New Mexico Forms Library

Decision Information

Citations - New Mexico Laws and Court Rules
Chapter 40 - Domestic Affairs - cited by 2,520 documents
Rule Set 4A - Domestic Relations Forms - cited by 271 documents

Decision Content

4A-402. Petition to establish parentage.



COUNTY OF ___________________________

_____________________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT






v.                                                                                                                     No. ____________






            I, ____________________________, (person listed as petitioner above) am the petitioner in this case and I have [a child] [children] with _________________________ (person listed as respondent), "the parties".  The parties ask the court for a Final Decree Establishing Parentage that establishes that __________________________ (name of father) is the father of the [child] [children] listed below and approves the parties' parenting plan for their [child] [children].


1.         The parties have [or are expecting] ______ (number) minor [child] [children] together. 

2.         The parties are filing a completed Custody Plan, Form 4A-302 NMRA, and Child Support Obligation, Form 4A-303 NMRA, at the same time as this petition.

3.         Father lives in _______________________ County.  Mother lives in _______________________ County.  Venue is proper because one of us lives in the county listed in the case caption above.

4.         Both parties have gotten the help needed in order to sign this document.

5.         The parties are the parents of:

            Child's name                                               Date of birth            Age

            _______________________                     _____________       ________

            _______________________                     _____________       ________

            _______________________                     _____________       ________

            _______________________                     _____________       ________


6.         Our [child] [children] have lived in New Mexico since birth or for at least the past six (6) months.  For the past five (5) years, our children have lived:

            Child's addresses                          Dates of                                People in

                                                                        residence                             residence

            Present address:                             

            _____________________                         ________________            ________________


            _____________________                         ________________            ________________


            Past addresses:

            _____________________                         ________________            ________________            

            _____________________                         ________________            ________________            

            _____________________                         ________________            ________________            

            _____________________                         ________________            ________________

(If applicable, check below and list each proceeding.)


7.         [  ]        The above [child has] [children have] been the subject of the following prior custody or support proceedings:


            Case Name              Case                          Court name              Location


            ______________     ____________         ______________     ________________

            ______________     ____________         ______________     ________________

            [  ]        No other custody or support proceeding has been filed in any state involving the above named [child] [children].


8.         (check applicable)

            [  ]        No person other than the parties to this proceeding has claimed custody or visitation rights for the above named [child] [children].

            [  ]        The following named persons have custody or visitation rights to the above named [child] [children]:

            ______________________________     ______________________________

            (Name of person)                                         (Address)


            ______________________________     ______________________________

            (Name of person)                                         (Address)


9.         Parentage has been established because the father has acknowledged that he is the father of the [child] [children].

10.       We understand that once the judge signs the Final Decree of Parentage, we will be ordered to do the things we agreed to do in the parenting plan.


When I sign here, I am telling the judge that I have read this document and agree with everything in it.  I state upon my oath or affirmation that this document and the statements in it are true and correct to the best of my information and belief.



Petitioner’s signature


Address:        ___________________________________________



Telephone:    ___________________________________________




Respondent’s signature


Address:        ___________________________________________



Telephone:    ___________________________________________


STATE OF NEW MEXICO             )

                                                            )  ss.

COUNTY OF                                    )


Acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of _____________, _____ by _______________________, the petitioner.


My commission expires: ___________________

___________________________ Notary Public


STATE OF NEW MEXICO             )

                                                            )  ss.

COUNTY OF                                    )


Acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of _____________, _____ by _______________________, the respondent.


My commission expires: ___________________

___________________________ Notary Public




            1.         See Form 4A-401 NMRA for an explanation of an uncontested paternity proceeding and how to complete these forms.

            2.         Section 40-10A-209 NMSA 1978 requires the following information be disclosed:

                        name of the child;

                        the places the child has lived in the last five (5) years; and

the names and addresses of the persons with whom the child has lived in the last five (5) years.

            3.         After completing this form the petitioner and respondent must sign their names before a notary.

[Approved, effective November 1, 2002; 4A-331 recompiled as 4A-402 by Supreme Court Order No. 13-8300-010, effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after May 31, 2013, in all cases pending or filed on or after May 31, 2013; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 13-8300-014, effective immediately in all cases pending or filed on or after June 24, 2013.]

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.