Supreme Court

Decision Information

Decision information:

Abstract: Transcript of the Reasons for Sentence

Decision Content

              R. v. Kowana, 2009 NWTSC 10           S-1-CR-2008-000103


                IN THE MATTER OF:

                                 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN

                                         - v -

                                 BRENDA VALERIE KOWANA

              Transcript of the Reasons for Sentence delivered by The

              Honourable Justice L. Charbonneau, in Yellowknife, in the

              Northwest Territories, on the 16th day of February, 2009.


              Ms. T. Nguyen:          Counsel on behalf of the Crown

              Mr. J. Bran:            Counsel on behalf of the Accused


                              Charge under s. 267(a) C.C.

         1      THE COURT:             Counsel and Ms. Kowana, I have

         2          not had a lot of time this afternoon, but at the

         3          risk of not being as eloquent as I would like to

         4          be, I have had enough time to make a decision.

         5          So instead of delaying this any further, I am

         6          going to impose my sentence now and that way the

         7          matter will be over with this afternoon.  I would

         8          have preferred having a little bit more time to

         9          polish these reasons for sentence a little bit

        10          better, but under the circumstances I think it is

        11          best to just conclude the matter today and I

        12          understand that is very much what Ms. Kowana

        13          prefers.

        14               The circumstances that I heard this

        15          afternoon after Ms. Kowana pleaded guilty to a

        16          charge of assault with a weapon is that on the

        17          afternoon this incident happened she was trying

        18          to harm herself.  She had a knife.  Her uncle,

        19          who was present, tried to stop her, and he is the

        20          one, in the end, who got injured.  He has a very

        21          limited recollection of what took place, but he

        22          did suffer a stab wound that required some

        23          stitching to close.  He was treated and released

        24          from hospital the same day.  So fortunately for

        25          him and fortunately for Ms. Kowana, his injury

        26          was not as serious as it could have been.

        27               I have unfortunately had occasion to say

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         1          this before, but I will say it again.  When it

         2          comes to stabbings, the difference between a

         3          relatively minor injury and a very serious

         4          injury, and at times death, is often a matter of

         5          a few centimetres, and always, more than anything

         6          else, a question of pure luck.  So it is a very

         7          lucky thing indeed that nothing more serious

         8          happened on this occasion.

         9               I heard that Ms. Kowana was released on a

        10          recognizance on this matter, but she breached her

        11          promise to the court twice and eventually was

        12          taken back into custody.  I was told this

        13          afternoon that she entered guilty pleas to two

        14          breach charges, both of which were alcohol

        15          related, in other words, breaches of the

        16          condition not to consume alcohol, and she was

        17          sentenced for those back in December of 2008.

        18               From what has been said on her behalf and

        19          what she has told the Court herself directly

        20          earlier this afternoon, it is clear that alcohol

        21          is a major problem for her.  It has led to most,

        22          if not all, of the convictions on her criminal

        23          record.  It has led to the events that bring her

        24          before the court today, as well as to the two

        25          breaches that I have already referred to.

        26               On this particular charge, the time she has

        27          spent on remand was from December 18th, 2008, to

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         1          today's date, so just about two months.

         2               The Crown has argued that a fit sentence for

         3          this offence would be four months' imprisonment

         4          considering Ms. Kowana's criminal record but

         5          taking into account the unusual circumstances of

         6          this offence, in other words, the fact that she

         7          was actually trying to harm herself as opposed to

         8          trying to attack another person, and also taking

         9          into consideration her guilty plea and the fact

        10          that she waived her preliminary inquiry so that

        11          no witnesses ever had to testify about this case.

        12               In any sentencing, the Court has to consider

        13          the circumstances of the offence and the

        14          circumstances of the offender.  The Criminal Code

        15          includes a number of sentencing principles and I

        16          have considered them.  I have addressed my mind,

        17          in particular, to whether Ms. Kowana's aboriginal

        18          status should impact on the sentence to be

        19          imposed on her today.  I gave counsel an

        20          opportunity to draw to my attention any factors

        21          that I should be aware of in this regard.  After

        22          consulting with his client, counsel said there

        23          was nothing in particular that could be drawn to

        24          my attention bearing on this issue.  Because it

        25          is clear that Ms. Kowana is anxious to have this

        26          matter dealt with today, I do not think it would

        27          be appropriate or in her best interest to adjourn

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         1          this matter any further to attempt to gain more

         2          information about this.

         3               Generally speaking, offences that involve

         4          the use of weapons, and in particular knives,

         5          lead to the imposition of jail terms

         6          significantly longer than the four months that is

         7          being sought in this case, at least in this

         8          jurisdiction.  This is because of the inherent

         9          danger of serious harm to the victim whenever a

        10          knife is used in an assault.  Many of the

        11          homicide cases that we have had in this

        12          jurisdiction over recent years and even over a

        13          longer term period have involved stabbings.  The

        14          courts tend to impose severe penalties for these

        15          types of offences, even in those fortunate cases

        16          where the injuries are not at the most serious

        17          end of the scale.  So in that sense, the sentence

        18          that is being sought here by the Crown is outside

        19          the usual range, especially considering

        20          Ms. Kowana's record.  But I have concluded that

        21          it is an appropriate range given the fact that

        22          the circumstances of this case are unusual.

