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Form 45-106F5 Risk Acknowledgement Saskatchewan Close Personal Friends and Close Business Associates I acknowledge that this is a risky investment: · I am investing entirely at my own risk. · No securities regulatory authority has evaluated or endorsed the merits of these securities. · The person selling me these securities is not registered with a securities regulatory authority and has no duty to tell me whether this investment is suitable for me. [Instruction: Delete if sold by registrant] · I will not be able to sell these securities except in very limited circumstances. I may never be able to sell these securities. [Instruction: Delete if issuer is reporting] · I will not be able to sell these securities for 4 months. [Instruction: Delete if issuer is not reporting] · I could lose all the money I invest. · I do not have a 2-day right to cancel my purchase of these securities or the statutory rights of action for misrepresentation I would have if I were purchasing the securities under a prospectus. I am investing $____________ [total consideration] in total; this includes any amount I am obliged to pay in future. I am a close personal friend or close business associate of ____________ [state name], who is a ____________ [state title - founder, director, executive officer or control person] of ____________ [state name of issuer or its affiliate if an affiliate state an affiliate of the issuer and give the issuers name]. I acknowledge that I am purchasing based on my close relationship with ____________ [state name of founder, director, executive officer or control person] whom I know well enough and for a sufficient period of time to be able to assess her/his capabilities and trustworthiness. I acknowledge that this is a risky investment and that I could lose all the money I invest. Date Signature of Purchaser Print name of Purchaser Sign 2 copies of this document. Keep one copy for your records. W A R N I N G
2 You are buying Exempt Market Securities They are called exempt market securities because two parts of securities law do not apply to them. If an issuer wants to sell exempt market securities to you: · the issuer does not have to give you a prospectus (a document that describes the investment in detail and gives you some legal protections), and · the securities do not have to be sold by an investment dealer registered with a securities regulatory authority. There are restrictions on your ability to resell exempt market securities. Exempt market securities are more risky than other securities. You may not receive any written information about the issuer or its business If you have any questions about the issuer or its business, ask for written clarification before you purchase the securities. You should consult your own professional advisers before investing in the securities. You will not receive advice [Instruction: Delete if sold by registrant] Unless you consult your own professional advisers, you will not get professional advice about whether the investment is suitable for you. The issuer of your securities is a non-reporting issuer [Instruction: Delete if issuer is reporting] A non-reporting issuer does not have to publish financial information or notify the public of changes in its business. You may not receive ongoing information about this issuer. You can only sell the securities of a non-reporting issuer in very limited circumstances. You may never be able to sell these securities. The securities you are buying are not listed [Instruction: Delete if securities are listed or quoted] The securities you are buying are not listed on any stock exchange, and they may never be listed. There may be no market for these securities. You may never be able to sell these securities. For more information on the exempt market, refer to the Saskatchewan Financial Services Commissions website at [Instruction: The purchaser must sign 2 copies of this form. The purchaser and the issuer must each receive a signed copy.]
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.