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Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision


on the one hand: The Management Negotiating Committee for the Cree School Board (CPNCSC) and The Cree School Board

on the other hand: The Centrale de l'enseignement du Québec on behalf of the ASSOCIATION DE. L'ENSEIGNEMENT DU NOUVEAU-QUÉBEC







The parties to this agreement agree to the following: Clause 5-1.04 is replaced with the following: 5-1.04 When the board must proceed with the engagement of full-time teachers, it shah l respect the provisions provided for in clause

5-3.22. Failing ta engage a full-time teacher in accordance with clause 5-3.22, the board shah l offer this full-time contract for the following school year ta teachers who have benefited during the current year from a contract as a part-time teacher or a replacement teacher insofar as they meet the criteria of clause 5-4.04.

When the board must proceed with the engagement of a replacement teacher or part-time teacher, it shah l respect the provisions

provided for in clause 5-1.25.

Clauses 5-1.20 ta 5-1.28 are added: 5-1.20 a) Within each community, as of July 1, 1993, the board shahl draw up priority of employment lists according ta field of

teaching and linguistic sector for the purpose of granting part-time and replacement contracts in the youth sector and shah l forward a copy ta the union before July 31, 1993.

b) The name of a teacher may not appear on more than one priority of employment hist.

C) Should the teacher be eligible ta be on more than one priority of employment list, the teacher shah l decide on which list his or her name shah l be entered..

5-1.21 Ta be eligible ta be on a priority of employment list, the teacher must meet one of the following conditions:

to have taught, on a part-time basis or as a replacement, within at least two (2) of the three (3) preceding school years and ta be accepted by the board ta be included on the list;

ta be on the priority of employment list, ta have obtained a full-time contract, ta have been nonreengaged because of surplus, ta no longer be eligible for a full-time contract as provided for in paragraph A) of clause 5-3.21:

5-1.22 The following teachers are excluded from ail prio;ity employment lists:

the teacher who is employed full-time; the teacher who is not legallyqualified within the meaning of clause 1-1.29.

5-1.23 The teacher whose name appears on a priority of employment list . and who is granted a regular teacher's contract shah l retain a priority of employment for a part-time or replacement contract if he or she is nonreengaged because of surplus, for as long as his or her name remains entered on a list provided for in paragraph A) of clause 5-3.21.

- 2- 5-1.24 The name of eligible teachers shah l be entered on the priority of employment liste by order of seniority as provided for in clause 5-2.04.

Notwithstanding paragraph d) of clause 5-2.07, for as long as the teacher remains eligible tobe entered on a priority of employment list, he or she shall not lose seniority.

5-1.25 Except in the case provided for in the second paragraph of clause -5-1.08, the board that must hire a part-time or replacement teacher shall of fer the contract to the teacher who has the must seniority in the field of teaching of the appropriate sector of the community, provided he or she meets the specific requirements of the position to be filled.

5-1.26 The teacher who holds a part-time or replacement contract may, if he or she so agrees, be assigned additional teaching periods in the same subject and in the same school, provided that the timetable of the school so permits, that no other changes are involved and this, until he or she acquires a full teaching workload but without changing bis or her statua of part-time or replacement teacher.

5-1.27 The priority of employment lista shah l be updated as of May 1 of each year, beginning May 1, 1994, according to the cumulative durations of the contracte of each teacher whose naine appears on the liste. The board shall forward a copy of the lista to the union before May 31 of each year.

5-1.28 A teacher's name can be removed from the priority of employment list for one of the following reasons:

a) the refusal of an of fer of employment except in the case of: a maternity, paternity or adoption leave covered by the Act respecting labour standards;

a disability or work accident within the meaning of the agreement;

a full-time position with the union or with the CEQ; a reason both the board and the union agree on; b) the acquisition of a full-time employment; c) not having worked for two (2) years. Paragraphe B) and C) of clause 5-3.32 are replaced with the following:

B) The committee's mandate shall be to draw up and implement, for the 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 school years, reduction and retraining measures designed to reduce the number of teachers on availability by favouring the teaching sectors and regions with the most significant rate of teachers on availability. These reduction and retraining measures shall be designed mainly to meet local or regional needs.

- 3 - C) To fulfill its mandate, the committee's budget shall be: 'f ive million dollars ($5,000,000) for the 1992-1993 school year;

five million dollars ($5,000,000) for the 1993-1994 school year.

Any amount of the budgetary mass of five million dollars ($5,000,000) flot used or committed for the 1991-1992, 1992- 1993 and 1993-1994 school years shah l be transferable to the following school year.

Paragraph k) of clause 5-10.15 is replaced with the following: 5-10.15 k) if it is accepted by the insurer, any other modification concerning the coverage and the resulting deduction et source for a teacher already in the employ of the board shah l teks effect on the first day of the complete pay period following the date on which the board received the notice of acceptance from the insurer;

Subparagraph 3) of paragraph 13) of clause 5-10.16 is replaced with the following:

5-10.16 S) 3) if the request is made thirty (30) deys after hie or ber entry into service, the participation of a new teacher who is eligible for a complementary plan shall take effect on the fiist day of the complete pay period following the date on which the board received the notice of acceptance from the insurer.

Clause 5-10.25 is replaced with the following: 5-10.25 There can be no more than one update campaign per three (3) years for ail plans; this campaign shall be carried out by the insurer directly with the participants in a manner to be determined and the modifications shah l corne into force on January 1 following a written notice sent to the board at least sixty (60) days in advance.

The following paragraph in added to clause 5-13.02: For the purposes of this agreement, spouse means either of the man and the woman:

who are married and cohabiting; who are living together as husband and wife and are the father and mother of the same child;

who have been living together as husband and wife for at least one (1) year.

VIII- The following paragraph is added ta clause 5-13.04: The salary(‘), deferred salary(1 and severance payments shah l flot be increased or decreased by the amounts received under the supplementary unemployment insurance benefits plan.

(1 In this article, "salary" means the teacher's regular salary including the supplements provided for in article 6-6.00 excluding the other premiums, without any additional remu-neration, even the monetary compensations provided for in Chapter 8-0.00.

Ix- The footnote (t) referring ta the second paragraph of subparagraph 1) of paragraph A) of clause 5-13.09 is moved to the second paragraph of clause 5-13.04 and is added te the word usalare.

