New Mexico Forms Library

Decision Information

Citations - New Mexico Laws and Court Rules
Chapter 24 - Health and Safety - cited by 1,331 documents

Decision Content

9-801.  Application for inspectorial search order.

[For use in the District, Magistrate,

Metropolitan and Municipal Courts]

[Sections 24-1-16 to 24-1-19 NMSA 1978]



[COUNTY OF ___________________]

[CITY OF _______________________]

__________________ COURT

                                                                                                                        No. _________


[COUNTY OF ___________________]

[CITY OF _______________________]




__________________________________________, Defendant




_________________ , being duly sworn, on his oath, states that:

1.         he is an officer authorized by law to make inspectorial searches;

2.         inspection of the following described (check appropriate box)

            [  ]        premises: ___________________________________________________


            (describe premises to be searched as particularly as possible)

            [  ]        vehicle: ____________________________________________________


            (describe vehicle as particularly as possible)

is necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the existence or nonexistence of the following described conditions ________________________________________


            (set forth purpose or reason for search, and facts)

            in accordance with the requirements prescribed by (check appropriate box or boxes)  

            [  ] fire [  ] housing [  ] sanitation [  ] welfare [  ] zoning requirements;

(check if appropriate; complete if checked)

3.         [  ]        permission to inspect at night is requested for the following reasons:




(set forth reasons search may be reasonably conducted at night)

(check appropriate box)

4.         [  ]        he has been refused consent to make an inspectorial search after having given seven days' notice of the time and purpose of the proposed inspectorial search;

[  ]        an inspectorial search by consent of the owner of the (premises) (vehicle) is not obtainable within a reasonable period of time;

(check if appropriate and complete)

[  ]        it is necessary that the applicant be accompanied at the time of any search by one or more law enforcement officers __________________________

            __________________________________________________ (set forth reason)


            Subscribed and sworn to before me in the above-named [county] [city] of the State of New Mexico this ______ day of ______, ________



                                                                                    Signature of Affiant

____________________________                     _______________________________

Judge, Notary or Other Officer                              Title

Authorized to Administer Oaths                            

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.