1 - Procedure and Related Matters

Decision Information

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CSA/ACVM Canadian Securities Administrators CANADIAN SECURITIES ADMINISTRATORS STAFF NOTICE 13-311 Changes to SEDAR Annual Filing Service Charges The SEDAR annual filing service charges are changing upon the launch of the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI). These changes are to reinstate the fees that were implemented when SEDI was originally launched on October 29, 2001 and then rolled back when SEDI was taken out of service on January 31, 2002. These changes to SEDAR will be reflected in a code update planned for implementation on May 12, 2003 and will apply to all reporting issuers (other than mutual funds) that file continuous disclosure documents through SEDAR (“SEDI issuers”). These increased annual filing service charges for the implementation of SEDI were outlined in notices published by the CSA in June 2000, July 2001 and November 2001. Please refer to the following table of annual filing service charges and explanation below for timing of payments and amounts payable in 2003. The charges listed do not include taxes. However, applicable taxes are payable on these charges and the amount will vary, depending on the jurisdiction. Breakdown of SEDAR Annual Filing Service Charges for Continuous Disclosure for the Year 2003 1 2 3 Type of Issuer SEDAR SEDI Annual Annual Charges $ Charges $ (241 days in 2003)(a) Single 455.00 165.00 Jurisdiction Multi- 845.00 495.00 Jurisdiction Single 455.00 1,650.00 Jurisdiction and Short Form Prospectus Multi- 845.00 1,650.00 Jurisdiction and Short Form Prospectus Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières 4 Paid in SEDAR $ 5 6 7 Total of (2)+(3) AFS(b) AIF(b) Total Charges $ (5)+(6) for 2003 620.00 620.00 - 620.00 1,340.00 1,340.00 - 1,340.00 2,105.00 620.00 1,485.00 2,105.00 2,495.00 1,340.00 1,155.00 2,495.00
- 2 - (a) For 2003, the portion of the SEDAR annual filing service charges that relate to SEDI will cover 241 days (the number of days in 2003 that SEDI will be operational after it is launched on May 5, 2003). Fees for each subsequent year will cover 365 days. Fees for 2004 will be described in a subscriber update and CSA notice late in 2003. (b) The timing and amount of the increases in the SEDAR annual filing service charges will vary, depending on the type of SEDI issuer. For example, single and multi-jurisdiction issuers (which are not short form prospectus issuers) will be required to pay the increased annual filing service charges upon the filing of their annual financial statements (“AFS”) whereas short form prospectus issuers (including both single and multi-jurisdiction issuers) will be required to pay part of the increase upon filing their AFS and the remaining amount upon filing their annual information form (“AIF”). For SEDI issuers who filed their AFS and/or AIF between January 1 and May 11, 2003 and paid the annual filing service charges electronically at that time, CDS INC. will send an invoice to the SEDAR filing service subscriber(s) who filed the AFS and/or AIF, for the SEDI Annual Charges for 2003 as described in column 3 of the table. For SEDI issuers who filed an initial filer profile in SEDAR between January 1 and May 11, 2003 and did not file AFS or an AIF during that same period, CDS INC. will send an invoice to that SEDI issuer for the SEDI Annual Charges for 2003 as described in column 3 of the table. The amount is payable to CDS INC. upon receipt of the invoice. Questions may be referred to any of: April Penn Supervisor, Financial Reporting British Columbia Securities Commission (604) 899-6805 apenn@bcsc.bc.ca Heather Krywulak Securities Analyst Alberta Securities Commission (403) 297-2098 heather.krywulak@seccom.ab.ca Wayne Bridgeman Senior Analyst, Corporate Finance Manitoba Securities Commission (204) 945-4905 wbridgeman@gov.mb.ca
- 3 -Lisa Blackburn Accountant, Continuous Disclosure Corporate Finance Ontario Securities Commission (416) 595-8922 lblackburn@osc.gov.on.ca Danielle Boudreau Analyste, Marchés des capitaux Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec (514) 940-2199, poste. 4428 danielle.boudreau@cvmq.com April 11, 2003
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