Supreme Court

Decision Information

Decision information:

Abstract: Transcript of a Hearing Pursuant to the Protection Against Family Violence Act

Decision Content

             Hurst v. Matheson, 2008 NWTSC 84



             B E T W E E N:

                                MAVIS HURST


                                 - and -

                              MICHAEL MATHESON



             Transcript of a Hearing pursuant to the Protection Against

             Family Violence Act before The Honourable Justice L. A.

             Charbonneau, at Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories,

             on October 16th A.D., 2008.



             Ms. Mavis Hurst:               Appeared on her own behalf
                                            by telephone

             No Party Present:              On behalf of the Respondent

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     1      THE COURT:             Can you hear me, Ms. Hurst?

         2      MS. HURST:             Yes, I can.

         3      THE COURT:             Ms. Hurst, you applied in

         4          September for an Emergency Protection Order and

         5          your application was granted by a Justice of the

         6          Peace, and the order expires next week.  But you

         7          have sent documents to the Court registry where

         8          you indicated that you would like to have this

         9          order revoked, is that correct?

        10      MS. HURST:             Yes.

        11      THE COURT:             Now, in a revocation -- I

        12          should tell you that pursuant to the Protection

        13          Against Family Violence Act, normally for

        14          hearings like this both parties have to be

        15          served.  And I take it Mr. Matheson has not been

        16          served but if your request is to have this order

        17          revoked, it is not going to affect any of his

        18          rights so I am prepared to proceed on that basis.

        19      MS. HURST:             Sure.

        20      THE COURT:             In a revocation hearing, the

        21          Court has to consider the evidence that was

        22          before the Justice of the Peace when the

        23          Emergency Protection Order was issued, as well as

        24          any other evidence that is presented.  So can you

        25          tell me the reasons why you want to have this

        26          order revoked?

        27      MS. HURST:             I, well I am, I have two young

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         1          children and I find myself struggling with, I

         2          grew up with no father and stuff and so did my

         3          sisters and brothers and I don't that for my

         4          children.  I am just trying to work things out

         5          and hopefully, 'cause I now longer have

         6          addictions or, like I have been in sobriety for

         7          many years and I understand that you, I cannot

         8          tell somebody to do this and that for alcoholism

         9          and stuff so.  I was told by my addiction

        10          counsellor here in Inuvik, you know, be more,

        11          prayer, praying and stuff, so that's all I can

        12          do.

        13      THE COURT:             So when the hearing proceeded

        14          before the J.P., it sounded like at that time you

        15          were thinking of maybe trying to get legal

        16          assistance and maybe separate from Mr. Matheson.

        17          Am I to understand that you are going to try to

        18          see if your relationship can work out?

        19      MS. HURST:             Yes, we are.

        20      THE COURT:             And the reason, one of the

        21          concerns that the Court has, Ms. Hurst, is that

        22          of course all I have is the transcript of your

        23          testimony, I don't have his side of events, but

        24          when you were talking to the Justice of the

        25          Peace, you talked about conduct that Mr. Matheson

        26          had displayed, verbal and physical abuse directed

        27          at you, but also verbal abuse and to some extent

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         1          physical interference with your children as well.

         2          So of course in the same way that you cannot

         3          force another person to stop drinking, the Court

         4          cannot really --

         5      MS. HURST:             Yeah.

         6      THE COURT:             -- well the Court can, but the

         7          Court doesn't usually force adults to have

         8          protection that they do not want.  But when it

         9          comes to children there is -- as I am sure you

        10          understand, there are other concerns.  So what

        11          are your intentions if there were to be further

        12          problems involving the children?

        13      MS. HURST:             Well, remove them and go get

        14          help for understanding the abuse and protection

        15          for the children.  It's mainly for the children.

        16          To recognize abuse and stuff, for people that are

        17          in it and shouldn't be around it.

        18      THE COURT:             Where is Mr. Matheson now?

        19      MS. HURST:             He is in, I believe in Sachs

        20          Harbour working.

        21      THE COURT:             Do you know when he is

        22          supposed to come back?

        23      MS. HURST:             I think end of the month so.

        24      THE COURT:             So he's not going to be in the

        25          community in any event between now and October

        26          22nd?

        27      MS. HURST:             No.

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         1      THE COURT:             And was it your intention then

         2          to try to reconcile with him when he returns at

         3          the end of the month?

         4      MS. HURST:             Yes.  Yes.

         5      THE COURT:             All right, thank you, Ms.

         6          Hurst, I think that I don't need to ask you any

         7          more questions.

         8               Just for the record I am going to give my

         9          decision and a few reasons related to it in case

        10          someone one day wants to understand what happened

        11          here today.

        12      MS. HURST:             Yeah.

        13      THE COURT:             So you should listen to this

        14          carefully, and I think that I may ask the clerk

        15          to make arrangements to have a transcript

        16          prepared so that Mr. Matheson can be served with

        17          it so that he knows what was said today and in

        18          particular what I said, just because he is not

        19          here so he is not able to hear me now.

        20      MS. HURST:             Yeah, m'hm.

        21      THE COURT:             These are my reasons for

        22          decision on this application to revoke an

        23          Emergency Protection Order that was issued on

        24          September 22nd, 2008.

        25               On that date, after having heard testimony

        26          from the applicant, as well as brief comments

        27          from a police officer who was assisting her, the

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         1          Justice of the Peace issued an Emergency

         2          Protection Order pursuant to Section 4 of the

         3          Protection Against Family Violence Act.  This

         4          order was reviewed in this Court, as is required

         5          by the Act, and it was confirmed, and the order

         6          was made to last until October 22nd, which is

         7          next week.

