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In the Matter of The Securities Act
And in the matter of ROBERT WALTER KALAPACA


On March 19, 2004, Robert Walter Kalapaca (“Kalapaca”) pled guilty in the Provincial Court of Manitoba to two counts of trading


Kalapaca pled guilty to 2 counts of trading without registration which involved an investment in a condominium project and the trading of a promissory note issued by Kaiser Holdings, a company owned by Kalapaca. Both trades took place in 1998 and involved the same investor. A total of $20,000.00 (U.S.D.) was invested with $2,500.00 going into the condominium investment and the remaining amount going to Kaiser Holdings. Kalapaca caused Kaiser Holdings to purchase shares in a company called MLB Industries Ltd. and subsequently had these shares sold, at a loss, converting the proceeds to personal use. The investor did not receive any returns. Prior to sentencing, Kalapaca paid the sum of $5,400.00 (Cdn) towards restitution.


On October 14, 2004, Judge Chartier accepted the joint recommendation of 30 days imprisonment concurrent on both counts. Kalapaca was also placed on one year supervised probation which included a condition that he not work in the securities industry, nor manage or invest client money or trade in securities for others.

The Manitoba Securities Commission

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.