Supreme Court

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Decision information:

Abstract: Transcript of the Reasons for Sentence

Decision Content

              R. v. Beaulieu, 2009 NWTSC 09         S-1-CR-2008-000102


                IN THE MATTER OF:

                                 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN

                                         - v -

                                 JIMMY PHILLIP BEAULIEU

              Transcript of the Reasons for Sentence delivered by The

              Honourable Justice J.E. Richard, in Yellowknife, in the

              Northwest Territories, on the 10th day of February, 2009.


              Ms. S. Smallwood:       Counsel on behalf of the Crown

              Mr. D. Rideout:         Counsel on behalf of the Accused


                   Charges under ss. 434.1 C.C. and 145(5.1) C.C. x 2

         1      THE COURT:             The offender before the court

         2          is Jimmy Beaulieu, a 46-year-old Dene from

         3          Dettah.  He has pleaded guilty to the crime of

         4          arson and two other offences, and it is now the

         5          Court's responsibility to impose an appropriate

         6          sentence.

         7               In July of last year, the offender was

         8          charged with another offence, and while awaiting

         9          his date in court for that other matter he was

        10          released on bail with conditions.  Those

        11          conditions included no contact with his estranged

        12          spouse and their children, to stay away from the

        13          family home in Dettah, and no consumption of

        14          alcohol.

        15               On the evening of August 2nd, the offender

        16          was in a bar in Yellowknife drinking and had

        17          contact there with his estranged spouse.

        18               Early the next morning, the offender showed

        19          up at the family home in Dettah and he set fire

        20          to the family home.  Two of his daughters were

        21          sleeping in the home.  The offender woke them up

        22          and told them to leave before he set the fire.

        23          He set the fire in the crawl space area directly

        24          beneath the master bedroom and there was

        25          extensive damage to the master bedroom and to the

        26          crawl space.  No injuries were suffered by

        27          anyone.

       Official Court Reporters

         1               The fire department was called from downtown

         2          Yellowknife, but by the time they got to Dettah

         3          the fire had fortunately burned itself out.

         4               Two days later, the offender Jimmy Beaulieu

         5          turned himself in to the RCMP detachment in

         6          Yellowknife.  He has been in custody since that

         7          time.

         8               The offender, by his own admission, suffers

         9          from alcoholism.  He had a very difficult

        10          childhood and was raised at times in a very

        11          dysfunctional household or family environment.

        12          He is aware that he has serious emotional issues

        13          arising out of his upbringing and he wants to get

        14          help.  He knows that he needs treatment.  He says

        15          that on the night he committed this serious

        16          offence his drinking allowed his rage, his anger,

        17          to get the better of him.  He states that he is

        18          sorry for the hurt that he has caused to his

        19          family and he wants their forgiveness.  He takes

        20          full responsibility for his actions and does not

        21          blame anyone but himself.

        22               Mr. Beaulieu's estranged spouse, Stacey

        23          Lermo, presented a victim impact statement to the

        24          court.  She described the impact of Jimmy

        25          Beaulieu's crime on her and the children, in

        26          particular, fear, worry about their future

        27          well-being, sleeplessness, and low self-esteem.

       Official Court Reporters

         1          She says she and her children are suffering in

         2          particular because they now have no home of their

         3          own.  She has difficulty understanding why some

         4          people in the community appear to be resentful

         5          towards her, or are blaming her for the fact that

         6          Jimmy Beaulieu committed this crime and will be

         7          in jail because of it.  One would hope that

         8          anyone in the community who is of the view that

         9          Stacey Lermo is to blame for the predicament that

        10          Jimmy Beaulieu finds himself in today will

        11          consider carefully the words of Jimmy Beaulieu in

        12          court today, words that I take to be sincere,

        13          particularly when he says that he takes full

        14          responsibility for what he did, that he does not

        15          blame anyone but himself for the events that

        16          bring him to court today.

        17               The offender before the court, as stated, is

        18          an aboriginal person 46 years of age.  He is

        19          estranged from his spouse.  They have five

        20          children.  As a teenager, the offender learned

        21          traditional land skills from his extended family.

        22          He has a Grade 8 equivalent formal education and

        23          additional trades training as a heavy equipment

        24          operator.  I am told that he has maintained

        25          fairly steady employment throughout his adult

        26          life, particularly in the mining industry.

        27               The offender has a limited criminal record.

       Official Court Reporters

         1          In particular, he was convicted of assault in

         2          1994, he was convicted of spousal assault in

         3          2003, and he was convicted of a drinking and

         4          driving offence in 2008.

