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Dépôt légal: 4ième trimestre 1992 Bibliothèque nationale du Québec ISBN 2-550-23294-1



- 2 - The signatory parties to this agreement agree to modify the above-mentioned entente in the following manner:

By adding the following paragraph to clause 5-4.01: 5-4.01 For the purposes of this article, spouse means either of the man and the woman: who are married and cohabiting; who are living together as husband and wife and are the

father and mother of the sanie child; who have been living together as husband and wife for at least one (1) year.

By adding the following paragraph to clause 5-4.03: 5-4.03 The basic weekly salary*, deferred basic weekly salary and severance payments shah l flot be increased or decreased by the amounts received under the supplementary unemployment insurance

benefits plan.

"Basic weekly salary" means the regular salary of the employee including the regular salary supplement for a regularly increasèd workweek as well as the premiums for responsibility to the exclusion of the others without any additional remuneration even for overtime.

By replacing clause 5-4.10 with the following: 5-4.10 The employee who has accumulated twenty (20) weeks of service* and who, following the submission of a request for unemployment insurance benefits by virtue of an unemployment insurance plan, receives such benefits (except for paragraphs a) and c) below), shah l be entitled, during her maternity leave, subject to clause 5-4.15, to receive:

for each week of the waiting period stipulated by the unemployment insurance plan, a compensation equal to ninety-

three per cent (93%)** of her basic weekly salary;

for each week she is receiving or could receive unemployment insurance benefits, an additional compensation equal to the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of her basic weekly salary and the weekly unemployment insurance benefit that she is receiving;

such additional compensation shah l be calculated on the basis of the unemployment insurance benefits that an em­ployee is entitled to receive without.taking into account

the amounts deducted from such benefits because of the reimbursement of benefits, interest, penalties and other amounts recoverable under the unemployment insurance plan.

-3- 5-4.10 (CONT'D) However, in the case of the employee who works for more than one employer from among those provided for in paragraph c) of clause 5-4.14, she shah l receive an additional compensa­tion from each'of her employers. In, the addi­tional compensation shah l be equal to the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of the basic weekly salary paid by the board and the Percentage of the unemployMent insur­ance benefit corresponding to the proportion of basic weekly salary it pays her in relation to the total basic weekly salaries paid by ah l the employers. To this end, the em­ployee shall provide each of her employers with a statement

of the weekly salaries paid by'each of them and the amount of the benefies paid to her by EIC. Moreover, if EIC reduces the'number of weeks of unemployment insurance benefits to which the employee would otherwise have been entitled if she had not benefited from unemploy­ment insurance benefits before . her naternity leave, the emploiree shah l continue receive, for a period equivalent to the weeks deducted by EIC, the additional compensation provided for in- the first subparagraph of this paragraph b) as if she had, during this period, benefited from unemploy­ment insurance benefits; N\ c) for each of the weeïs following the period provided for in paragraph b) of this clause, a compensation equal to ninety-

three per cent (93%) of her basic weekly salary until •the end of the twentieth (20th) week of the maternity leave. The absent employee shall accumulate service if her absence is authorized, particularly foi disability, and includes benefits or remuneration. t* Ninety-three per cent (93%): This percentage vas set to take intb account the fact that the employee is- exonerated, during a maternity leave, from contributing her share of premiuns to the pension and unem­ployment insurance plans which,equals to an average of seven per cent (7%) of her salary. IV- Clause 5-4.13 is replaced with the following: 5-4.13 The employee who is•excluded from unemployment insurance ben- efits or who is deClared ineligible shall also be excluded from any other compensation. However: the full-time employee who bas accumulated twenty (20) weeks of service shall also be entitled to a compensation equal to ninety-three per cent (93%) of her basic weekly salary for tan (10) weeks, if she does not receive unemployment insurance benefits for the following reason: i) she did not hold an insurable job for at least twenty (20) weeks during the period of reference provided for in the unemployment insurance plan.

- 4 7 IV- (CONT'D) 5-4.13 (CONT'D) The part-time employee who has accumulated twenty (20) weeks of service shah l be entitled to a compensation equal to ninety-five per cent (95%) of her basic weekly salary. for ten (10) weeks, if she does flot receive unemployment insurance benefits for one of the following reasons:

she did flot contribute to the unemployment insurance plan; or she did contribute but did not hold an insurable job for et least twenty (20) weeks during her period of reference.

If the part-time employee is exonerated from contributing to the pension and unemployment insurance plans, the percentage of the compensation shah l be set et ninety-three per cent (93%).

V- The footnote in clause 5-4.15 . is replaced with the following: It is the.allowance currentljr set et three hundred and sixty dollars (8360.00).

By replacing paragraph a) of clause 5-4.22 with the following: a). when a complication in the pregnancy or a risk of miscar­riage requires a work stoppage for a definite period pre­scribed by a medical certificate; this special leave cannot be extended beyond the beginning of the eighth (8th) week

preceding the due date;

Clause 5-4.26 is replaced with the following: 5-4.26 The employee who legally adopta a child and who does flot benefit from the ten (10)-week leave for adoption shah l be entitled to a leave for a maximum period of five (5) working days, of which only the first two (2) deys shah l be remunerated. This leave may be discontinuous but it may flot be taken more than fifteen (15) deys following the-child's arrival home.