        23          Ms. Kowana, unlike many people in this

        24          jurisdiction who sometimes do, did not pick up a

        25          knife in anger to attack someone else or

        26          introduce a weapon in what was before a

        27          consensual fight.  She was trying to harm herself

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         1          and ended up hurting someone who was trying to

         2          stop her.  So I do agree that in the very unusual

         3          circumstances of this case, a four month sentence

         4          is a fit sentence.  That leaves the question of

         5          how much credit Ms. Kowana should receive for the

         6          time she has spent on remand.

         7               Defence counsel has argued that Ms. Kowana

         8          should get credit on two-for-one scale.  I am not

         9          entirely clear on what the Crown's position is.

        10          They do not seem to be suggesting strongly that

        11          credit be given on a ratio other than

        12          two-for-one.  But they have also said that the

        13          sentence of time served, which is essentially

        14          what the defence is asking, is not to be treated

        15          as a joint submission.  So my interpretation is

        16          the Crown is more or less leaving it in the

        17          Court's hands to decide how much credit to give

        18          to the remand time.

        19               How much credit is given for remand time is

        20          a matter for the court's discretion.  Sometimes

        21          two-for-one credit is given but it is not an

        22          absolute or hard and fast rule.  In circumstances

        23          such as these where Ms. Kowana was initially

        24          released and only ended up back in custody as a

        25          result of breaches, I do not think it is

        26          appropriate to use the two-for-one credit ratio

        27          and I think a one-for-one credit is the most that

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         1          the Court can give to her.  Ms. Kowana ended up

         2          in custody on this matter because she was unable

         3          to keep her promise to the Court.  The fact that

         4          she was released in the first place, considering

         5          that she was facing an aggravated assault charge

         6          and that she had a large number of convictions on

         7          her record for failing to comply with court

         8          orders, is already somewhat surprising to the

         9          Court.  But certainly the fact that she then

        10          ended up back in custody because of her breaches

        11          affects how much credit could be given to her for

        12          her remand time.

        13               Ms. Kowana herself has talked about her

        14          alcohol problem, about issues she has faced, and

        15          about losing her children because of alcohol.

        16          She says she wants to address her issues in the

        17          hopes of one day being able to get her children

        18          back.  She wants to relocate to Yellowknife when

        19          she is released because she thinks that she will

        20          have access to better resources here, perhaps

        21          more options, and also maybe have more regular

        22          contact with the Department of Social Services so

        23          she can work towards getting her children back.

        24          She has had her difficulties, but she is, I

        25          emphasize again, very lucky that nothing more

        26          serious happened on this day.  One can only hope

        27          that these events will be the trigger for her to

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         1          turn her life around for good, and that is what

         2          the Court sincerely wishes for her.  Only time

         3          will tell.

         4               As I have already said, the sentence that is

         5          sought by the Crown is at the very, very low end

         6          of the range of sentences imposed for this type

         7          of crime.  While I agree that the guilty plea for

         8          which I give Ms. Kowana full credit and the

         9          circumstances of the offence made that suggestion

        10          a fit sentence, I am not able to agree that time

        11          served is appropriate because of the views I hold

        12          with respect to how much credit can be given to

        13          the time spent on remand.

        14               Ms. Kowana, can you stand, please.

        15               Ms. Kowana, for this offence of assault with

        16          a weapon, I am going to sentence you to two

        17          months' imprisonment, which is four months minus

        18          the two that you have already spent on the

        19          remand.

        20               You can sit down.

        21               The Crown has sought a firearms prohibition

        22          order, and because it is mandatory in a case like

        23          this I will make that order.

        24               I will also make a DNA order which I

        25          understand is also mandatory in the circumstances

        26          of this case.

        27               As I said, Ms. Kowana, there are things that

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         1          only you can do to stop this cycle of being in

         2          and out of court.  You were able to stay out of

         3          court for a good stretch of time in early 2000,

         4          and that means you are able to do that if you set

         5          your mind to it.  You are still quite young and

         6          you have time to turn your life around and I wish

         7          you the best of luck in doing that after your

         8          release.  I really hope you will be able to deal

         9          with your issues and do the things you want to

        10          do.  You still have a lot of time ahead of you in

        11          your life to do good things, if that is what you

        12          choose to do.  I wish you luck.

        13               Is there anything else, counsel?

        14      MS. TKATCH:            No, Your Honour.

        15      THE COURT:             Mr. Bran?

        16      MR. BRAN:              I believe that covers

        17          everything.

        18      THE COURT:             You don't need any orders for

        19          exhibits or anything of that?

        20      MS. TKATCH:            No.

        21      THE COURT CLERK:       How long is the period of

        22          firearms prohibition?

        23      THE COURT:             Ten years.

        24               We can close court.

        25                ..............................



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         2                             Certified to be a true and
                                       accurate transcript pursuant
         3                             to Rule 723 and 724 of the
                                       Supreme Court Rules of Court.

         6                             Annette Wright, RPR, CSR(A)
                                       Court Reporter





















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