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Appendix D to CSA Notice of National Instrument 45-106

Table of Concordance

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: British Columbia to Nova Scotia

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106

Section # Exemption British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Part 2: Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Division 1: Capital Raising Exemptions

2.1 Rights Offering BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASA: s. ASA: s. 45(2)(8)(i) 74(2)(7)(i) 86(1)(o)(i) 131(1)(h)(i) SSA: s. 39(1)(o) SSA: s. 81(1)(h) MSA: s. 19(1)(i) 2.2 Reinvestment BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASA: s. 86(1)(cc) ASA: s. 131(1)(y) SSA: s. 39(1)(ff) SSA: s. 81(1)(cc) 19(1)(h.2), Order Plan 45(2)(11) 74(2)(10) 230/87 (mutual SSA: s. 2.3 Accredited MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. SSA: s. 39(1)(c); 81(1)(a); s. MSA: s. 19(1)(c), Investor 5.1(1) 5.1(2) 5.1(1) 5.1(2) s. 39(3)(a)(b); MI 45-103 s. 5.1 81(2)(a)(b); MI 19(1)(f) MI 45-45-103 s. 5.1 2.4 Private Issuer MI 45-103: MI 45-103: MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. SSA: s. 39(2)(k); SSA: s. 82(1)(a); MSA: s. 19(2)(i) MSA: s. 58(3)(a) s.2.1(1) s.2.1(2) 2.1(1) 2.1(2) MI 45-103 s. 2.1 MI 45-103 s. 2.1 MI 45-103 s. 2.1 Family, Friends 2.5 and Business MI 45-103: MI 45-103: MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. SSA: s. s.3.1(1) s.3.1(2) 3.1(1) 3.1(2) 39(1)(cc); MI 45-SSA: s. 81(1)(z): MI 45-103 s. 3.1 MI 45-103: s. 3.1 Associates 103 s. 3.1 Founder, Control 2.7 Person and No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous Family - Ontario provision provision provision provision provision provision 2.8 Affiliates No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision provision provision 2.9 Offering MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. SSA: s. 39(1)(y); SSA: s. 81(1)(s); MI 45-103: s. 4.1 Memorandum 4.1(1) 4.1(3) 4.1(3) 4.1(4) MI 45-103 s. 4.1 MI 45-103 s. 4.1 2.10 Minimum Amount BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASC General ASC General MSA: s. 19(3) Investment 45(2)(5) 74(2)(4) Rules: s. 66.2 Rules: s. 122.2 SSA: s. 39(1)(e); SSA: s. 81(1)(d); Division 2: Transaction Exemptions Business BCSA: s. BCSA: s. 74 SSA: s. 2.11 Combination and 45(2)(9)(i) and (2)(8) (i) and (ii), ASA: s. 86(1) ASA: s. 131(1)(i), (ii), and s. and s. (m)(ii), (p) & (dd) (f)(ii), (z) 39(1)(m)(ii);(p),(p SSA: s. 81(1)(f)(ii);(i),(i.1) Reorganization 45(2)(12)(ii) 74(2)(11)(ii) .1) W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 1 of 12

Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption

MSA: s. 58(1)(b) OSA: s. OSA: s. QSA : s. 155.1 QSA :s. 52 1°, NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 35(1)14(i) 72(1)(h)(i) 52 3°, and 53 41(1)(o)(i) 77(1)(h)(i) MSA: s. MSA: s. 58(1)(b), Order 230/87 OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- QSA: s. 52 2°, NSSA: s. NSSA: s. (mutual funds) 502 502 QSA: s. 155.1 52 and 53 41(1)(z) and (za) 77(1)(v) and (va) funds) MSA: s. 58(1)(a), QSA: s. 43, 44 MI 45-103: s. 58(1)(b), OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- and 45 5.1(1), NSSA: s. MI 45-103: s. 103 s. 5.1 58(1)(c), 58(2) 501: s. 2.3 501: s. 2.3 QSA: s. 157 (sophisticated 41(1)(c), (d) and 5.1(2), NSSA: s. MI 45-103 s. 5.1 purchaser) (l) 77(1)(a) and (c) No analogous No analogous QSA: s. 3 QSA: s. 3 MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103 s. 2.1 provision provision (closed (closed 2.1(1), NSSA: s. 2.1(2), NSSA: s. company) company) 41(2)(j) 78(1)(a) MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. 3.1 No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision 3.1(1), NSSA: s. 3.1(2), NSSA: s. 41(1)(w) and (x) 77(1)(s) and (t) No analogous OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision 501: s. 2.3 501: s. 2.3 provision provision provision provision No analogous OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision 501: s. 2.3 501: s. 2.3 provision provision provision provision MI 45-103: s. 4.1 No analogous No analogous QSA: s. 47, 48 MI 45-103: s. MI 45-103: s. provision provision QSA: s. 155.1 and 48.1 and 4.1(1), NSSA: s. 4.1(2), NSSA: s. QSR: s. 66 41(1)(v) 77(1)(p) MSA: s. 58(1)(a) No analogous No analogous QSA: s. 155.1 NSSA: s. NSSA: s. Reg. s. 90 Reg s. 90 provision provision QSA: s. 51 41(1)(e) 77(1)(d) OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45-NSSA: NSSA: s. 41(1)(m)(ii) and 77(1)(f)(ii) and MSA: s. MSA: s. 58(1)(b) 501: s. 2.8, OSA: 501: s. 2.8, OSA: 19(1)(h.3) s. 35(1)12(ii), s. s. 72(1)(f)(ii), s. QSA: s. 155.1 QSA: s. 50 41(1)(p), Blanket 77(1)(i), Blanket 35(1)15 72(1)(i) Order No. 45- Order No. 45-503 503