         5               The crime of arson committed by Jimmy

         6          Beaulieu is the type of arson described in

         7          section 434.1 of the Criminal Code, that is, in

         8          this case intentionally causing damage by fire to

         9          property that is owned wholly or partly by

        10          himself and where the fire seriously threatened

        11          the property of Stacey Lermo.  This crime of

        12          arson contrary to section 434.1 of the Criminal

        13          Code carries a maximum sentence of 14 years'

        14          imprisonment in a federal penitentiary.  Each of

        15          the other two counts in the Indictment - breach

        16          of undertaking - carries a maximum sentence of

        17          two years' imprisonment.  There are no minimum

        18          sentences prescribed for these particular crimes.

        19          Thus, the Court has a wide discretion to impose a

        20          fit and proper sentence in each case after

        21          considering the offender's individual or personal

        22          circumstances, the particular circumstances of

        23          the crime committed by him, and the principles of

        24          sentencing.

        25               It is to Jimmy Beaulieu's credit that in

        26          this difficult time for him he has the support of

        27          his sister and of many friends and acquaintances,

       Official Court Reporters

         1          some of whom have written letters of support for

         2          him and many of whom have attended court today to

         3          lend moral support.

         4               It is also to his credit that he has

         5          expended a great deal of time and energy these

         6          past five or six months in self-examination, in

         7          introspection, in attempting to come to grips

         8          with his alcoholism and his various emotional

         9          issues, such as anger, jealousy, and resentment.

        10          This indicates to the Court that he is already

        11          taking positive steps towards his rehabilitation.

        12               The crime of arson is a serious offence.  It

        13          is an aggravating feature of the crime of arson

        14          committed by this offender that it occurred while

        15          he was bound by a legal undertaking (a) to

        16          abstain from consuming alcohol and (b) to stay

        17          away from the family residence in Dettah.

        18               In the determination of sentence, there are

        19          circumstances that operate to mitigate the

        20          sentence that would otherwise be imposed on this

        21          offender.  There is the plea of guilty which I

        22          accept as being made at the earliest reasonable

        23          opportunity in the circumstances; there is the

        24          offender's genuine expression of remorse and his

        25          acceptance of full responsibility for his own

        26          actions; and there is the fact that the offender

        27          has already taken concrete steps to address his

       Official Court Reporters

         1          alcoholism and his emotional problems.

         2               In the determination of sentence, I have

         3          taken into account the fact that Mr. Beaulieu has

         4          been in custody on remand since August 5th, 2008.

         5               Please stand, Mr. Beaulieu.

         6               Jimmy Philip Beaulieu, for the crimes that

         7          you have committed, it is the sentence of the

         8          Court that on Count 1 you serve a term of

         9          imprisonment of 15 months; on Count 2, that you

        10          serve a term of imprisonment of three months

        11          concurrent; and on Count 3, that you serve a term

        12          of imprisonment of three months concurrent.  That

        13          is a total of 15 months' imprisonment.

        14               In addition, I direct that you comply with

        15          the conditions prescribed in a probation order

        16          for a period of 12 months following your release.

        17          In addition to the statutory conditions of the

        18          probation order, there will be only one other

        19          condition, and that is that there be no

        20          communication directly or indirectly with Stacey

        21          Lermo.

        22               In the circumstances, there will be no

        23          victim fine surcharge.

        24               Have a seat, sir.

        25               Anything further from the Crown?

        26      MS. SMALLWOOD:         Nothing, sir.

        27      THE COURT:             Mr. Rideout?

       Official Court Reporters

         1      MR. RIDEOUT:           Just for clarity, Your Honour,

         2          the 15 months on Count 1, that's having already

         3          deducted time for pre-trial custody?

         4      THE COURT:             Yes.

         5      MR. RIDEOUT:           Thank you.

         6      THE COURT:             Mr. Beaulieu, I wish you good

         7          luck, sir, in your rehabilitation.  You know more

         8          than I do that most of the inmates out there at

         9          the correctional centre are younger than you, and

        10          they are there because of a problem with booze.

        11          It sounds to me that you can be of assistance to

        12          those other inmates.  I hope that you use your

        13          time out there in a positive fashion in that

        14          manner.  Good luck to you.

        15               We'll close court.

        16                ..............................


        18                             Certified to be a true and
                                       accurate transcript pursuant
        19                             to Rule 723 and 724 of the
                                       Supreme Court Rules of Court.

        22                             Annette Wright, RPR, CSR(A)
                                       Court Reporter





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