Paragraph A) of clause 5-13.09 is replaced with the following: A) The teacher who has accumulated twenty (20) weeks of ser-vice(” and who, following the submission of a request for unemployment insurance benefits in accordance with the unemployment insurance plan, receives such benefits, shah l be

entitled, during ber maternity leave, subject to clause 5-13.12, to receive:

for each week of the waiting period stipulated by the unemployment insurance plan, the board shah l pay the teacher an allowance calculated as follows:

the payment of salaryprovided for this period according to clause 6-8.01 that the teacher would have received had she been at work, reduced by seven (7) per cent(.) of 1/200 of the annual salary for each workday as defined in article 8-3.00, scheduled during these weeks;

for each week she is receiving unemployment insurance benefits, the board shah l pay the teacher a complementary allowance calculated as follows:

the payment of salaryprovided for each period according ta clause 6-8.01 that the teacher would have received had she been at work, reduced by the amount of the unemployment insurance benefit received for each period, and also reduced by seven (7) per cent(.) of 1/200 of the annual salary for each workday as defined in article 8-3.00, scheduledduring these weeks; this complementaryallowance shall be calculated on the basis of the unemployment insurance benefits that a teacher is entitled to receive without taking into account the amounts deducted froc such benefits because of the reimbursement of benefits, interest, penalties and other amounts recoverable under the unemployment insurance plan.

(') The absent teacher shah l accumulate service if ber absence is authorized, particularly for disability, and includes benefits or remuneration.

(") Seven (7) per cent: this percentage was set ta take into account the fact that the teacher is exonerated from contri­buting to the pension or unemployment insurance plans during maternity leave. Such contribution on an average is equal to seven (7) per cent of her salary.

- s - mowever, in the case of the teacher who works for more than one employer, she shah l receive an additional allowance which shah l be equal te the difference between ninety-three (93) per cent of the basic salary paidby the board and the percentage of the unemployment insurance benefits corresponding te the proportion of basic weekly salary it pays ber in relation te the total basic weekly salaries paid by ail the employers. Te this end, the teacher shahl provide each of ber employers with a statement of the weekly salaries paid by each of them and the amount of the benefits paid by Employment and Immigration Canada.

Moreover, if Employment and Immigration Canada reduces the number of weeks of unemployment insurance benefits te which the teacher would otherwise have been entitled if she had flot availed herself of the unemployment insurance benefits before her maternity leave, the teacher shah l continue te receive, for a period equivalent te the weeks deducted by Employment and Immigration Canada, the complementary allowance provided for in this subparagraph as if she had, during this period, availed herself of the unemployment insurance benefits;

3) for each of the weeks that follow those described in subparagraph 2), the board shah l pay the teacher, up te the end of the twentieth (20th) week of the maternity leave, an allowance calculated as follows:

the payment of salary provided for eachperiod according te clause 6-8.01 that the teacher would have received had she been at work, reduced by seven (7) per cent of 1/200 of the annual salary for each workday, as defined in article 8-3.00, scheduled during these weeks.

XI- Clause 5-13.10 is replaced with the following: S-13.10 Cases flot Eligible fer Unemployment Insurance Any teacher who is excluded from unemployment insurance benefits or who is declared ineligible shall aise be excluded from any other allowance. However:

A) Full-time Teacher The full-time teacherwho has accumulated twenty (20) weeks of service shall also be entitled, for ten (10) weeks, to an allowance calculated as follows:

the payment of salary provided for each period according te clause 6-8.01 that the teacher would have received had she been at work, reduced by seven (7) per cent of 1/200 of the annual salary for each workday, as defined in article 8-3.00, scheduled during these weeks if she does net receive unemployment insurance benefits for the following reason: she did net hold an insurable job for at least twenty (20) weeks during the period of reference stipulated in the unemployment insurance plan.

- 6 - B) Part-time or Replacement Teacher The part-time or replacement teacher who bas accumulated twenty (20) weeks of service shah l be entitled, for ten (10) week8, to an allowance calculated as follows:

the payment of salary provided for each period according to clause 6-8.01 that the teacher would have received had she been at work, reduced by five (5) per cent(') of 1/200 of the proportion of annuel salary for each workday, as defined in article 8-3.00, scheduled during these weeks and for which she should have been at work if she does flot receive unemployment insurance benefits for one of the following two (2) reasons:

she did flot contribute to the unemployment insurance plan; or she did contribute but did flot hold an insurable job for at least twenty (20) weeks during ber period of reference.

(') Read seven (7) per cent if the part-time or replacement teacher is exonerated from paying ber share of the premiums to the pension and unemployment insurance plans.

Clause 5-13.23 is replaced with the following: 5-13.23 The teacher who legally adopte a child and who does flot benefit from the ten (10)-week leave for adoption shah l be entitled to a

leave for a maximum period of five (5) working days, of which only the first two (2) shah l be remunerated.

This leave may be discontinuous but it may flot be taken more than fifteen (15) days following the child's arrival home.

However, if it involves the spouse's child, the teacher shall only be entitled to a leave without salary for a maximum period of two (2) working days.

Clause 5-13.26 is replaced with the following: 5-13.26 Rxcept for the third paragraph of clause 5-13.23, clauses 5-13.22 to 5-13.25 shah l flot apply to the teacher who adopte bis or ber spouse's child.

Clause 5-13.27 is replaced with the following: 5-13.27 The teacher who wishes to extend ber maternity leave, the teacher who wishes to extend his paternity leave and the teacher who wishes to extend either one of the leaves for adoption shall benefit from one of the five (5) options listed hereinafter, under the conditions stipulated therein:

a leave by virtue of clause 5-10.44; Or a full-time leave without salary: until thé end of the current school year, if he or she so requests;

for the following complete school year if the teacher benefited from the leave provided for in the preceding subparagraph 1), if he or she 80 requests;

3) for a second complete sehool year if the teacher benefited from the leave provided for in the preceding subparagraph 2), if he or she so requests;

or c) a full-time leave of absence Without salary for a maximum period of thirty-four (34) continuous weeks which begins at the time the teacher chooses and ends no later than one (1) year following the birth or, in the case of an adoption, one (1) year after he or she assumes full legal responsibility for the child;

Or d) a leave of absence without salary for part of a year for a maximum period of two (2) years; unless there is an agreement to the contrary between the board and the teacher, the teacher shah, during this leave, have the choice of working or not:

for each complete period where the starting date coincides wiih the beginning of the work year and the end coincides with the last day of work in December;

for each complete period where the starèing date coincides with the first day of work in January and the end coincides with the last day of work in June;

3) for the period included between the beginning of the leave of absence without salary and the last day of work in December, if the leave without salary is taken between the beginning of the work year and the hast day of work in December, or for the period included between the beginning of the leave without salary and the hast day of work in June, if the leave without salary is taken between the first day of work in January and the hast day of work in Jund.