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: British Columbia to Nova Scotia

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106

Section # Exemption British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption ASA: s. 86(1)(s) ASA: s. 131(1)(l) 2.12 Asset Acquisition BCSA: s. BCSA: s. 45(2)(6) 74(2)(5) & ASC Gen & ASC Gen SSA: s. 39(1)(t) SSA: s. 81(1)(m) No analogous Rules s. 66.1 Rules s. 122.1 Petroleum, 2.13 Natural Gas and BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASA: s. Mining 45(2)(21) 74(2)(18) ASA: s. 87(k) 131(1)(m) SSA: s. 39(1)(z) SSA: s. 81(1)(n) Properties 2.14 Securities for BCSC Rules: s. BCSC Rules: s. No analogous No analogous SSA: s. SSA: s. No analogous Debt 89(c) 128 (e) provision provision 39(1)(m.1) 81(1)(f.1) Issuer 2.15 Acquisition or BCSA: s. BSCA: s. ASA s. 86(1)(t) ASA s. 131(1)(n) SSA: s. 39(1)(s) SSA: s. 81(1)(l) Redemption 45(2)(29) 74(2)(27) 2.16 Take-over Bid BCSA: ss. BCSA: s. 45(2)(24) and 74(2)(21), (24), ASA s. 86(1)(q), ASA s. 131(1)(j), SSA: s. SSA: s. MSA: s. 19(1)(k) and Issuer Bid (28) (25) and (26) (r) and (ee) (k) and (aa) 39(1)(q),(r) 81(1)(j),(k) Offer to Acquire 2.17 to Security No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous Holder Outside provision provision provision provision provision provision Local Jurisdiction

Division 3: Investment Fund Exemptions

2.18 Investment Fund BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASC General ASC General SSA: s. SSA: s. No analogous Reinvestment 45(2)(25) 74(2)(22) Rules: s. 66(b) Rules: s. 122(b) 39(1)(gg) 81(1)(dd) Additional 2.19 Investment in BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASC General ASC General SSA: s. SSA: s. No analogous Investment 45(2)(22) 74(2)(19) Rules: s. 66(c) Rules: s. 122(c) 39(1)(hh) 81(1)(ee) Funds

2.20 Private Investment Club BCSA: s. 46(c) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(c) ASA: s. 143(1)(a) SSA: s. 39(2)(C) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) No analogous Private Investment Fund 2.21 - Loan and Trust BCSA: s. 46(c) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(c) ASA: s. SSA: s. 39(2)(d) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) No analogous 143(1)(a) Pools W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 2 of 12

Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption No analogous OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous NSSA: s. provision provision 501: s. 2.16 501: s. 2.16 provision provision 41(1)(s) NSSA: s. 77(1)(l) MSA: s. No analogous No analogous NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 19(1)(b)(v), MSA: s. 58(1)(b) OSA: s. 35(2)14 OSA: s. 72(1)(m) 19(1)(l)(iii) provision provision 41(2)(n) 78(1)(a) No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision provision provision provision provision MSA: s. MSA: s. 58(1)(b) OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 19(1)(h.1) 501: s. 2.3 501: s. 2.3 provision provision 41(1)(ad) 77(1)(x) OSA: s. OSA: s. MSA: s. 58(1)(b) 35(1)16,17, OSC 72(1)(j),(k), OSC QSA : s. 155.1 QSA : s. 63 NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 77(1)(j) Rule 45-501: s. Rule 45-501: s. 2.1° 41(1)(q) and (r) and (k) 2.5 2.5 No analogous OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision 501: s. 2.15 501: s. 2.15 provision provision provision provision

No analogous OSC Rule 81- OSC Rule 81- QSA: s. 155.1 QSA: s. 52 NSSA: s. NSSA: s. provision provision 501 501 and 53 41(1)(ai) 77(1)(ac) No analogous OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous NSSA: s. NSSA: s. provision provision 501: s.2.12(1) 501: s.2.12(1) provision provision 41(1)(aj) 77(1)(ad)

No analogous NSSA: s. NSSA: s. provision provision OSA: s. 35(2)3 OSA: s. 73(1)(a) QSA: s. 3 12° QSA: s. 3 12° 41(2)(c) 78(1)(a) OSA: s. 35(2)3, OSA: s. 73(1)(a), No analogous OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous Blanket Order Blanket Order provision provision 501: s.3.3 501: s.3.3 provision provision No. 13 No. 13

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: British Columbia to Nova Scotia

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106

Section # Exemption British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Division 4: Employee, Executive Officer, Director and Consultant Exemptions BCSA: s. BCSA: s. Employee, Executive 45(2)(10)(i)(ii)(iii) 74(2)(9) (i)(ii)(iii), 2.24 , BCSC Rules: s. BCSC Rules: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. SSA: s. 39(1)(u); SSA: s. 81(1)(o); MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. Officer, Director, 2.1(1) 2.1(2) 89(f), MI 45-105: 128(g) and MI 45- 2.1(1) 2.1(2) and Consultant s. 2.1(1) 105: s. 2.1(2) Trades Among Current or Former Employees,

