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IN THE MATTER OF: THE SECURITIES ACT - and - IN THE MATTER OF: YORK RIO RESOURCES INC., VICTOR YORK also known as VICTOR GEORGIADIS, ADAM SHERMAN also known as JASON SEBROOKE and MICHAEL CHAMBERS, TOM PARKER, JOE LONDON, PETER ROBINSON, MARK ROBERTS, ABRAHAM SAKS, MICHAEL WALSH, and KEVIN CRAWFORD NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE TAKE NOTICE THAT: (A) On July 3, 2009, The Manitoba Securities Commission (“Commission”) issued a Notice of Hearing (“Notice of Hearing”) giving notice of its intention to hold a hearing to consider whether it was in the public interest to make orders as against the above named respondents. (B) Subsequent to the issuance of the Notice of Hearing, this hearing matter appeared before a panel of the Commission on August 19, 2009, at which time, staff gave notice of its intention to discontinue the proceedings against certain of the respondents being: Tom Parker, Joe London, Mark Roberts, Michael Walsh, and Kevin Crawford. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the proceedings commenced by the Notice of Hearing as against the following listed respondents have been discontinued by staff: 1. Tom Parker 2. Joe London 3. Mark Roberts 4. Michael Walsh 5. Kevin Crawford DATED at Winnipeg, Manitoba on August 20, 2009. _____________________________ Director
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