         8               It appears from the transcript of the

         9          hearing that the purpose of the Justice of the

        10          Peace was to provide Ms. Hurst with some time to

        11          make decisions and get herself organized to

        12          decide if she would separate permanently from the

        13          respondent, and this is why presumably the order

        14          was made for a period of 30 days which is not the

        15          maximum period of time for which these orders can

        16          be made.

        17               The applicant has now filed documents asking

        18          for that order to be revoked.

        19               It is provided for in Section 9 of the Act

        20          that an Emergency Protection Order can be revoked

        21          upon application by either the person who asked

        22          for the order or on application of the person

        23          against whom the order has been made.  Although

        24          the documents that were sent to the Court

        25          registry were not in the proper form, I decided

        26          to treat them as a request by the applicant for a

        27          revocation hearing and I scheduled this hearing

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         1          to proceed today.

         2               As I said already, at a revocation hearing

         3          the Court has to look at and consider the

         4          evidence that was adduced in front of the Justice

         5          of the Peace at the original hearing as well as

         6          any other information or evidence presented at

         7          the hearing.  I have read carefully the

         8          transcript of the hearing that proceeded before

         9          the Justice of the Peace.

        10               In that hearing, the applicant talked about

        11          past incidents of violence involving the

        12          respondent.  The police officer who was assisting

        13          her at the hearing confirmed that the respondent

        14          was convicted in 2007 of assault and received one

        15          day in jail and six months probation.  The

        16          applicant testified then that what prompted her

        17          to make the request for the Emergency Protection

        18          Order was that there was a very recent incident

        19          where the respondent had become angry and was

        20          being very verbally abusive to her and to the

        21          children.  And she also talked about various

        22          instances in the past where similar things had

        23          occurred.  The Court is concerned about this

        24          evidence because these children are very young.

        25          They were born one in 2005 and the other in 2007.

        26               There is no question that the conduct

        27          described by the applicant does constitute abuse

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         1          and does constitute family violence within the

         2          meaning of the Act and that is why the Justice of

         3          the Peace issued the order and that is why this

         4          Court confirmed it.  The applicant now wants the

         5          Emergency Protection Order set aside.  She wants

         6          to have contact with the respondent and she wants

         7          him to have contact with her and at this point

         8          she has indicated to the Court that she hopes to

         9          make the relationship work.

        10               As I have said, the Court is concerned and I

        11          am sure that the applicant understands why the

        12          kind of conduct that was described at the hearing

        13          is conduct that has a very negative impact on

        14          children.  I am mindful that we have not heard

        15          any evidence from the respondent about his

        16          version of events but it is of note that there

        17          appears to have already been some involvement by

        18          Social Services with respect to some problems,

        19          and that there was in fact a Plan of Care put in

        20          place that lasted for a number of months.

        21               The applicant is entitled to apply to have

        22          this order revoked and that's her choice, but

        23          both parties need to understand that the kind of

        24          conduct that was described at the hearing in

        25          front of the J.P. is conduct that is harmful to

        26          children.  And especially if Social Services have

        27          been involved in the past, it is likely that they

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         1          will not hesitate to involve themselves again if

         2          they were to find out that there is information

         3          suggesting that the children are in need of

         4          protection.  I would say that if either parent is

         5          verbally or physically abusive towards the

         6          children and the other parent does not do

         7          something to protect them, that leaves very

         8          little choice to the authorities but to step in.

         9          The Court sincerely hopes that it will not be

        10          held against those involved but I make these

        11          comments just so that it is clear to all that the

        12          conduct alleged in this instance, not just toward

        13          the applicant but toward the young children, was

        14          serious and of concern.

        15               I do take into consideration other things

        16          that the applicant has said today.  She has

        17          struggled with alcohol and has been able to

        18          overcome her addiction and has been sober for a

        19          number of years.  She also mentioned that to the

        20          Justice of the Peace at the hearing back in

        21          September.  And she has indicated clearly her

        22          intention to take steps to protect her children

        23          if there is any further type of incident of the

        24          kind that she referred to.

        25               I also take into account that she has said

        26          Mr. Matheson is actually not in the same

        27          community as she is and is gone until the end of

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         1          the month.  Because this order would expire in

         2          less than a week in any event, it probably does

         3          not make that much of a difference to keep it in

         4          place if Mr. Matheson is not in town.  But the

         5          main point here is that the legislation provides

         6          a means for people to seek the protection of the

         7          Court when they feel they need it on an urgent

         8          basis.  It is not there for the Court to force

         9          protection upon people who no longer wish to have

        10          it.

        11               In light of the applicant's request, and

        12          what she has told the Court today, I will grant

        13          her application.  I will revoke the Emergency

        14          Protection Order that was issued on September

        15          22nd, 2008.

        16               I am going to ask the clerk to prepare an

        17          order to this effect.  I am going to ask that a

        18          transcript of these reasons be prepared and that

        19          the order and the transcript be served on the

        20          respondent as well as on the applicant.

        21               So that's all we need to do on this matter,

        22          Madam Clerk, and we will close court.  Good-bye,

        23          Ms. Hurst, and good luck.

        24      MS. HURST:             Thank you.

        25          -------------------------------------



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         3                             Certified correct to the best
                                       of my skill and ability,

         5                             Transcribed from an Audio
                                       Recording provided to me,




        10                             ____________________________

        11                             Lois Hewitt, CSR(A), RPR, CRR
                                       Court Reporter
















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