Orders and Exemptions

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THE SECURITIES ACT                                 )                   Order No. 7078


Section 42 of MSC Rule 91-507                  )                   March 31, 2015



DTCC Data Repository (U.S.) LLC




(A)       The Manitoba Securities Commission (the “Commission”) issued an order effective October 22, 2014 designating DTCC Data Repository (U.S.) LLC (DDR) as a trade repository under section 31.6(1) of the Act;


(B)       AND WHEREAS DDR is subject to MSC Rule 91-507 Trade Repositories and Derivatives Data Reporting (MSC Rule 91-507) and the terms and conditions of its designation order;


(C)       AND WHEREAS the Director may, pursuant to section 42 of MSC Rule 91-507, exempt DDR, in whole or in part, from a requirement in MSC Rule 91-507; and such rule requires DDR to, among other things, create and make available to the public on a periodic basis, at no cost, aggregate data on volume, number (of transactions) and, where applicable, price, relating to the transactions reported to it pursuant to subsection 39(1);


(D)       AND WHEREAS the Director was satisfied it was not prejudicial to the public interest and exempted DDR from Subsection 39(1) of MSC Rule 91-507 with respect to creating and making available to the public aggregate data on volume, number (of transactions) and, where applicable, price, relating to the transactions reported to it, until March 31, 2015;


(E)       AND WHEREAS DDR has applied to the Director to extend the exemption from subsection 39(1) of MSC Rule 91-507;


(F)        AND WHEREAS the Director has determined that it is not prejudicial to the public interest to issue an Order that varies the Previous Order to extend the date of the exemption.




(1)  THAT Commission Order No. 7010 dated October 22, 2014 is amended in paragraph 1(f) by replacing the words “March 31, 2015” with the words “June 2, 2015”.







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