhii- Coujrt^ Thoy hnvg-^e^n p-!>id-»- Ihen there will be no problem. There will be no costs on the (Appeal.

lir, Chalifoux, st-nnd up. You ore just lucky that there wau a raist.uke in the IDW, or it would h^ve stayed at $100,^0-— and thirty d.iys in each c^se. You must buck up, or you will be back here again. Do you understand?

Ay>r Yo3.

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 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.