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THE MANITOBA SECURITIES COMMISSION NOTICE 2000-15 THE COMMODITY FUTURES ACT - RULE The purpose of this Notice is to request comment on the proposed commission rule dealing with regulatory requirements under The Commodity Futures Act S.M. 1996, c.73 (the "Act") Notice 2000-06 was issued by The Manitoba Securities Commission to inform the public about matters arising from the proclamation on February 1, 2000 of the Act (all of which was proclaimed except subsection 34(c)), the Commodity Futures Fees Regulation (Manitoba Regulation 179/99) and the Commodity Futures Rule-Making Procedure Regulation (Manitoba Regulation 180/99). Point four of Notice 2000-06 advised that MSC Rule 2000-01 dealing with regulatory requirements under the Act was enacted as of February 1, 2000. The previous notice also stated that the commission would be publishing for comment a permanent rule to replace MSC Rule 2000-01. The purpose of this Notice is to publish for comment the completed form of rule. The rule is being published for comment pursuant to section 71 of the Act and Manitoba Regulation 180/99. The proposed rule is substantially the same as MSC Rule 2000-01. Portions of the rule and forms contain numbering changes that were required to accommodate additions and changes made to the rule. Additions to the proposed rule include the following: 3.20 Financial reporting requirements for FCMs 3.36 account segregation rules Both the financial reporting requirements and the account segregation rules are intended to be consistent with requirements presently required of industry participants. The list of additions to the rule is not exhaustive and it is recommended that the reader review the entire rule. Comments & Submissions Interested parties are invited to make written submissions with respect to the proposed Rule. Submissions received by July 23, 2000 will be considered.
Paper submissions should be made in duplicate and be accompanied by a diskette containing the submission (preferably in Word format) to: The Manitoba Securities Commission Attention: D.R. Brown 1130-405 Broadway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3L6 Submissions may also be made by e-mail. Submissions made in this manner should include both the e-mail address, mailing address and telephone number of the submitter and should be sent to: Questions Questions relating the to rule may be referred to: Registration matters: General questions: R.B. Bouchard D.R. Brown Director - Registrations Counsel (204) 945-2555 (204) 945-0605 The Manitoba Securities Commission May 15, 2000
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.