1 - Procedure and Related Matters

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THE MANITOBA SECURITIES COMMISSION MSC RULE 2005-7 (Section 149.1, The Securities Act) NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 13-101 SYSTEM FOR ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AND RETRIEVAL (SEDAR) AMENDMENT INSTRUMENT 1. National Instrument 13-101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) is amended by this Instrument. 2. Appendix A is amended (a) by repealing item 6 of Part I B and substituting the following: "6 News Release"; (b) by repealing item 8 of Part I B and substituting the following: "8.1. Annual Management Report of Fund Performance 8.2. Interim Management Report of Fund Performance"; (c) by repealing item 13 of Part I B and substituting the following: "13. Labour Sponsored Investment Fund Valuation Reports"; (d) by adding the following after Item 13 of Part I B: "14. Report of Management Company Transactions BC, Alta, with related persons or companies Sask, Ont, (Form 81-903F British Columbia, NS and Nfld Form 38 Alberta and Ontario, Form 36 Saskatchewan, Form 39 Nova Scotia, and Form 37 Newfoundland) 15. Annual Information Form 16. Change in Legal Structure Filings 17. Material Contracts"; (e) by repealing item 1 of Part II B(a) and substituting the following: "1. News Release";
- 2 - (f) by striking out "BC, Alta, Sask, Ont, NS & Nfld" from item 2 of Part II B(a); (g) by striking out "BC, Ont & Que" from item 6 of Part II B(a); (h) by repealing item 8 of Part II B(a) and substituting the following: "8.1. Annual Management Report of Fund Performance 8.2. Interim Management Report of Fund Performance"; and (i) by adding the following after Item 16 of Part II B(a): "17. Change in Corporate/Legal Structure Filings 18. Material Documents/Contracts". 3. This Instrument comes into force on June 1, 2005. 4. This Instrument may be cited as MSC Rule 2005-7.
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