Court of Appeal

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Citation: Nyiti v. Cape Breton University , 2009 NSCA 69


Date: 20090617

Docket: CA 307022

Registry: Halifax




Raphael Nyiti




The Board of Governors,

Cape Breton University




Judges:                           Saunders, Oland and Fichaud, JJ.A.


Appeal Heard:                June 17, 2009, in Halifax, Nova Scotia


Written Judgment:         June 17, 2009


Held:                    Appeal dismissed per oral reasons for judgment of Saunders, J.A.; Oland and Fichaud, JJ.A. concurring.


Counsel:                         Hugh R. McLeod, for the appellant

Nancy F. Bareaux and Krista Smith, for the respondent

Reasons for judgment: (Orally)


[1]              We are unanimously of the view that the appeal ought to be dismissed.


[2]              The trial judge made no error in law resulting in an injustice when he allowed the respondent’s application for summary judgment pursuant to 1972 Civil Procedure Rule 13 based on his clear findings that Mr. Nyiti had failed to assert or offer any facts to support his claims of fraud and breach of trust, and that therefore such claims had no real chance of success at trial.  It is unnecessary to comment on the time limitation for the commencement of an action for breach of trust.


[3]              We would not disturb Justice Edwards’ order dated January 22, 2009, which effectively leaves outstanding only the claim of breach of fiduciary duty.


[4]              While leave to appeal this interlocutory order is granted, the appeal is dismissed with costs to the respondent in the amount of $1,500.00 inclusive of disbursements.





Saunders, J.A.


Concurred in:


Oland, J.A.


Fichaud, J.A.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.