Court of Appeal

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                           NOVA SCOTIA COURT OF APPEAL

   Citation: Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company v. Hillier, 2005 NSCA 151


                                                                                                     Date: 20051124

                                                                                               Docket: CA 248952

                                                                                                 Registry:  Halifax




                      Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada,

                                                  a body corporate




                                                      Gary Hillier






Judge:                  The Honourable Justice Thomas Cromwell


Appeal Heard:      November 10, 2005


Subject:                Summary judgment - Abuse of process


Summary:             After a civil jury trial, Mr. Hillier recovered a tort judgment in a personal injury action.  The award included a sum for future loss of earnings.  He then sued his Section B insurer for loss of income benefits.  The insurer applied for summary judgment, arguing that the action was an abuse of process because the judgment in the civil trial settled Mr. Hilliers claims for loss of income.  The chambers judge dismissed the insurers application and it appealed.


Issues:                 Did the chambers judge err in dismissing the summary judgment application?


Result:                  Appeal dismissed.  The issues on which Mr. Hilliers entitlement to Section B benefits depended were not the same as those resolved by the jury in the tort action.  Questions about the rights as among Mr. Hillier, the tortfeasor and the Section B insurer in the event Mr. Hillier proved entitlement under Section B were not before the Court.






This information sheet does not form part of the courts judgment.  Quotes must be from the judgment, not this cover sheet.  The full court judgment consists of 4 pages.


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.