A leave of absence without salary which includes four (4) periods as defined in subparagraphs 1), 2) or 3) shah l be for two (2) years;

or e) if the board agrees(), a partial leave without salary; unless there je an agreement to the contrary between the board -and the teacher, the following terms shah l apply:

1) the leave begins between December 31 and July 1: until the end of the current work year, the teacher shah l choose either to work on a full-time basis or to benefit from a full-time leave without salary;

for the following complete work year, the teacher shall be entitled, during the entire year, to.a leave without salary for part of the week determined by the board:

i) for the secondary-level teacher and the pre- school and elementary-level specialist: a fixed period of time in bis or ber timetable equal to approximately fifty (50) per cent of the work-load;

( I ) If the board does not agree to the leave, it shah l inform the teacher concerned and the union of the reasons for its refusal.

for the preschool teacher: mornings or after-noons;

for every other teacher: five (5) half-days per week;

for a second complete work year, the teacher shah l be entitled to a partial leave without salary under the same conditions as for the first complete work year;

2) the leave begins between June 30 and the first day of work of the school.year;

for the following complete work year, the teacher shahl be entitled, during the entire year, to a leave without salary for part of the week determined by the board:

for the secondary-level teacher and preschool and elementary-level specialist: a fixedperiod of time in hie or her timetable equivalent to approximately fifty (50) per cent of the work-load;

for the preschool teacher: mornings or after-noons;

for every other teacher: five (5) half-days per week;

for a second complete work year, the teacher shah l be entitled to a partial leave without salary under the saine conditions as for the first complete work year;

3) the leave begins between the first day of work of the school year and January 1:

until the end of the. current work year, the teacher shah l choose either to work on a full-time basis or to benefit from a full-time leave without salary;

for the following complete work year, the teacher shahl be entitled, during the entire year, to a leave without salary for part of the week determined by the board:

for the secondary-level teacher and preschool and elementary-level specialist: a fixedperiod of time in his or her timetable equivalent to approximately fifty (50) per cent of the work-load;

for the preschool teacher: mornings or after-noons;

for every other teacher: five (5) half-days per week;

- for a second complete work year, the teacher shah l be 'Antitled to a full-time leave without salary;

the leaves provided for in paragraphe a), b) d) or e) must immediately follow the maternity leave, paternity leave or leave for adoption;

the leaves provided for in paragraphs b), d) or e) may be changed for any one of the other three (3) options only once under the following conditions:

- the change shah l be effective as of the beginning of a school year and must be requested in writing before the preceding June 1;

- it shah l flot extend beyond the period originally foreseen for the leave;

a leave provided for in paragraph b) or d) cannot be changed for a leave provided for in paragraph e) without the consent of the board. "

During one of the leaves provided for in paragraphe c), d) or e) of this clause, the teacher shah l maintain hie or her right to the use of sick-leave days according to clause 5-10.44. However, such use may flot have the effect of extending the period foreseen for one of these leaves.

The teacher who does flot use hie or her leave of absence without salary for one of the leaves provided for in paragraphs b), d) or e) of this clause may, for that portion of the leave which hie or her spouse does flot use, benefit from a leave of absence without salary by following the formalities provided for in this article. Where applicable, the leave shah l be divided over two (2) immediately consecutive periods. In the case of the leave provided for in paragraph e), the board may refuse it by justifying iis decision.

If the - teacher's spouse is flot an employee of the public and parapublic sectors, the teacher may obtain, under the conditions stipulated, a leave without salary provided for in paragraphe b), d) or e) of this clause within the two (2) years which follow the birth or adoption; in ah l cases, the said leave cannot exceed a maximum two (2)-year period following the birth or adoption. In the case of the leave provided for in paragraph e), the board may refuse it by justifying its decision.

The third paragraph of clause 5-13.28 becomes the fourth para-graph. The new third paragraph is as follows:

Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphe, the teacher shahl accumulate hie or her experience for a maximum period of the first thirty-four (34) weeks of a leave of absence without salary, a partial leave of absence without salary or a leave of absence without salary for part of a year. These first thirty-four (34) weeks must be situated within the fifty-two (52) weeks following the birth or, in the case of an adoption, following the date on which he or she assumes full legal responsibility for the child.

Clause 5-13.29 is replaced with the following: 5-13.29 Notwithstanding paragraph f) of clause 5-13.27, if the teacher takes her deferred annuel vacation period immediately after her maternity leave, the leave without salary, the leave without salary for part of a year or the partial leave without salary must immediately follow the deferred vacation period.

Paragraphe A), B) and C) of clause 5-13.30 are replaced with the following:

A) A leave without salary for part of a year for a maximum of one (1) year shall be granted to a teacher whose minor child experiences socio-emotional problems or whose minor child is handicapped or ill and reguires hie or her care. The scheduling of this leave shah l be made in accordance with paragraph d) of clause 5-13.27.

H) The teacher may obtain, with the board's consent, a leave without salary for a complete school year or a partial leave without salary for a complete school year instead of availing himself or herself of this leave. The scheduling of the partial leave without salary shah l be made in accordance with paragraph e) of clause 5-13.27.

- 10 - C) Subject to the other provisions of the agreement, the teacher may be absent from work for a maximum of six (6) days per year, in cases where bis or her presence is required, to fulfill obligations relating to the health, safety or educa­tion of his or ber child.

XVIII- Paragraph B) of clause 5-13.31 is replaced with the following: B) 1) The full-time leaves provided for in paragraphe a), b) and -c) of clause 5-13.27 shah l be granted following a written request submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance;

the leave of absence without salary provided for in para­graph d) of clause 5-13.27 shah l be granted following a written request submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance and shah l specify the schedule of the leave for the first year. The schedule for the second year of the

leave must be specified in writing at least three (3) months before the beginning of this second year;

in the case of the leaves provided for in paragraphe a), c) and d) of clause 5-13.27, the request must specify the date of return to work;

the leave of absence without salary provided for in paragraph e) of clause 5-13.27 shah l be granted following a written request submitted at least two (2) weeks in ad-vanFe;

the partial leave of absence without salary provided for in paragraph e) of clause 5-13.27 shah l be granted following a written request submitted before the preceding June 1.

XIX- The second paragraph of clause 5-13.33 is replaced with the following:

The teacher who wishes to terminate a leave of absence granted under paragraph a), b), or e) of clause 5-13.27 before the anticipated date may only do so for exceptional reasons and with the board's consent. The board and the teacher may agree on the terme and conditions of the return.

XX- The following paragraph is added to clause 5-13.33: The teacher who wishes to terminate bis or her leave of absence granted under paragraph c) of clause 5-13.27 must submit a written notice to this effect at least twenty-one (21) days prior to his or ber return.

XXI- The following article 5-20.00 is added: 5-20.00 PROGRESSIVE RETIREMENT PLAN 5-20.01 The purpose of the progressive retirement plan shall be to permit a teacher to reduce his or her time worked for a period of one (1) to three (1) years. The teacher's time worked must not be less than forty (40) per cent of the i-egular workweek.

5-20.02 Only thé full-time teacher who is a member of one of the pension plans currently in force (RRF, RREGOP and RRE) may benefit, and only once, froc the plan.

5-20.03 For the purposes of this article, the term "agreement" means the 'agreement mentioned in Appendix XXIV.

' 5-20.04 TO be eligible for the progressive retirement plan, the teacher must verify with the "Commission administrative 'des régimes de retraite et d'assurances (CARRA)" that in ail likelihood he or she will be entitled to a pension on the date on which the agreement expires.