2.26 Executive MI 45-105: MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. Officers, s.2.2(1) 2.2(2) 2.2(1) 2.2(2) 2.2(1) 2.2(2) Directors, or Consultants of a Non-Reporting Issuer

BCSA: BCSA: s. 2.27 Permitted s.45(2)(10)(iii) 74(2)(9)(iii) and MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. Transferees and MI 45-105 MI 45-105: 2.4(1) , (2) 2.4(3) 2.4(1) , (2) 2.4(3) s.2.4(1), (2) s.2.4(3) 2.28 Resale - Non-reporting Issuer MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid 2.29 Issuer Bid Exemption Only Exemption Only Exemption Only Division 5: Miscellaneous Exemptions 2.30 Isolated Trade by BCSA: s. BCSA: s. Issuer 45(2)(3) 74(2)(2) ASA: s. 86(1)(b) ASA: s. 131(1)(b) SSA: s. 39(1)(b) SSA: s. 81(1)(b) MSA: s. 19(1)(b) 2.31 Dividends and BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASA: s. 45(2)(12)(i) s. 74(2)(11)(i), s. 86(1)(m)(i) and ASA: s. SSA: s. SSA: s. Distributions 45(2)(14) 74(2)(13) (n) 131(1)(f)(i) & (g) 39(1)(m)(i);(n) 81(1)(f)(i);(g) Trade to Lender 2.32 by Control No analogous No analogous ASA: s. No analogous Person for provision provision ASA: s. 86(1)(f) 131(1)(e) SSA: s. 39(1)(f) SSA: s. 81(1)(e) Collateral

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Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption QSA: s. 52 (for employees MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. QSA: s. 155.1 and senior 2.1(1), NSSA: s. 2.1(2), NSSA: s. 2.1(1) 2.1(2) 2.1(1) 2.1(2) executives only) 41(1)(t) and 77(1)(n) and and Policy 41(1)(al) 77(1)(af) Statement Q3

MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. No analogous No analogous MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. 2.2(1) 2.2(2) 2.2(1) 2.2(2) provision provision 2.2(1) 2.2(2)

MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. No analogous No analogous MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. 2.4(1), (2) 2.4(3) 2.4(1), (2) 2.4(3) provision provision 2.4(1), (2) 2.4(3) MI 45-105: s. 3.2 No analogous provision MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid QSA: s. 147.21 3°, Issuer Bid MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid Exemption Only Exemption Only Exemption Only Exemption Only QSA: s. 3 (for MSA: s. 58(1)(b) OSA: s. 35(1)2 OSA: s. 72(1)(b) QSA: s. 3 debt securities NSSA: s. NSSA: s. only) 41(1)(b) 77(1)(b) MSA: s. OSA: s. OSA: s. NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 19(1)(h.2) MSA: s. 58(1)(b) 35(1)12(i), 13 72(1)(f)(i),(g) QSA: s. 155.1 QSA: s. 52 41(1)(m)(i) and 77(1)(f)(i) and 41(1)(n) 77(1)(g) No analogous No analogous No analogous NSSA: s. provision provision OSA: s. 35(1)6 OSA: s. 72(1)(e) provision provision NSSA: s. 41(1)(f) 77(1)(e)

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: British Columbia to Nova Scotia

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106

Section # Exemption British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption 2.33 Acting as BCSA: s. BCSA: s. No analogous No analogous Underwriter 45(2)(16) 74(2)(15) provision provision SSA: s. 39(1)(i) SSA: s. 81(1)(u) MSA: s. 19(1)(f) 2.34 Guaranteed Debt BCSA: s. 46(a) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(a) ASA: s. SSA: s. 39(2)(a) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) MSA: s. 19(2)(a) and (b) 143(1)(a) 2.35 Short-term debt BCSA: s. 46(d) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(d) ASA: s. SSA: s. 39(2)(e) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) MSA: s. 19(2)(c) 143(1)(a) 2.36 Mortgages BCSA: s. 46(e) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(e) ASA: s. SSA: s. 39(2)(f) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) MSA: s. 19(2)(d) 143(1)(a) Personal 2.37 Property Security BCSA: s. 46(f) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(f) ASA: s. 143(1)(a) SSA: s. 39(2)(g) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) MSA: s. 19(2)(e) Act 2.38 Not for profit issuer BCSA: s. 46(g) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(g) ASA: s. 143(1)(a) SSA: s. 39(2)(h) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) MSA: s. 19(2)(f) Variable 2.39 Insurance BCSA: s. 46(l) BCSA: s. 75(a) ASA: s. 87(l) ASA: s. 143(1)(a) SSA: s. 39(2)(o) SSA: s. 82(1)(a) Contract 491/88R: s. 76 2.40 RRSP/RRIF No analogous No analogous ASC Rule 45- ASC Rule 45-MI 45-105 MI 45-105 provision provision 502 502 (Limited to (Limited to certain RRSPs) certain RRSPs) certain RRSPs) Schedule III 2.41 Banks - No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous MSA: s. 19(1)(c) Evidence of provision provision provision provision provision provision Deposit

