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In the Matter of The Securities Act
and in the Matter of Gary Peter PERCH ("Perch")


On November 10, 2005, Perch plead guilty before Judge Elliott of the Provincial Court of Manitoba to thirteen (13) counts of trading without registration contrary to The Securities Act of Manitoba ("Act").


For a 2 ¾ year period during 2001 – 2004, Perch, while a golf pro at the Transcona Golf Club, solicited approximately $380,000 from eight (8) investors personally or through newspaper ads to invest in golf-related business interests. The monies taken were deposited into Perch’s personal bank account and were used in part for personal expenses and interest payments to investors. Perch was not registered to trade in securities under the Act.


On April 28, 2006, Judge Elliott sentenced Perch to ten (10) months incarceration, followed by supervised probation for twelve (12) months during which Perch is to report as required and to perform 100 hours of community service. The court further ordered that Perch is not to be involved in the securities industry in any capacity, nor is he permitted to manage, invest money, or trade in securities on behalf of others.

The Manitoba Securities Commission

May 1, 2006.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.