The teacher shah l sign the form required by CARRA and shahl forward a copy to the board.

5-20.05 A) The teacherwho wishes to benefit from the progressive retire- ment plan must forward a written request to the board usually

before April 1 preceding the school year during which the pro­gressive retirement period shah l begin.

The request must specify the period during which the teacher intends to benefit from the progressive ietirement plan and the time he or she intends to work during each of the years concerned.

The teacher shall also forward to the board, at the same time as the request, an attestation from CARRA confirming that in ail likelihood he or she will be entitled to a pension on the date on which the agreement expires.

5-20.06 Approval of the request for the progressive retirement plan shall be the exclusive responsibility of the board; however, should the request be refused, the board shah l provide, at the teacher's request, the reasons for its refusai.

5-20.07 Subject to clause 5-20.01, the board may modify, for a year covered by the agreement, the proportion of time worked to take into account the organization of the school or the instruction; in this case, the proportion of time worked shah l be that which is closest to the proportion of time worked as provided for in the agreement or agreed to between the board and the teacher.

For the duration of the agreement, the board shah l distribute the teacher's workload taking into account the percentage of time worked; the distribution may be weekly, cyclical, monthly or other.

5-20.08 The teacher shah l be entitled to a percentage of salary equal to the percentage of the workload that he or she assumes in relation to the full-time teacher's workload.

The same shah l apply to the supplements, premiums for regional disparities and special leaves.

5-20.09 The othermonetarybenefits such as those resulting from insurance plans and parental rights shah l be proportional to the salary paid.

5-20.10 The teàcher can use the redeemable sick-leave days to his or her credit on December 31, 1973 provided for in paragraph C) of clause 5-10.44, at a rate of one day per day, to reduce the number of workdays immediately preceding the expiry of the agreement.

5-20.11 During the progressive retirement period, the admissible salary for the years covered by the agreement, for the purpose of the three (3) pension plans currently in force (RRF, RREGOP and RRE), shah l be the salary the teacher would have received or, for a

period during which he or she received benefits under the salary insurance plan, would have been entitled to had he or she not benefited from the plan.

5-20.12 The period covered by the agreement shah l count as a period of service for the purpose of the three (3) pension plans currently in force (RRF, RREGOP and RRE).

- 12 - 5-20.13 For the duration of the agreement, the teacher and the board must pay their share of the contributions to the pension plan on the basic of the applicable salary as if the teacher Md not benefited from the progressive retirement plan.

5-20.14 For the duration of the agreement, the teacher shah l accumulate seniority and experience as if he or she had flot availed himself or herself of the progressive retirement plan.

5-20.15 If the teacher is placed on availability, such placement on availabilityshall have no effect on the percentage of time worked as prescribed in the agreement subject to the following: the time workedshall continue to apply as if the placement on availability had flot taken'place, if it does flot exceed the percentage of salary determined under clause 5-3.18; if it exceeds this percentage of salary, it shall be automatically brought to this percentage of salary, unless there is an agreement to the contrary between the board and the teacher concerned.

In the case of a placement on availability, the teacher's contributions to hic or her pension plan shah l be those prescribed

by law for the person placed on availability.

5-20.16 The teacher shah l be entitled to ail of the benefits of the collective agreement éhat are compatible with the provisions of this article.

5-20.17 Should the teacher flot be entitled to hic or her pension upon the expiry of the agreement or should the latter be interrupted due to circumstances prescribed by regulation, the agreement shall be extended to the date on which the teacher will be entitled to his or her pension even though the period exceeds three (3) years.

Any changes in the fixed dates for the beginning and end of the agreement must have the prior approval of CARRA.

5-20.18 A) In the event of the retirement, resignation, breach of contract, dismissal, nonreengagement, death of the teacher or,

where applicable, upon expiry of the extension agreed to by virtue of clause 5-20.17, the agreement shall terminate on the date on which such event occurs.

B) The agreement shall also terminate if the teacher is relocated to another employer as a result of the application of the provisions of the collective agreement, unless the new employ­er agrees to continue the agreement according to the terme and conditions it determines, provided that CARRA so approves.

C) In the case where and for the purposes specified by regula-tion:

The agreement becomes null if the teacher voluntarily ceases to participate in the progressive retirement plan during the first year of the agreement;

the agreement terminates: if the teacher voluntarily cesses to participate in the progressive retirement plan more than one (1) yearafter the date set for the beginning of the agreement;

if the teacher and the board decide jointly to terminate the agreement more than one (1) year after the date set for the beginning of the agreement.

D) If the agreement becomes null or terminates due to circum­stances mentioned previously or which are prescribed by regulation, the admissible salary, the credited service and the contributions shall be determined, for each of these Cir-cumstances, in the mariner prescribed by regulation.

- 13 - 5-20.19 Upon expiry of the agreement, the teacher shah l resign automati- cally and shah l be pensioned Off.

5-20.20 The board and the teacher shah l sign, where applicable, the agreement stipulating the terms end conditions concerning the progressive retirement plan.

XX/I- Clause 6-4.02 Le replaced with the following: 6-4.02 A school year, during which a teacher taught or performed a pedagogical or educational function on a full-time basis in a Québec teaching institution recognized by the Ministère or in a teaching institution under government authority outside Québec, shah l be recognized as a year of experience. However, the school year during which a full-time teacher or a teacher.u ndaernnuel contract taught or performed a pedagogical or educational function for only a minimum of ninety (90) days because of circumstances beyond his or her control or because of a parental leave byvirtue of article 5-13.00 shah l be recognized as a year of experience; only the days of leave provided for in clauses 5-13.05, 5-13.13, 5-13.14, 5-13.18, 5-13.19, 5-13.21, 5-13.22, 5-13.23 and those listed in the third paragraph of clause 5-13.28 for the duration stipulated therein shall be considered as days when the teacher teaches or performs a pedagogical or educational function.

Clause 6-5.01 is replaced with the following: 6-5.01 The teacher shah l be entitled to the salary provided for in clauses 6-5.02 to 6-5.10 according to the category in which he or she is classified in accordance with articles 6-1.00, 6-2.00 and 6-3.00 and according to the experience step recognized for him or her according to article 6-4.00.

The teacher's annuel salaryshall apply for the entire school year including workdays, paid legal holidays and vacation clays.'

Clause 6-5.11 shah l also apply to the teacher. The first paragraph of clause 6-5.02 is replaced with the following:

For each period, the salary scale shah l be the salary scale applicable under clauses 6-5.03, 6-5.04, 6-5.05, 6-5.06 or 6-5.07 and clauses 6-5.08 and 6-5.09.