BCSA: s. BCSA: s. ASA: s. Conversion, 45(2)(8)(ii), s. 2.42 Exchange, or 45(2)(12)(iii), and 74(2)(7)(ii), s. 86(1)(m)(iii) & ASA: s. 131(1)(f)(iii) & MI SSA: s. SSA: s. MSA: s. 19(1)(h), 74(2)(11)(iii) MI MI 45-105: s. 39(1)(m)(iii), (iv) 81(1)(f)(iii), (iv) Exercise MI 45-105: s. 45-105: s. 2.3(2) 2.3(1) 45-105: s. 2.3(2) 2.3(1) Part 3: Regisration Only Exemptions W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 4 of 12

Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption NSSA: s. MSA: s. 58(1)(b) OSA: s. 35(1)9 OSA: s. 72(1)(r) QSA: s. 155.1 QSA: s. 55 NSSA: s. 41(1)(i) 77(1)(r) OSA: s. 35(2)1, OSA: s. 73(1)(a), QSA: s. 3 par 1°, QSA: s. 3 par 1°, MSA: s. 58(3)(a) 2, OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- 14° and 15° and 14° and 15° and NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 501: s. 2.10 501: s. 2.10 s. 157.1 s. 41 41(2)(a) 78(1)(a) MSA: s. 58(3)(a) OSA: s. 35(2)4 OSA: s. 73(1)(a) QSA: s. 155.1 QSA: s. 41 NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 41(2)(d) 78(1)(a) MSA: s. 58(3)(a) OSA: s. 35(2)5 OSA: s. 73(1)(a) No analogous No analogous NSSA: s. NSSA: s. provision provision 41(2)(e) 78(1)(a) MSA: s. 58(3)(a) OSA: s. 35(2)6 OSA: s. 73(1)(a) QSA: s. 3 QSA: s. 3 NSSA: s. 41(2)(f) NSSA: s. 78(1)(a) MSA: s. 58(3)(a) OSA: s. 35(2)7 OSA: s. 73(1)(a) QSA: s. 3 QSA: s. 3 NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 41(2)(g) 78(1)(a) Man. Reg. Man. Reg. OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 491/88R: s. 76 501: s. 2.2 501: s. 2.2 QSA : s. 3 13° QSA : s. 3 13° 41(2)(o) 78(1)(a) MI 45-105 MI 45-105 (Limited to (Limited to OSC Rule 45- OSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous certain RRSPs) 501: s. 2.11 501: s. 2.11 provision provision provision provision MSA: s. 58(1)(a) No analogous No analogous QSA: s. 3 QSA: s. 3 No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision

OSA: s. OSA: s. NSSA: s. NSSA: s. 35(1)12(iii), s. 72(1)(f)(iii), s. 41(1)(m)(iii) and 77(1)(f)(iii) and 19(1)(h.1), MSA: s. 58(1)(b) 35(1)14(ii), OSC 72(1)(h)(ii), OSC QSA: s. 155.1 QSA: s. 52 41(1)(o)(ii), 77(1)(h)(ii), 19(1)(h.2) Rule 45-501: s. Rule 45-501: s. and 52 Blanket Order Blanket Order 2.6, s. 2.7 2.6, s. 2.7 No. 38 No. 38

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: British Columbia to Nova Scotia

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106

Section # Exemption British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption 3.1 Registered BCSA: s. Dealer 45(2)(7) ASA: s. 86(1)(j) SSA: s. 39(1)(j) MSA: s. 19(1)(g) 3.2 Exchange Contract BCSA: s. 47 ASA: s. 88 SSA: s. 39.1 No analogous 3.3 Isolated Trade BCSA: s.45(2)(3) ASA: s. 86(1)(b) SSA: s. 39(1)(b) MSA: s. 19(1)(b) Estates, BCSA: s. 3.4 Bankruptcies, 45(2)(1)(i)-(vi) ASA: s. 86(1)(a) SSA: s. 39(1)(a) MSA: s. 19(1)(a) and Liquidations Employees of 3.5 Registered No analogous provision ASA: s. 86(1)(h) SSA: s. 39(1)(h) MSA: s.19(1)(e) Dealer Small Security 3.6 Holder Selling Orders 162/87 and Purchase NI 32-101 NI 32-101 NI 32-101 Arrangements 410/87 (ME) 3.7 Adviser BCSA: s. 44(2) ASA: s. 85 SSA: s. 38 18(a), (b), (c) Investment 3.8 Dealer Acting as BCSC Rules: s. ASC General Portfolio 86 Rules: s. 65 SReg.: s. 60 No analogous Manager

Part 4: Control Block Distributions

4.1 Control Block Distributions NI 62-101 NI 62-101 NI 62-101 Trades by a 4.2 Control Person No analogous ASC General After a Take- provision Rules: s. 123.1 Sreg.: s. 99 Over Bid

Part 5: Offerings by TSX Venture Exchange Offering Document

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Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption OSA: s. 35(1)10 QSA: s. 155.1 NSSA: s. 41(1)(j) No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision OSA: s. 35(1)2 No analogous NSSA: s. provision 41(1)(b) OSA: s. 35(1)1, Ont. Reg. 1015: QSA: s. 155.1 NSSA: s. s.151(b) 5°, 3 41(1)(a) OSA: s. 35(1)8 No analogous NSSA: s. provision 41(1)(h) (TSE) and NI 32-101 NI 32-101 NI 32-101 and (d) OSA: s. 34(a-d) QSA: s. 156 NSSA: s. 40 Ont. Reg. 1015: provision s.148 QSR: s. 194 NS Regs: s. 77

