New Mexico Forms Library

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Citations - New Mexico Laws and Court Rules
Chapter 27 - Public Assistance - cited by 1,005 documents
Rule Set 4 - Civil Forms - cited by 854 documents

Decision Content

4A-101. Domestic relations information sheet.




Type or print responses. Required in all domestic relations cases.2

(Do not use in domestic violence cases.)


A.        Petitioner’s attorney information.  (Complete only if Petitioner has an attorney.)


Petitioner’s name:    _____________________________________________

Attorney’s name:      _____________________________________________

Attorney’s address:  _____________________________________________

City:                            _____________________________________________

State:                          _____________________________________________

Zip code:                    _____________________________________________

Telephone:                _____________________________________________


B.        Information regarding petitioner and respondent.  (Do not use an attorney’s mailing address.  Use a separate sheet if necessary.) 





Name: _________________________


Name: _________________________

(Last name, first, middle)


(Last name, first, middle)

Other names (e.g. maiden name):


Other names (e.g. maiden name):




Address: ________________________


Address: ________________________

City: ___________________________


City: ___________________________

Zip code: ________________________


Zip code: ________________________

Date of birth: _____________________


Date of birth: _____________________

Social Security number3: ___________


Social Security number3: ___________


C.        Parties’ minor children.  (Provide the date of birth and social security number for each minor child, if any.  Use a separate sheet if necessary.)


Name: __________________________


Name: __________________________

(Last name, first, middle)


(Last name, first, middle)

Date of birth: _____________________


Date of birth: _____________________

Social Security number: ____________


Social Security number: ____________




Name: __________________________


Name: __________________________

(Last name, first, middle)


(Last name, first, middle)

Date of birth: _____________________


Date of birth: _____________________

Social Security number: ____________


Social Security number: ____________


D.        Request to limit access to information.

            (Optional – complete only if applicable)

[ ]         The [petitioner] [respondent] has reason to fear domestic violence or child abuse. For this reason, please limit access to information about the [petitioner] [respondent] in the Child Support & Paternity Case Registry to the extent possible.4  The [petitioner] [respondent] realizes that this request may make it more difficult to assist in collecting child support.  The [petitioner] [respondent] understands that the other party and the public might still view information about this case under some circumstances.


            I affirm that this request is legitimately made and not designed to harass or intimidate the other party or mislead the court.


                                                            Signature of Petitioner






            1.         The Domestic Relations Information Sheet is not required in domestic violence, commitment, guardianship, probate, or adoption actions; or if you are filing a pleading that does not change or add to the first pleading. 

            In uncontested domestic relations matters, the parties may submit one Information Sheet with the initial pleading, and the documents need not be served. 

            In all other contested domestic relations cases each attorney representing a petitioner, or the petitioner proceeding pro se, in a contested case must submit the Information Sheet and serve a blank copy of the Information Sheet on the respondent.  Respondents must submit the completed Information Sheet with their first responsive pleading. 

            The information submitted on these forms does not replace or supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers required by law.  These forms, approved by the Supreme Court of New Mexico, are required to initiate domestic relations cases and are used by the courts for case management. 

            Forms are available from the court clerks and the NMRA.  Electronic copies may be obtained from the Supreme Court's internet site ( and New Mexico Law on Disc.  If re-keying the form it must appear substantially in the same format as the Supreme Court approved form.  Type or print only.  If using a word processing system, please print your answers in bold. 

            2.         Unless there are more than four children, the Information Sheet is to be submitted on a single page.  The clerk will key-enter the information on the Information Sheet.  The Information Sheet will not be filed in the court file. 

            3.         If the party has more than one social security number, please include it.  Pursuant to Sections 27-1-10 and 27-1-11 NMSA 1978 and federal law, each party must submit the social security number of each party as well as the name, date of birth and social security number for each minor child.  This information will be provided to the State Case Registry and, upon request, to child support enforcement agencies.  The parties’ addresses and social security numbers are also used to accurately identify and track court users, obtain feedback from court users on a periodic basis and to issue process in contempt proceedings.  Addresses provided on this page will not be made a part of the public record unless that party is or becomes self represented. 

            4.         The Child Support & Paternity Case Registry is a required, nationwide database of child support and paternity orders. Access to registry information is strictly limited to court and child support administrative personnel.  Requesting that your registry information be “nondisclosed” does not prevent authorized parties from reviewing the information.  Rather, it alerts courts and child support administrative personnel to act with caution when viewing your information.  However, be aware that requesting “nondisclosure” of registry information does not limit access to your official district court case file which is a public record.  If you are concerned about such access, ask your lawyer, or the court clerk if you do not have a lawyer, about ways in which the court may restrict access to your court file.

[Provisionally approved as 4-211 NMRA, effective November 1, 1999 until November 1, 2000; approved, as amended, effective November 1, 2000; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 13-8300-010, effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after May 31, 2013, in all cases pending or filed on or after May 31, 2013; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 14-8300-011, effective for all cases filed on or after December 31, 2014.]

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.