The title of clause 6-5.06 is replaced with the following: ANNUAL SALARY SCALES IN FORCE AS OF JULY 1, '1992 XXV/- Clause 6-5.07 is replaced with the followings


CATEGORIES () EXPERIENCES STEPS( : ) 14 year , 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years() or less

1 25 729 27 609 29 627 31 826 2 26 458 28 394 30 497 32 763 3 27 213 29 234 31 361 33 699 4 28 011 30 062 32 285 34 690 5 28 811 30 942 33 214 35 719 6 29 627 31 826 34 187 36 771 7 30 497 32 763 35 191 37 854 8 31 361 33 699 36 240 38 953 9 32 285 34 690 37 309 40 111 10 33 214 35 719 38 407 41 341 11 34 187 36 771 39 523 42 563 12 35 191 37 854 40 730 43 850 13 36 240 38 953 41 940 45 164 14 37 309 40 111 43 200 46 557 15 38 407 41 341 44 498 47 971 () AS DEF/NED IN 'CLAUSE 1-1.16 () AS DEFINED IN CLAUSE 1-1.06 (3) 19 YEARS OR MORE OF SCHOOLING WITH A DOCTORATE OF THE THIRD CYCLE

34 187 36 7 .'71 40 894 35 191 37 854 41 977 36 240 38 953 ' 43 076 37 309 40 111 44 234 38 407 41 341 45 464 - 39 523 42 563 46 686 40 730 43 850 47 973 41 940 45 164 49 287 43 200 46 557 50 680 44 498 47 971 52 094 45 830 49 453 53 576 47 243 50 949 55 072 48 677 52,543 56 666 50 186 54 171 58 294 51 747 55 856 59 979

- 15 - Clause 6-5.08 is replaced with the following: 6-5.08 Increase in Salary Scales and Rates as of July 1, 1992 Every rate and every salary scale in force on June 30, 1992 shahl be increased, on that date, effective July 1, 1992, by a percentage equal to three (3) per cent.

Clause 6-5.09 becomes clause 6-5.11. The new clause 6-5.09 is as follows: 6 - 5.09 Increase in Salary Scales and Rates as of the 151st Day of Work of the 1992-1993 School Year

Every rate and every salary scale in force 'on the 150th day of work of the 1992-1993 school year shah l be increased, on that date, effective the 151st,day of work of the 1992-1993 school year, by a percentage equal to one (1) per cent.

The clause 6-5.10 is replaced with the following: 6-5.10 Salary Scales and Rates as of July 1, 1993 Every rate and every salary scale in force on June 30, 1993, effective July 1, 1993, shah l be determined in the manner prescribed in Appendix XXV.

: The first paragraph Of clause 6-6.01 is replaced with the follow-ing:

The teacher who is appointed head teacher in a school, in accordance with clause 1-1.36, shah l receive the foliowing for his or her additional responsibilities:

a supplement of five hundred and fourteen dollars and fifty cents ($514.50) for half the year, from the lst to the 100th day of work of the 1990-1991 school year;

an annual.supplement of one thousand eighty dollars ($1 080) as of the' of work Of the 1990-1991 school Year;'

an annual supplement of one thousand one hundied and twelve dollars ($1 112) as of July 1, 1992;

an ennuil supplement of one thOusand one hundred and twenty-three dollars ($1 123) as of the 151st day of work of the 1992-1993 school yeai.(')

Appendix XXV shall apply.

- 16 - XXXII- Clause 6-6.02 is replaced with the followine 6-6.02 The teacher who is appointed department head and performs the duties of department head shah l receive the following annual supplement:

one thousand four hundred and fifty-three dollars ($1 453) as of the 101st day of work of the 1988-1989 school year;

one thousand five hundred and twenty-eight dollars ($1 528) as of the 101st day of work of the 1989-1990 school year;

one thousand six hundred and four dollars ($1 604) as of the 101st day of work of the 1990-1991 school year;

one thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars ($1 652) as of July 1, 1992;

- one thousand six hundred and sixty-nine dollars ($1 669) as of the 151st day of work of the 1992-1993 school year.( I ) (') Appendix XXV shah l apply. Paragraph A) of clause 6-7.07 is replaced with the followings 6-7.02 A) The teacher-by-the-lesson shall be remunerated on the basis of the hourly rates set hereinafter:

Categories(') 14 15 16 Periods years years years concerned or less As of the 101st $ $ $ day of work of the 1988-1989 school 25,89 28.66 30,76 year

As of the 101st dey of work of the 27,22 10,13 32,34 35,55 38,10 41,16 43,84 1989-1990 school . _ year As of the 101st dey of work of the 28,58 31,64 33,96 37,33 40,01 43,22 46,03 1990-1991 school year

An of July 1, 1992 29,44 32,59 34,98 As of the 151st dey of the 29,73 32,92 35.33 1992-1993 school year I”

(1 As defined in clause 1-1.06. (') 19 years of schooling or more with a doctorate of the 3rd cycle.

( 9 ) Appendix XXV shah l apply.

. 17 18 19 20 () years years years years $ $ $ $ 33,82 36,24 39.15 41,70

38,45 41,21 44,52 47,41 . 38,83 _ 41,62 44,97 ' 47,88

- 17 - =XIV- Paragraph E) of clause 6-7.02 is replaced with the following: 6-7.02 E) Clause 6-5.11 shah l apply. =EP- Clause 6-7.03 is replaced with the following; 6-7.03 A) The occasions' substitute shah l be remunerated in the fol- lowing manner:

Substitution ime in a dey 60 minutes between or less 61 and 150 Periods minutes(') concerned

As of the 101st day of work of the 1988- 18,97 $ 1989 school year As of the 101st day of work of the 1989- 20,42 $ 1990 school year

As of the 101st dey of work of the 1990- 21,95 $ 1991 school year

As of the 100th day of work of the 1991- 24,73 $ 1992 school year

As of July 1, 1992 25,47 $ As of the 151st dey of work of the 1992- 25,72 $ 1993 school‘,year(”

B) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the occasions' substitute at the secondary level who is assigned periods of over sixty (60) minutes shah l be remunerated accordingto a rate by the period calculated in the following manner:

Rate provide for 60 minutes or less X 50

('') The rates for this substitution time are obtained by multiply­ing the rate for sixty . (60) minutes or less by 2.5.

(') The rates for this substitution time are obtained by multi­plying the rate for sixty (60) minutes or less by 3.5.

(') The rates for this substitution time are obtained by multi­plying the rate for sixty (60) minutes or less by 5.0.

Appendix XXV shah l apply.

between more than 151 and 210 210 min-minutes)') utes0)

47,43 $ 66,40 $ 94,85 $ , 51,05 $ 71,47 $ 102,10 $

54,88 $ 76,83 $ 109,75 $

61,83 $ 86,56 $ 123,65 $

63,68 $ 89,15 $ 127,35 $ 64,30 $ 90,02 $ 128,60 $

Number of minutes of period concerned

- 18 - The occasional substitute shah l be remunerated according to the rate provided for more than two hundred and ten (210) minutes if he or she is assigned three (3) periods or more of over sixty (60)

minutes each in the same day.