NI 62-101 NI 62-101 No analogous provision NI 62-101 No analogous OSC Rule 45- No analogous NS Regs: s. provision 501: s. 2.4 provision 127(t)

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: British Columbia to Nova Scotia

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106

Section # Exemption British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption TSX Venture BCI 45-509 ASC Blanket 5.2 Exchange Prospectus Order 45-507, SFSC GRO 45-910, Prospectus Offering Exemption Only Prospectus Exemption Only Exemption Only W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 6 of 12

Manitoba Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption MSA: s. 58(3)(b), 58(3)(c), No analogous No analogous No analogous Prospectus provision provision provision Exemption Only

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: New Brunswick to Nunavut

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106 Analogous Local Provisions Section # Exemption New Brunswick PEI Newfoundland and Labrador Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Part 2: Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Division 1: Capital Raising Exemptions

2.1 Rights Offering NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: PEISA: 501: s. 2.1(1) 501: s. 2.1 (2) s.2(3)(q)(i) s.13(1)(k)(i) NLSA: s.36(1)(n) NLSA: s.73(1)(h) Reinvestment NBSC Rule 45- 2.2 501: s. 2.2 NBSC Rule 45-NLSA: s.36(1)(x) NLSA: s.54(3)(e) Plan (1)(2)(4) 501: s. 2.2 (3) PEI Rule 45-506 PEI Rule 45-506 Blanket Order 13 Blanket Order 13 (mutual Funds) (mutual funds) Accredited NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- MI 45-103: 2.3 Investor 501: s. 2.3 501: s. 2.3 MI-45-103 MI 45-103 s.5.1(1); NLSA s.36(1)(c) and (d) s.73(1)(a) and (c) NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- MI-45-103 MI 45-103 MI 45-103: 2.4 Private Issuer 501: s. 2.4 (1) 501: s. 2.4(2) PEISA: s. 2(4)(h) PEISA: s. 14.1(a) s.2.1(1), NLSA: s.2.1(2), NLSA: s.36(2)(j) Family, Friends 2.5 and Business NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- MI 45-103 MI 45-103 MI 45-103: Associates 501: s. 2.5 (1) 501: s. 2.5 (2) s.3.1(1) Founder, Control 2.7 Person and No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous Family - Ontario provision provision provision provision provision 2.8 Affiliates NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous 501: s. 2.6 (1) 501: s. 2.6 (2) provision provision provision 2.9 Offering NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- MI 45-103: Memorandum 501: s. 2.7 (1) 501: s. 2.7 (2) MI 45-103 MI 45-103 s.4.1(1) 2.10 Minimum Amount NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: s. 2(3)(d) PEISA: s. NLSA: s. 36(1)(e) NLSA: s. 73(1)(d) Investment 501: s. 2.8 (1) 501: s. 2.8 (2) 13(1)(c) W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 7 of 12

Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption

Registrar's Order YSA s.2(h) March 1, 1980 s. NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket 5 Order #2: s. 3(f) Order #1: s. 3(f) Order #3 s. 3(f) Order #1 s. 3(f) No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(h) provision Order #2: s. 3(x) Order #1: s. 3(x) Order #3 s. 3(x) Order #1 s. 3(x) MI 45-103: No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket Blanket Order #3: Blanket Order #1: s.5.1(2), provision provision Order #2: s. 3(a) Order #1: s. 3(a) and (r) and (r) s. 3(a) and (r) s. 3(a) and (r) MI 45-103, MI 45-103, MI 45-103: No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket MI 45-103, NWT NU Blanket MI 45-103, NU provision provision Order #2: s. 3(ii), Blanket Order #1: Order #3: s. 3(ii), Blanket Order #1: s.73(1)(a) (r) and (s), s. 3(ii) (r) and (s), s. 3(ii) NWTSA: s. 2(g) NUSA: s. 2(g) MI 45-103: No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket Blanket Order #1: s.3.1(2) provision provision Order #2: s. 3(s) Order #1: s. 3(s) Order #3: s. 3(s) s. 3(s) No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision provision provision provision No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision provision provision provision MI 45-103: No analogous No analogous MI 45-103, MI 45-103, s.4.1(2) provision provision MI 45-103 NWT Blanket MI 45-103 NU Blanket Order #1: s. 3(r) Order #1: s. 3(r) No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision Order #2: s. 3(c) Order #1: s. 3(c) Order #3: s. 3(c) Order #1: s. 3(c)

