Decision Content


MSC Rule No. 2024-5

(Section 149.1, The Securities Act)  


AmendmentS to

National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds


1. National Instrument 81-102 Investment Funds is amended by this Instrument.


2. Section 9.4 is amended


(a)  by adding the following subsection:


(0.1) In subsections (1) , (2)  and (4) , “reference settlement date” means the earlier of


(a) the business day determined by the mutual fund and made available in writing to the principal distributor or participating dealer referred to in subsection (1) , or to the person or company referred to in subsection (1)  providing services to the principal distributor or participating dealer, and


(b) the second business day after the pricing date.,


(b)  in subsections (1) , (2)  and (4) , by replacing “second business day after the pricing date” with “reference settlement date”, and


(c)  in paragraph 4(a) , by replacing “third business day after the pricing date” with “next business day after the reference settlement date”.


Effective Date

3.(1)                 This Instrument comes into force on August 31, 2024.


3.(2)                 In Saskatchewan, despite subsection (1) , if this Instrument is filed with the Registrar of Regulations after August 31, 2024, this Instrument comes into force on the day on which it is filed with the Registrar of Regulations.





 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.