The occasional substitute shah l receive a minimum of: as of the 101st day of work of the 1988-1989 school year: $18.97 per day

as of the 101st day of work of the 1989-1990 school year: $20.42 per day

as of the 101st day of work of the 1990-1991 school year: $21.95 per day

as of the 100th day of work of the 1991-1992 school year: $24.73 per day

- as of July 1, 1992: . $25.47 per day -. as of the 151st day of work of the 1992-1993 school year: $25.72 per day

whenever he or she reports to school to work as a substitute at the request of the board or the competent authority.

If he or she substitutes at the secondary level, the occa­sional substituts may not be required to do more than five (5) periods of forty-five (45) te sixty (60) minutes per day.

However, if the fu11-time( 1 ) teacher is absent for more than twenty (20) consecutive workdays, the board shah l pay the

occasional substitute who replaces him or her during these twenty (20) days the salary he.or she would receive if he or she were a full-time teacher. The salary that he or she would receive shah l be based on hie or her category as established by the board at the beginning of the year or, if need be, during the middle (on the 101st day) of the current work year and his or her experience step acquired as of the first workday of the current work year and shah l be paid at a rate of 1/200 of the annuel salary for each day thus worked. In this case, this salary shah l be payable from the first day of substitution and the substitute must provide, without delay, the documents which will serve to establish his or her salary. Any absence of the occasional substitute for a total of three (3) days or less during the accumulation of these twenty (20) consecutive deys of substitution shah l not interrupt the said accumulation.

No occasional substitute shah l be entitled to any of the benefits except for those expressly provided for in this agreement and he or she shah l not be bound by any obligation other than that of carrying out the task assigned te him or

her by the board.

Clause 6-5.11 shah l apply.

(') This shah l apply te the substituts who replaces a teacher who holds a replacement contract with a full workload for the

complete school year.

- 19 - XXXVI- Clauses 8-9.01 to 8-9.03 are replaced by clauses 8-9.02 to 8-9.04 and the following new clause 8-9.01 is added:

8-9.01 The school administration shah l consult the school council on: the general criteria needed te distribute functions and responsibilities such as: the number of groupe, number of teaching hours, numbei- of disciplines and number of grades and or levels;

the criteria other than number of students per group, that shah l be used in the formation of groups;

the distribution of students supervision activities; the plan concerning the distribution of duties and responsi-bilities.

XXXVII- Clause 8-11.06 is replaced with the following: 8-11.06 For the purposes of applying this article, the following defini- tions shall apply:

Total integration refera te the process bywhich a handicapped pupil or a pupil with learning or emotional problems is integrated into a regular group for ail of bis or ber time in school.

Partial integration refers te the process by which a pupil participates for a part of the time in school in educational activities of a group of handicapped pupils or pupils with learning or emotional problems and is integrated for the other part of the time into a regular group.

XXXVIII- Clause 8-11.07 is added: 8 - 11.07 When handicapped pupils or pupils with learning or emotional problems are integrated into regular groups or grouped together

in special classes, the school administration shall provide the teacher concerned with information on these pupils within fifteen (15) working days of the beginning of the work year and subsequently, within fifteen (15) working days following the pupil's integration into or arrivai in a special class, provided that the information is available and that the giving of this 'information is in thespupirs interest.

The preceding paragraph shah l apply subject to the respect for persons and for the code of ethics.

XXXIX- Paragraph c) of clause 9-2.07 is replaced with the following: C) set the time, date and place of the first arbitration session in accordance with Appendix XXXI.

XL- Clause 9-2.09 is replaced with the following: 9 - 2.09 Subsequently, the arbitrator shall set the time and date of the subsequent sessions, where applicable, in accordance with Appendix XXXI, and shah l so inform the records office; the records office shall notify the assessors, where applicable, the parties concerned, the Centrale, the Fédération and the Ministère. The arbitrator shall also set the time, date and place of the deliberation sessions and shah l so inform the assessors.

- 20 - Clause 10-3.01 is replaced with the following: 10-3.01 The agreement shah l corne into force on the date it is signed and shah l expire on June 30, 1994. The working conditions in force on June 30, 1994 shah l continue to apply until the coming into force of a new agreement.

Clause 10-3.03 is modified by adding the followlng paragraphe c) and d):

C) the cases specified in the modifications made to article 5-13.00 in the agreement respecting the extension to June 30, 1994 of the collective agreements ending June 30, 1992, which shall corne into force on April 7, 1992;

d) the salary scales and rates and the applicable premiums as modified in the agreement extending to June 30, 1994 the collective agreement ending June 30 1992 which are in force since the 151st day of work of the 1992-1993 school year.

Paragraph A) of clause 11-2.02 is replaced with the following: A) The teacher at an hourly rate shall be remunerated on the basis of the hourly rates established in the following table:

PERIODS CONCERNED As of July 1, 1992

As of the 151st day of work of the 1992-1993 school year(') 35,33 $ (*) Appendix XXV shah l apply. Paragraph D) of clause 11-2.02 is replaced with the following: 11-2.02 D) Clause 6-5.11 shah l apply. Paragraphe C) and D) of clause 11-8.03 are replaced with the following:

Subject to paragraph D), should the board assign additional teaching hours to a teacher who bas a pare-time contract, the board shall add these hours te the number of heurs specified in the contract.

In the case of replacement, the teaching hours shah l only be added if the period of absence of the teacher exceeds twelve (12) consecutive hours.


- 21 - Clause 11-9.02 is replaced with the following: 11-9.02 The annuel workload of the teacher shah l include an annual teaching workload of eight hundred (800) hours() and two hundred

and eighty (280) hours of related duties as described in clause


( 1 ) Including the twelve (12) hours devoted to pedagogical deys or parts of pedagogical days to be determined by the board.

Clause 11-9.03- is added: 11-9.03 The board shall inform the teacher, in writing, within ten (10) working deys of hie or her tiret day of work, of the workload he

or she is assigned and of the number of hours to be devoted to teaching and, where applicable, the description of the other duties outlined in clause 8-2.01.

Unless there is an agreement to the contrarybetween a teacher and the board, working heurs shah l be consecutive and shah l fall within a maximum daily span of eight (8) hours, excluding meal times.

21.4222- Clause 12-2.01 in replaced with the following: 12-2.01 The teacher working in one of the sectors mentioned in clause 12-1.02 shah l receive an annual isolation and remoteness premium


Periods As of con- July 1, 1992 151st dey of cerned

Sectors With Sector I dependent(s) Sector II No Sector I dependents Sector II' (') Appendix XXV shah l apply.