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: New Brunswick to Nunavut

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106 Analogous Local Provisions Section # Exemption New Brunswick PEI Newfoundland and Labrador Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Division 2: Transaction Exemptions Business PEI Rule 45-502 PEI Rule 45-502 NLSA: s. 2.11 Combination and NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- and PEISA: s. and PEISA: s. 36(1)(n)(ii), 501: s. 2.9 (1) 501: s. 2.9 (2) 2(3)(k), s. 13(1)(f) s. 36(1)(n)(o), 73(1)(i), Blanket Reorganization 2(3)(j)(ii) 13(1)(e)(ii) Blanket Order 48 2.12 Asset Acquisition NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous PEISA: s. NLSA: s. 36(1)(r) NLSA: s. 77(1)(l) 501: s. 2.10 (1) 501: s. 2.10 (2) provision 13(1)(g) Petroleum, 2.13 Natural Gas and NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous NLSA: s. 36(2)(n) Mining Properties 501: s. 2.11 (1) 501: s. 2.11 (2) provision provision 2.14 Securities for NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous Debt 501: s. 2.12 (1) 501: s. 2.12 (2) provision provision provision Issuer 2.15 Acquisition or NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous NLSA: s. 36(1)(x) Redemption 501: s. 2.13 (1) 501: s. 2.13 (2) provision provision 2.16 Take-over Bid NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEI Rule 45-510 PEI Rule 45-510 NLSA: s. 36(1)(p) NLSA: s. 73(1)(j) C.O. 1979/155 s. and Issuer Bid 501: s. 2.14 (10 501: s. 2.14 (2) and (q) Offer to Acquire 2.17 to Security NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous Holder Outside 501: s. 2.15 (1) 501: s. 2.15 (2) provision provision provision Local Jurisdiction

Division 3: Investment Fund Exemptions

2.18 Investment Fund NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous Reinvestment 501: s. 2.16 (1) 501: s. 2.16(3) PEI Rule 45-508 PEI Rule 45-508 provision Additional 2.19 Investment in NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEI Rule 45-512 PEI Rule 45-512 No analogous Investment 501: s. 2.17 (1) 501: s. 2.17 (2) provision Funds

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Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption NWT Blanket NU Blanket NLSA: s. 73(1)(f)(ii), Registrar's Order Order #2: s. NWT Blanket Order #3: s. NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(i) March 1, 1980: s. 3(e)(ii) and (g), Order #1: s. 3(e)(ii) and (g), Order #1: s. Order 48 6 NWTSA: s. 2(i) 3(e)(ii) and (g) NUSA: s. 2(i) and 3(e)(ii) and (g) and (j) (j) No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision Order #2: s. 3(k) Order #1: s. 3(k) Order #3: s. 3(k) Order #1: s. 3(k) NLSA: s. Registrar's Order YSA s. 2(k) March 1, 1980 s. NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket 73(1)(m) 16 Order #2: s. 3(l) Order #1: s. 3(l) Order #3: s. 3(l) Order #1: s. 3(l) No analogous Registrar's Order provision YSA s. 2(e) March 1, 1980 s. NWTSA: s. 2(e) No analogous NUSA: s. 2(e) No analogous 1 provision provision NLSA: s. No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket 54(3)(b)(ii) provision provision Order #2: s. 3(j) Order #1: s. 3(j) Order #3: s. 3(j) Order #1: s. 3(j) Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket and (k) 1(b) March 1, 1980 s. Order #2: s. 3(h) Order #1: s. 3(h) Order #3: s. 3(h) Order #1: s. 3(h) 6 and (i) and (i) and (i) and (i) No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision provision provision provision

No analogous No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision provision Order #2: s. 3(y) Order #1: s. 3(y) Order #3: s. 3(y) Order #1: s. 3(y) No analogous No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision provision Order #2: s. 3(z) Order #1: s. 3(z) Order #3: s. 3(z) Order #1: s. 3(z)

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: New Brunswick to Nunavut

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106 Analogous Local Provisions Section # Exemption New Brunswick PEI Newfoundland and Labrador Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption 2.20 Private NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- NLSA: s. Investment Club 501: s. 2.18 (1) 501: s. 2.18 (2) PEI Rule 45-505 PEI Rule 45-505 (36(2)(c) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) Private 2.21 Investment Fund - NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous NLSA: s. 36(2)(c) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) Loan and Trust 501: s. 2.19 (1) 501: s. 2.19 (2) provision provision Pools

Division 4: Employee, Executive Officer, Director and Consultant Exemptions Employee, NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: s. 2(3)(1), PEISA: s. NLSA: s. 2.24 Executive Officer, 501: s. 2.22 (1) NBSC Rule 45- Director, and (2) (3) 501: s. 2.22 (4) MI 45-105: s. 13(1)(h), MI 45- 36(1)(s), MI 45- 74(1)(n), MI 45-2.1(1) 105: s. 2.1(2) 105: s. 2.1(1) Consultant Trades Among Current or Former Employees, Executive NBSC Rule 45-2.26 501: s. 2.25 (1) NBSC Rule 45- MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. Officers, (2) 501: s. 2.25 (3) 2.2(1) 2.2(2) 2.2(1) Directors, or Consultants of a Non-Reporting Issuer

Permitted NBSC Rule 45-2.27 501: s. 2.26 (1) NBSC Rule 45- MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. Transferees (2) (3) 501: s. 2.26 (4) 2.4(1) , (2) 2.4(3) 2.4(1), (2) 2.28 Resale - Non- NBSC Rule 45-reporting Issuer 501: s. 2.27 MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105: s. 3.2 NBSC Rule 45-501: s. 2.28 Issuer MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid 2.29 Issuer Bid Bid Exemption Only Exemption Only Exemption Only Division 5: Miscellaneous Exemptions 2.30 Isolated Trade by NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45-Issuer 501: s. 2.30 (1) 501: s. 2.30 (2) PEISA: s. 2(3)(b) PEISA: s. 13(1)(b) NLSA: s. 36(1)(b) NLSA: s. 73(1)(b) W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 9 of 12

Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision Order #2: s. 3(cc) Order #1: s. 3(cc) Order #3: s. 3(cc) Order #1: s. 3(cc) No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision Order #2: s. 3(jj) Order #1: s. 3(jj) Order #3: s. 3(jj) Order #1: s. 3(jj)

NLSA: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. 2.1(1), 2.1(2), 2.1(1), 2.1(2), 105: s. 2.1(2) 2.1(1) 2.1(2) NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket Order #2: s. 3(n) Order #1: s. 3(n) Order #3: s. 3(n) Order #1: s. 3(n) MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. 2.2(2) 2.2(1) 2.2(2) 2.2(1) 2.2(2) 2.2(1) 2.2(2)

MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. MI 45-105: s. 2.4(3) 2.4(1), (2) 2.4(3) 2.4(1), (2) 2.4(3) 2.4(1), (2) 2.4(3) MI 45-105: s. 3.2 MI 45-105 : s.3.2 MI 45-105: s.3.2 MI 45-105: s. 4.1, Issuer Bid MI 45-105: s.4.1, MI 45-105: s.4.1, Exemption Only NWT Blanket Order #2: s. 3(i), NU Blanket Order #3: s. 3(i), Issuer Issuer Bid Exempton Only Bid Exemption Only Registrar's Order YSA: s. 2(c ) March 1, 1980 s. NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket 1 Order #2: s. 3(b) Order #1: s. 3(b) Order #3: s. 3(b) Order #1: s. 3(b)

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: New Brunswick to Nunavut

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106 Analogous Local Provisions Section # Exemption New Brunswick PEI Newfoundland and Labrador Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: s. PEISA: s. NLSA: s. 2.31 Dividends 501: s. 2.31 (1) 501: s. 2.31 (3) 2(3)(j)(i), s. 13(1)(e)(i),s. 36(1)(l)(i) and (2) 2(3)(p) 13(1)(j) 36(1)(m) Trade to Lender 2.32 by Control NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: s. Person for 501: s. 2.32 (1) 501: s. 2.31 (2) PEI Rule 45-504 13(1)(d) NLSA: s. 36(1)(f) NLSA: s. 73(1)(e) Collateral 2.33 Acting as NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45-Underwriter 501: s. 2.33 (1) 501: s. 2.33 (2) PEISA: s. 2(3)(g) PEI Rule 45-509 NLSA: s. 36(1)(i) NLSA: s. 73(1)(r) 2.34 Guaranteed Debt NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45-PEISA: s. 501: s. 2.34 (2) 501: s. 2.34 (3) PEISA: s. 2(4)(b) 14.1(a), s. NLSA: s. 36(2)(a) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) 14.1(a) 2.35 Short-term debt NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45-PEISA: s. 2(4)(c) PEISA: s. 14.1(a) NLSA: s. 36(2)(d) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) 501: s. 2.35 (1) 501: s. 2.35 (2) NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous 2.36 Mortgages 501: s. 2.36 (1) 501: s. 2.36 (3) provision provision NLSA: s. 36(2)(e) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) (2) Personal 2.37 Property Security NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- Act 501: s. 2.37 (1) 501: s. 2.37 (2) PEISA: s. 2(4)(d) PEISA: s. 14.1(a) NLSA: s. 36(2)(f) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) 2.38 Not for profit NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45-issuer 501: s. 2.38 (1) 501: s. 2.38 (2) PEISA: s. 2(4)(e) PEISA: s. 14.1(a) NLSA: s. 36(2)(g) NLSA: s. 74(1)(a) Variable 2.39 Insurance NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- PEI Rule 45-503 PEI Rule 45-503 NLSA: s. 54(3)(a) NLSA: s. 36(1)(x) Contract 501: s. 2.40 (1) 501: s. 2.40 (2) 2.40 RRSP/RRIF NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45-501: s. 2.41 (1) 501: s. 2.41 (2) PEI Rule 45-511 PEI Rule 45-511 No analogous provision W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 10 of 12

Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption NLSA: s. Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket 73(1)(f)(i) and YSA: s. 2(h) March 1, 1980 s. Order #2: s. Order #1: s. Order #3: s. 73(1)(g) 5(a) 3(e)(i) and 3(e)(i) 3(e)(i) and Order #1: s. NWTSA: s. 2(h) NUSA: s. 2(h) 3(e)(i) NWT Blanket NU Blanket No analogous No analogous Order #2: s. 3(d) NWT Blanket Order #3: s. 3(d) NU Blanket provision provision and NWTSA: s. Order #1: s. 3(d) and NUSA: s. Order #1: s. 3(d) 2(e) 2(e) Registrar's Order No analogous March 1, 1980 NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision s.4 Order #2: s. 3(v) Order #1: s. 3(v) Order #3: s. 3(v) Order #1 s. 3(v) Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(i) March 1, 1980 s. Order #2: s. Order #1: s. Order #3: s. Order #1: s. 10 3(aa) 3(aa) 3(aa) 3(aa) NWT Blanket NU Blanket Registrar's Order YSA: s. 2(e) March 1, 1980 s. Order #2: s. NWT Blanket Order #3: s. NU Blanket 3(dd) and Order #1: s. 11 3(dd) 3(dd) and NUSA: Order #1: s. NWTSA: s. 2(n) s. 2(n) 3(dd) Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(l) March 1, 1980: s. Order #2: s. Order #1: s. Order #3: s. 10 3(ee) and 3(ee) and NUSA: Order #1: s. NWTSA: s. 2(m) 3(ee) s. 2(m) 3(ee) Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NU Blanket Order #2: s. 3(ff) NWT Blanket Order #3: s. 3(ff) NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(n) March 1, 1980: s. 11 and NWTSA: s. Order #1: s. 3(ff) and NUSA: s. Order #1: s. 3(ff) 2(o) 2(o) NWT Blanket NU Blanket Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(o) March 1, 1980: s. Order #2: s. Order #3: s. 12 3(gg) and Order #1: s. 3(gg) and NUSA: Order #1: s. NWTSA: s. 2(p) 3(gg) s. 2(p) 3(gg) No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision Order #2: s. 3(kk) Order #1: s. 3(kk) Order #3: s. 3(kk) Order #1: s. 3(kk) No analogous No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket provision provision provision Order #2: s. 3(ll) Order #1: s. 3(ll) Order #3: s. 3(ll) Order #1: s. 3(ll)

