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CSA / ACVM Canadian Autorités Securities canadiennes Administrators en valeurs mobilières Canadian Securities Administrators Notice 43-305 CSA Mining Technical Advisory And Monitoring Committee Members of the Canadian Securities Administrators (the CSA”) Mining Technical Advisory and Monitoring Committee (the MTAMC”), have served their term and we are now requesting applications for new members. The purpose of MTAMC is to advise the CSA on a variety of industry and professional developments related to securities regulatory issues including: disclosure issues raised in connection with the implementation and application of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101"). The MTAMC also serves as a forum for continuing communication between the CSA and the mining industry. The MTAMC is composed of approximately ten individual volunteers from across Canada drawn from different sectors of the mining industry, from early stage exploration to production. The MTAMC meets approximately four times a year, mostly in teleconference. Members of the MTAMC will serve two-year terms. The MTAMC is co-chaired by two representatives of the CSA; Deborah McCombe of the Ontario Securities Commission and Greg Gosson of the British Columbia Securities Commission. Representatives of The Toronto Stock Exchange and the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. sit as observors on the MTAMC. Members are expected to have extensive technical expertise and a strong interest in securities regulatory policy as it relates to the mining industry. As such, familiarity with the legislation and policies for which the CSA are responsible is helpful. Individual practitioners and representatives of small and large public mining companies, industry associations, consulting firms and other interested persons are invited to apply in writing for membership on the MTAMC, indicating their areas of practice and relevant experience. Interested parties should submit their application by March 1, 2005. Applications and any queries regarding this CSA Notice may be forwarded to: Deborah McCombe Greg Gosson Chief Mining Consultant, Corporate Finance Chief Mining Advisor, Corporate Finance Ontario Securities Commission British Columbia Securities Commission Telephone: (416) 593-8151 Telephone: (604) 899-6519 E-mail: E-mail: February 11, 2005 Administering the Canadian Securities Regulatory System Régissant le Système de réglementation canadien en valeurs mobilières
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