As of the work of the 1992-1993 school year(')

$9 432 $9 526 $12 264 $12 387 $5 896 $5 955 $6 958 $7 028

- 22 - XLIX- Appendix X in oodified by adding the following aubtitle: SECTION I - LETTER OF INTENTION


1.01 The parties agree to continue discussions thrOugh a committee whose mandate shah l be to adopt the appropriate measures in order to ensure that employees who will retire between January 1, 1992

and December 31, 1997 will be treated fairly with respect to thos'e who will retire after December 31, 1997. The committee shahl prepare a report within ninety (90) days of the signing of the agreement; failing an agreement, the file vin be dealt with 'in the next bargaining round.

2.00 • EARLY RETIREMENT PROGRAM 2.01 As of the date of the signing of this agreement, a technical committee shah l be set up and shah l consist of representatives of the Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor and representatives (without modifying the rules respecting representation, each group repre­sented shah l be entitled to two (2) representativés) of the participants in the Government and Public Employees Retirement

Plan (RREGOP), Teachers Pension Plan (ARE) and the Civil Service Superannuation Plan (RRF) te discuss the extension of the temporary early retirementprograms (62 years - 2 years of service and 35 years of service). The committee's mandate shah l be te make the necessary adjustments, if need be, te extend such programs within the guidelines of this agreement.

The costs related to.the extension of these programs will be taken exclusively from the amounts available on September 1, 1992 and deriving from former programa.

The parties must take into account the existing legislative provisions and the administrative impacts in order te carry out the necessary adjustments, if need be.

Subject to the preceding provisions, the government shah l propose to the National Assembly the adoption of the legislative provi­sions which result from the adjustments adopted unanimously by the committee, which are deemed necessary for the extension of the teMporary early retirement programs and which have a retroactive effect te September 1, 1992.

3.00 ' PENSION CREDIT (RREGOP) 3.01 The government shah l propose te the National Assembly the adoption of the necessary legislative provisions designed te replace July 1, 1992 by July 1, 1994 in section 87 of RREGOP.

- 23 - 4.00 AMENDMENTS TO THE RRE 4.01 As of May 15, 1992, the cost of the Teachers Pension Plan (RRE) shah l no longer be shared 50%-50% and the contribution rate of

participants shah l be fixed definitively to the rate applicable for 1992.

4.02 However, the government shall modify the RRE in order to incor- porate therein any modification to the indexation formula of

pensions provided for in RREGOP, if the participants decide to assume the costs of any future service in the same proportion as the participants of RREGOP for the same modification.

4.03 The government shah l incorporate into‘the RRE any Measure dealing with the existing human resource management at RREGOP so long as,

if need be, the participants assume the costs of such measures in the same proportion as the participants of RREGOP for the same measures.

4.04 Subject to the amendments provided for herein, no amendment to the RRE may make the provisions of the plan less favourable for

participants of the RRE unless there is an agreement to this effect between the parties.

4.05 The government shah l propose to the National Assembly the adoption of the necessary legislative provisions in order to implement the

preceding provisions which shall have a retroactive effect to May 15, 1992.

L- Appendix XXII is replaçed With the following: PARENTAL RIGHTS (modifications in the Unemployment Insurance Plan) or in the Act respecting_Labour Standards)

Should any modification occur in . the Federal Unemployment Insurance Plan with respect to parental rights as well as any modification or new regulation concerning labour standards with respect to parental rights, it is understood that the parties shah l meet to discuss the possible impact of these modifications on the parental rights plan.

Reference: article 5-13.00




SUBJECT: PROGRESSIVE RETIREMENT PLAN Period Covered bv the Progressive Retirement Plan This agreeme _ nt shah l corne into force on July 1, 19 and shah l expire on June 30, 19 . The agreement may expire on another date under the circumstances and according to the terms and conditions provided for in clauses 5 - 20.17 and


Time Worked For the period covered by the agreement, the teacher's time worked shahl be equal to the following percentage of the regular workweek for each of the years concerned:

for the school year for the school year for the school year

- 25 - Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the board and the teacher may agree to change the percentage, provided, however, that the time worked is flot less than forty (40) per cent of the regular workweek.

The present paragraph 2 shah l apply subject to the first paragraph of clause 5-20.07.

3- Other terms and conditions for am:avine the clan aereed to with the teacher

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have signed in on this day of the month of 19 .

For the'Cree School Board For the teacher LIT- The following Appendix XXV je added: APBENDIX XXV SALARX RATES AND SCALES AS OF JULY 1, 1993 For the period from July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994, the parties agree to undertake negotiations in order to conclude an agreement on the determination of salaries, salary scales and premiums.

This provision shah l constitute a revision of the agreement that could lead to a dispute as defined in the Labour Code.

For the purposes of acquiring the right te strike, the parties agree that the 30th day following the date of publication, in 1993, of the report of the DUR relative to the remuneration in the public and parapublic sectors, shah l be considered as the date of the agreement from which shah l run the twenty (20)-day period provided for in the second paragraph of section 111.11 of the Labour code.

- 26 - LIII- The following Appendix XXVI je added: APPENDIX XXVI ACT RESPECTING LABOUR STANDARDS The parties agree ta set up a working table whose mandate shah l be to harmonize the collective agreements relative to any new provisions of the Act respecting Labour Standards.

The following Appendix XXVII is added: APPENDIX xr.vIx

EVALUATION OF POSITIONS Considering that the Treasury Board and its partners have over the hast few years proceeded in determining the relative value and ranking of titles or classes of employment in the public and parapublic sectors by means of a system of evaluation usling points and factors, the parties agree that discussions should be undertaken on the aforementioned basis in order to render the discussions more successful on the relative value of titles or classes of employment.

'Therefoée: The parties agree ta set up, within sixty (60) days of the signing of the agreement on the extension to June 30, 1994 of the collective agreements ending June 30, 1992, a joint working committeé for ail employment cat-egories.

The committee's mandate shall be to: study ail the elements having led ta the present ranking of titles or classes of employment in the education and health and social serviées sectors in order to better inform the parties and employees on the relative value of positions in these sectors;

establish the relative value of the titles or classes of employment that have been newly created, modified or those that have not yet been ranked, such as teachers;

submit its findings and recommendations concerning the evaluation of positions, relative value, equity principles and, where applicable, the various possible solutions ta the problems identified ta the parties.

The committee shah l meet, as needed, et the request of one of the parties and shah l adopt the rules of procedure it deems useful for its smooth operation.

According to the terms and conditions ta be agreed upon, the employer group shall assume the costs for union releases required for the joint committee's• work in the amount of $100 000 per.year for ail employment categories. As required, the parties shah l agree on additional union releases after recommendation by the joint committee.

Discussions held by virtue of this letter of agreement shall not constitute a revision of the collective agreement that could lead ta a dispute as defined in the Labour Code.

- 27 - (TEACHERS) The joint committee created under this appendix on the evaluation of positions shah l decide on the methods or tools available to determine the relative value.

The committee shah l proceed, if the parties so agree, with the analysis and study of the remuneration of teachers and shah l submit to the parties its findings and recommendations concerning the various possible solutions to the

problems thus identified.