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: New Brunswick to Nunavut

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106 Analogous Local Provisions Section # Exemption New Brunswick PEI Newfoundland and Labrador Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Schedule III 2.41 Banks - Evidence NBSC Rule 45- NBSC Rule 45- No analogous No analogous No analogous of Deposit 501: s. 2.42 (1) 501: s. 2.42 (2) provision provision provision Conversion, NBSC Rule 45- PEI Rule 45-501, PEI Rule 45-501, NLSA: s. 2.42 Exchange, or 501: s. 2.43 (1) NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: s. PEISA: s. 36(1)(l)(iii) and 73(1)(f)(iii) and 501: s. 2.43 (3) 36(1)(n)(ii), Exercise (2) 2(3)(j)(iii) 13(1)(e)(iii) Blanket Order 23 Blanket Order 23 Part 3: Regisration Only Exemptions

3.1 Registered NBSC Rule 45-Dealer 501: s. 3.1 PEISA: s. 2(3)(h) NLSA: s. 36(1)(j) 3.2 Exchange No analogous No analogous No analogous Contract provision provision provision 3.3 Isolated Trade NBSC Rule 45-501: s. 3.2 PEISA: s.2(3)(b) NLSA: s. 36(1)(b) Estates, 3.4 Bankruptcies, NBSC Rule 45- PEISA: s. 2(3)(a) NLSA: s. 36(1)(a) and Liquidations 501: s. 3.3 Employees of 3.5 Registered NBSC Rule 45-501: s. 3.4 PEISA: s. 2(3)(f) NLSA: s. 36(1)(h) Dealer Small Security 3.6 Holder Selling NBSC Rule 45-and Purchase 501: s. 3.5 (2) NI 32-101 NI 32-101 Arrangements

3.7 Adviser NBSC Rule 45- 501: s. 3.6 PEISA: s. 2(5) NLSA: s. 35 Investment 3.8 Dealer Acting as NBSC Rule 45- PEISA Reg: s. NL Reg.: s. 133 Portfolio 501: s. 3.7 48 Manager

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Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision provision provision provision provision NLSA: s. Registrar's Order NWT Blanket NWT Blanket NU Blanket NU Blanket 73(1)(h)(ii), YSA: s. 2(h) March 1, 1980: s. Order #2: s. Order #1: s. Order #3: s. Order #1: s. 5(c ) 3(e)(iii) 3(e)(iii) 3(e)(iii) 3(e)(iii)

YSA: s. 2(a) NWTSA: s. 2(b) NUSA: s. 2(b) No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision YSA: s. 2(a) NWTSA: s. 2(a) NUSA: s. 2(a) NWT Blanket NU Blanket YSA: s. 2(f) Order #2: s. Order #3: s. 3(mm) and 3(mm) and NWTSA s. 2(f) NUSA: s. 2(f) No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision NI 32-101 NI 32-101 NI 32-101

NWT Blanket NU Blanket YSA: s. 30 Order #2: s. 2 Order #3: s. 2 YSA: s. 30 No analogous No analogous provision provision

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions Table of Concordance: New Brunswick to Nunavut

This table has been prepared as a reference tool to assist users of NI 45-106. This table should be viewed as guidance only and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. NI 45-106 Analogous Local Provisions Section # Exemption New Brunswick PEI Newfoundland and Labrador Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Part 4: Control Block Distributions 4.1 Control Block NBSC Rule 45- No analogous Distributions 501: s. 4.1 (3) provision Trades by a 4.2 Control Person NBSC Rule 45- No analogous After a Take- 501: s. 4.2 provision NL Regs: s. 15(1) Over Bid

Part 5: Offerings by TSX Venture Exchange Offering Document

TSX Venture 5.2 Exchange NBSC Rule 45- No analogous Offering 501: s. 5.2 provision W:\ccamsc\Wp\Security\NATINSTR\45-106\05-07-08\45_106_tab_concord.xls 12 of 12

Yukon Territory Northwest Territories Nunavut Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Registration Prospectus Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption Exemption NI 62-101 No analogous NWT Blanket NU Blanket provision Order #1: s. 3(q) Order #1: s. 3(q) No analogous No analogous No analogous provision provision provision

No analogous No analogous NWT Blanket NU Blanket provision provision Order #1: s. 2(c) Order #1: s. 2(c)

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.