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CSA Staff Notice 45-320

Exemptions for Certain Foreign Issuers from the Requirement to Identify Purchasers as Registrants or Insiders in

Reports of Exempt Distribution


July 7, 2016




On April 7, 2016, the Canadian Securities Administrators (the CSA or we) published amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions (NI 45-106), which came into force in all CSA jurisdictions on June 30, 2016.[1] The amendments to NI 45-106 introduced a new harmonized report of exempt distribution, Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution (Form 45-106F1).


This Notice addresses the granting of an exemption for certain foreign issuers from the requirement in Schedule 1 of Form 45-106F1 to identify whether a purchaser is a registrant or an insider of the issuer.


Substance and Purpose


In Schedule 1 of Form 45-106F1, issuers and underwriters are required to identify whether a purchaser is a registrant or an insider of the issuer. This requirement is found in clauses (f)1 and (f)2[2] of Schedule 1, respectively. In general, this information is necessary for securities regulators to identify connections between purchasers and issuers, which facilitates our oversight of the exempt market and supports our compliance programs.


Since publication of Form 45-106F1 on April 7, 2016, the CSA has been advised of concerns expressed by foreign issuers and dealers conducting offerings into Canada about the requirement to determine whether a purchaser is a registrant or an insider of the issuer, as those terms are defined under Canadian securities law.


In light of these concerns, relief is being provided from the requirement to disclose whether a purchaser is a registrant or an insider of the issuer if one or more of the following apply:

(a)    the issuer is a foreign public issuer;[3]

(b)   the issuer is a wholly owned subsidiary of a foreign public issuer;[4]

(c)    the issuer is distributing eligible foreign securities only to permitted clients.[5]


This relief aligns with the exemptions already provided to certain foreign issuers in Item 9 and Schedule 2 of Form 45-106F1.


All CSA members, except Ontario, are issuing blanket orders effective June 30, 2016.[6] The blanket orders are available on the websites of the applicable CSA members and a list of the blanket orders is contained in Annex A of this Notice.


As blanket orders are not authorized under Ontario securities law, the Ontario Securities Commission (the OSC) has approved an amendment instrument (the Ontario Amendment) providing the same relief that will amend NI 45-106 in Ontario only. If the Ontario Minister of Finance approves the Ontario Amendment within 60 days of delivery of the Ontario Amendment, it will come into force 15 days after the Ontario Amendment is approved. More detail of the Ontario Amendment is provided in Chapter 5 of the July 7, 2016 OSC Bulletin, and is also available on the OSC website at


Annex to Notice


Annex A – List of Blanket Orders




If you have any questions about this Notice, please contact any of the following:


Jo-Anne Matear

Manager, Corporate Finance Branch

Ontario Securities Commission



Daphne Wong

Legal Counsel, Corporate Finance Branch

Ontario Securities Commission


Kevin Yang

Senior Research Analyst, Strategy and Operations

Ontario Securities Commission


Frederick Gerra

Legal Counsel, Investment Funds and Structured Products

Ontario Securities Commission



Lina Creta

Senior Accountant, Compliance and Registrant Regulation Branch

Ontario Securities Commission




Victoria Steeves

Senior Legal Counsel, Corporate Finance

British Columbia Securities Commission



Jody-Ann Edman

Assistant Manager, Financial Reporting

British Columbia Securities Commission


Christopher Peng 

Legal Counsel, Corporate Finance

Alberta Securities Commission



Steven Weimer 

Team Lead, Compliance, Data & Risk

Alberta Securities Commission


Tony Herdzik

Deputy Director, Corporate Finance

Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan



Wayne Bridgeman

Deputy Director, Corporate Finance

Manitoba Securities Commission



Georgia Koutrikas

Analyst, Corporate Finance

Autorité des marchés financiers

514-395-0337 ext: 4393

Suzanne Boucher

Senior Analyst, Investment Funds

Autorité des marchés financiers

514-395-0337 ext: 4477


Ella-Jane Loomis

Senior Legal Counsel, Securities

Financial and Consumer Services Commission (New Brunswick)



Kevin G. Redden

Director, Corporate Finance

Nova Scotia Securities Commission



Jack Jiang

Securities Analyst, Corporate Finance

Nova Scotia Securities Commission



Steven D. Dowling

Acting Director

Consumer, Labour and Financial Services Division Department of Justice and Public Safety

Government of Prince Edward Island



John O’Brien

Superintendent of Securities

Office of the Superintendent of Securities

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador



Rhonda Horte

Securities Officer

Office of the Yukon Superintendent of Securities

Government of Yukon



Thomas W. Hall

Superintendent of Securities

Department of Justice

Government of the Northwest Territories


Jeff Mason

Superintendent of Securities

Department of Justice

Government of Nunavut








Alberta Securities Commission

Alberta Securities Commission Blanket Order 45-518 Exemption Regarding Certain Purchaser Information


British Columbia Securities Commission

BC Instrument 45-537 Exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution.


The Manitoba Securities Commission

Blanket Order 45-504 Exemptions from Certain Requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution


Financial and Consumer Services Commission (New Brunswick)

Blanket Order No. 45-510 In the matter of exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distributions


Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Office of the Superintendent of Securities

Blanket Order Number 100


Government of the Northwest Territories, Office of the Superintendent of Securities

Blanket Order 45-503 Exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution


Nova Scotia Securities Commission

Blanket Order No. 45-527


Government of Nunavut, Department of Justice

Blanket Order 45-503 Exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution


Prince Edward Island Superintendent of Securities

Blanket Order 45-512 Exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution


Autorité des marchés financiers

Décision no 2016-PDG-0099 Décision générale relative à la dispense pour certains émetteurs étrangers de fournir certains renseignements exigés dans la déclaration de placement avec dispense établie en la forme prévue à l‘Annexe 45-106A1 du Règlement 45106 sur les dispenses de prospectus




Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan

General Order 45-502 Exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution


Office of the Yukon Superintendent of Securities

Superintendent Order 2016/02 Exemptions from certain requirements in Form 45-106F1 Report of Exempt Distribution


[1] It is expected the amendments to NI 45-106 will come into force in Saskatchewan but not on June 30, 2016.

[2] Clause (f)2 is not applicable if the issuer is an investment fund.

[3] “Foreign public issuer” is defined in Part B1 of Form 45-106F1. 

[4] Guidance on what is a wholly owned subsidiary of a foreign public issuer is provided in Item 9 of Form 45-106F1.

[5] “Eligible foreign security” and “permitted client” are defined in Part B1 of Form 45-106F1.

[6]As Saskatchewan’s amendments to NI 45-106 will come into force after June 30, 2016, Saskatchewan will issue the blanket order when the amendments are effective.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.