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MSC Notice 2002-36 NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 14-101 DEFINITIONS (MSC Rule 2000-5) Notice of Amendments The Commission, together with the other members of the Canadian Securities Administrators ("CSA"), has amended National Instrument 14-101, Definitions (the "National Instrument"). The amendments to the National Instrument (the "Amendments") will come into force on October 30, 2002. Substance and Purpose of Amendments The National Instrument came into force in Manitoba on April 5, 2000. It was intended to assist in a consistent approach to the interpretation and application of national and multilateral instruments by providing a framework of defined terms that the CSA have agreed upon for use in national and multilateral instruments, and definitions of commonly used terms, such as "Canadian GAAP". The National Instrument is amended from time to time to add new definitions. The Amendments add, clarify and delete defined terms in the National Instrument. Summary of Amendments The Amendments add a reference to Nunavut in the Appendices to the National Instrument and clarify the definitions of "insider reporting requirement" and "jurisdiction". The Amendments also delete the terms "multilateral instrument" and "national instrument" as they are unnecessary. The Amendments add the terms "provincial and territorial securities directions", "provincial and territorial securities legislation" and "provincial and territorial securities regulatory authorities". These terms have the same definitions as "Canadian securities directions", "Canadian securities legislation" and "Canadian securities regulatory authorities", and will be the terms used in future national and multilateral instruments and policies in the same context. Because the terms "Canadian securities directions", "Canadian securities legislation" and "Canadian securities regulatory authorities" are already used in existing national and multilateral instruments and policies, they have not been deleted from the National Instrument. The proposed amendments to the National Instrument suggested the addition of new terms presently used in national and multilateral instruments. These new terms are IDA, MFDA, MRRS and SEDAR. The CSA is of the view that terms that are not often used and that are already defined in an instrument should not be defined in the National Instrument. Consequently, the Amendments will not include these terms.
- 2 -Summary of Written Comments There were no written comments received on the Amendments. Text of Amendments The text of the Amendments follows. DATED: August 30, 2002.
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