If the parties agree to modify the remuneration of teachers, they must also agree on the terms and conditions and dates of modifications resulting therefrom.

LV- The following Appendix XXX is added: APPENDIX XXX


Within sixty (60) days of the signing of the agreement respecting the extension to June 30, 1994 of the collective agreements ending June 30, 1992, the ministère de l'Éducation shah l set up an equal opportunity advisory committee. This committee shah l be made up of two (2) representatives of the Coordination à la condition féminine of the ministère de l'Éducation, two (2) representatives of the Fédération des commissions scolaires du Québec and two (2) persons appointed by the CEQ and the PACT representing the teaching, professional and support personnel of school boards.

The committee shah l establish its own rules of operation in order to carry out its mandate.

Committee's Mandate The committee shah l establish its mandate on the basis of the government policies dealing with the status of women.

Where applicable, the committee could discuss the following issues: orientations dealing with equal opportunity programa; methods for the development and implementation of such programa; tools for analyzing such programs; information and awareness campaigns.

Within this framework, the committee members will be able to share ah l available information that is deemed useful and discuss any issues agreed to by the committee and concerning equal opportunity programs.


Michel Pagé

- 28 - LVI- Thé following Appendix XXXI je addeds APPENDIX XXXI PLACE OF ARBITRATION HEARINO

1) As of the date of signing of this agreement respecting the extension to June 30, 1994 of the collective agreement ending June 30, 1992, and unless the hearing has already begun, or a place has already been chosen, every grievance shall be heard in the locality determined in the following way:

in the case where the teacher was assigned in Mistissini, Eastmain, Waskaganish, Whapmagoostui or Weminji, at the time when the events leading to the dispute occurred, the grievance shall be heard in Chisasibi;

in the case where the teacher was assigned in Chisasibi, Nemaska, Oujé-Bougoumou or Waswanipi, at the time when the events leading to the dispute occurred, the grievance shah l be heard in Mistissini;

the group grievance shah l be heard in Mistissini; the grievance ensuing from the application of articles 5-7.00 or 5-8.00 shah l be heard in Montreal.

2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, and without restricting its generality, the grievances identified by the following numbers at the arbitration records office in the education sector, shall be heard in Montreal:

85-T0096-5111 Christiane Aps et al. - 85-T0097-5111 : Fernande Leduc et al. 85-00063-5111 : Jean-Claude Hamel - 88-00003-5111 : Diane Boucher 88-00004-5111 : Diane Boucher 88-00007-5111 Daniel Napash et al. 88-00024-5111 : Jules Bourdon 88-00035-5111 : Association de l'enseignement du Nouveau-Québec - 88-00055-5111 : Clermont Gareau 88-00056-5111 : Clermont Gareau 88-00072-5111 : grief collectif 91-00008-5111 Gaétan Anderson et al. 91-00017-5111 Association de l'enseignement du Nouveau-Québec 91-00019-5111 : Association de l'enseignement du Nouveau-Québec 91-00020-5111 : Fatima Pervez

91-00022-5111 : Association de l'enseignement du Nouveau-Québec 91-00025-5111 : Bernard Desilets et al. 91-00026-5111 : Fatima Pervez 91-00027-5111 : Fatima Pervez 91-00028-5111 :,Aline Beaudoin 91-00029-5111 : Paul Roy 91-00030-5111 : Fatima Pervez 91-00031-5111 : Jules Bourdon 91-00032-5111 : Michael Ciavarella 91-00035-5111 : Fatima Pervez 91-00036-5111 : Jules Bourdon 91-00039-5111 Anne Cloutier 91-00040-5111 : Jules Bourdon 91-00041-5111 : Reinette Matthieu 91-00042-5111 : Association de l'enseignement du Nouveau-Québec 91-00044-5111 : Reinette Matthieu 91-00045-5111 : Reinette Matthieu 91-00046-5111 Reinette Matthieu 91-00047-5111 : Reinette Matthieu 91-00048-5111 : Jules Bourdon 91-00049-5111 : Gérard Tremblay 91-00050-5111 : Jules Bourdon

- 29 - 91-00051-5111 Reinette Matthieu 91-00052-5111 Gérard Tremblay 91-00053-5111 Jules Bourdon 91-00054-5111 Reinette Matthieu 91-00058-5111 Martin Bergeron 91-00059-5111 Guy Dufour 91-00061-5111 grief collectif 91-00062-5111 Jean Ratelle 91-00063-5111 Purvis D. McDougall 91-00064-5111 Purvia D. McDougall 91-00065-5111 Louise Lacroik 91-00066-5111 Nicole Paré 91-00070-5111 Roxanne Smith 91-00071-5111 Ptirvis D. McDougall 91-00072-5111 Annie-Pascale Lessard 91-00073-5111 Josée Lavoie 91-00074-5111 Mélanie Neeposh 91-00075-5111 Josée Lavoie 91-00076-5111 Purvis D. McDougall 91-00077-5111 Purvis D. McDougall - 91-00078-5111 Annie-Pascale Lessard Nevertheless, in the case of Mrs. Reinette Matthieu'sgrievances, the parties have agreed to hold the hearings in Nemaska and Montreal.

3) Within thirty (30) days of the signing of the agreement respecting the extension to June 30, 1994 of the collective agreement ending June 30, 1992, the Cree School Board and the ministère de l'Éducation on the one hand, and the Centrale de l'enseignement du Québec on the other hand, will set up a committee. This committee shah l be made up of six (6) people of which three (3) will be appointed by the employer and three (3) by the union.

The committee's mandate is to examine any question regarding the holding of the grievance arbitration sessions on the jurisdictional territory of the Cree School Board, and in priority, the hearing of grievances ensuing from the application of articles 5-7.00 and 5-8.00, and to make the necessary recommendations to the parties no later than May 1, 1994.

LVII- This agreement cornes into force on the date it is signed with the exception of the salary scales and rates, as well as the appli­cable premiums (where applicable) which are in force since the 151st day of work of the 1992-1993 school year. In this case, article 10-11.00 applies by.replacing the date of the 101st day of the work year 1988-1989 by the 151st day of thé work year 1992- 1993 and by making the necessary adaptations. The provisions of article 5-13.00 (Parental Rights) as modified by this agreement came into force on April 7, 1992.

- 30 - IN WITNISS MEIREOF, the parties have sipned in Montréal on thia 7th day of the month of Fabruary 1994.


(sioned) (signed) Guylène Beaugé Spokesperson FOR THE CREE SCHOOL BOARD

(sioned) (sioned) Paul Gull Ginette Savard Chairman President (eioned) Mathew Happyjack Local AdministratOr of Education

(sioned) David Natawapineskum Local Administrator of Education

(eioned) François Badin Personnel coordinator

FOR THE MINISTÈRE DE L'ÉDUCATION (sioned) Thomas J. Hayden Direction des relations professionnelles


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