Orders and Exemptions

Decision Information

Decision Content

Order No. 5099
Sections 148, 19(5), and 148.2
June 28, 2006


Robert Wayne Bennett and
Celebration of Your Financial Success Online Inc.


(A) On May 16, 2006, The Manitoba Securities Commission (“Commission”) issued a Notice of Hearing (“Notice”) with respect to Robert Wayne Bennett (“Bennett”) and Celebration of Your Financial Success Online Inc. (“Celebration”);

(B) On June 7, 2006, the first appearance of the hearing proceeded before a panel of the Commission, resulting in interim orders of relief and adjournment to June 28, 2006 as contained in Order No. 5083;

(C) On June 28, 2006, the hearing continued before a panel of the Commission;

(D) Upon reviewing the Affidavits of service as filed, having heard the evidence of the witnesses called, and having reviewed the documentary evidence submitted by counsel for staff of the Commission, no one appearing for the respondents, the Commission is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to make this order.


1. THAT, pursuant to subsections 5(1)(a) and 144(1)(c) of the Act, having reviewed the evidence submitted, the Commission hereby confirms that service of notice of the continuation of the hearing on June 28, 2006 has been effected upon Bennett and upon Celebration by mail and by email.

2. THAT, pursuant to subsection 19(5) of the Act:

(a) subsections 19(1) and 19(3) of the Act do not, with respect to such trades referred to in those sections, apply to Bennett; and

(b) subsection 19(2) of the Act does not, with respect to such securities referred to in that section, apply to Bennett,

commencing immediately this day June 28, 2006 and continuing thereafter indefinitely.

3. THAT, pursuant to section 148 of the Act, all trading in the securities of Celebration shall cease commencing immediately this day June 28, 2006 and continuing thereafter indefinitely.

4. THAT, pursuant to section 148.2 of the Act, Bennett and Celebration pay jointly and severally to Matthew Chrunyk the amount of $21,000.00.

5. THAT, pursuant to section 148.2 of the Act, Bennett and Celebration pay jointly and severally to Marcos Pavon the amount of $4,500.00.



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