However, if it involves the spouse's child, the employee shall only be entitled to a leave without salary for a maximum period

of two (2) working deys.

- 5 - VIII- Clause 5-4.30 is replaced with the following: Leave of Absence without Salary and Part-time Leave without Salary 5-4.30 An employee shall be entitled to either one of the following leaves: a) A leave of absence without salary shall be granted for a maximum duration of two (2) years to an employee to eZtend

her maternity leave, to an employee to extend his ipatarnity leave and to extend his/her ten (10)-week leave for adop-tion. The full-time employee who does flot use this leave of, absence without salary shah l be entitled to a part-time leave of absence without salary for a maximum of two (2) years. The part-time employee shall-also be entitled to this part-time leave without salary. However, the other provisions of the collective agreement concerning the determination of the number of hours of work shah l remain applicable. During this leaVe, the employee shall be entitled, following a written request submitted at least thirty (30) days in advance, to change his/her leave only once: from a leave without salary to a part-time leave without salary or the inverse, as the case may be;

from a part-time leave without salary to a different part-time leave, without salary.

The employee who does flot use his)her leave or part-time leave of absence without salary may, for that portion of the leave which his/her spouse does flot use, choose to benefit from a leave or a part-time leave of absence without salary by following the formalities prescribed. If the spouse of the employee is not an employee of the public sector, the employee may aYail himself/herself of a leave provided for above at the time he/she chooses within two (2) years following the birth or adoption without exceeding the two (2)-year time limit following the birth or adoption. b) The employee who does flot use the leave provided for in the preceding paragraph a) may benefit after the birth or adop­tion of his/her child from a leave of absence without salary

for a maximum period of thirty-four (34) continuous weeks which begins at the time the employee chooses and ends no

later than one (1) year following the birth or, in the case of an adoption, one (1) year after he/she assumes full legal

responsibility for the,child. However, this paragraph shall flot apply to the employee who adopts his/her spouse's child.

- 6 - , IX- By replacing clause 5-4.31 with the following: 5-4.31 During the leave of absence without salary, the employee shahl accumulate his/her seniority and may continue to contribute to the insurance plans. that are applicable to him/her, if he/she so pays the entire amount of the premiums. He/She may apply for a position which is posted and obtain it in accordance with the provisions of the agreement as if he/she were at work.

During the part-time leave without salary, the employee shahl also accumulate his/her seniority and, by carrying out a work-load, shah l be governed by the rules applicable to a part-time employee*.

During the leave of absence without salary or the part-time leave of absence without salary, the employee shah l accumulate his/her experience for the purposes of determining his/her salary up to the first thirty-four (34) weeks.

This paragraph shall not cause an employee who works seventy-five per cent (75%) or more of the duration of the

regular workweek to lose his/her statua of full-time


By replacing clause 5-4.34 with the following: 5-4.34 An employee may be absent from work for a maximum of six (6) days per year, in cases where bis or her presence is required, to fulfill obligations relating to child care, health or educa­tion of his or her minor child. The days thus used shall be deducted from the employee's annual bank of sick-leave days

provided for in clause 5-3.39 or, if he/she so chooses, shall be

taken without salary.

A leave or a part-time leave of absence without salary for a maximum of one (1) year shall be granted to an employee whose

minor child experiences socio-emotional problems or whose miner child is handicapped or has a long-term illness and who requires

his or ber care.

In ah l cases, the employee must notify the school board as soon as possible and provide proof justifying such absence. By replacing clause 5-4.35 with the following: 5-4.35 The leaves of absence provided for in clause 5-4.25, in the first •paragraph of clause 5-4.28, in the first paragraph of paragraph a) of clause 5-4.30 and in paragraph b) of clause 5-4.30 shall be granted following a written request submitted of

least two (2) weeks in advance.

The part-time leave of absence without salary shall be granted following a written request submitted at least thirty (30) deys in advance.

In the case of a part-time leave of absence without salary, the request must specify the arrangement of the leave of absence. Should the board disagree on the number of deys per week, the employee shah l be entitled tb a maximum of two and a half (234) days per week or the equivalent for up to two (2) years. Should the board disagree on the distribution of these days, it shahl

effect the distribution.

In the case of a leave or a part-time lèave of absence without salary, the request must specify the date of return to work.

- 7 - By replacing clause 5-4.37 with the following: 5-4.37 Thé employee to whom the school board has sent a four (4)-week notice indicating the expiry date of the leave of absence without salary must inform the school board, at least two (2) weeks prior to the expiry of the said leave, of his/her return to work. Failing this, he/she shah l be considered as having resigned.

The employee who wishes to terminate his/her'leave of absence without salary before the anticipated date must submit a written notice to this effect at least twenty-one (21) days prior to his/her return. In the case of a leave of absence without

salary exceeding thiity-four (34) weeks, the notice must be of at least thirty (30) days.

By adding the following paragraph ta paragraph 2. of Appendix "VIII":

Moreover, in the event of modifications or new regulations concerning labour standards with respect to parental rights, it shah l be understood that the parties shall meet to discuss the possible impact of these modifications on the parental rights plan provided for in article 5-4.00 of the agreement. '

Paragraph B) of clause 6-3.06 (Salary) as well as the title " "Lump Suai Payaient on July 1, 1992" provided for in clause 6-3.04 and the following two (2) paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following as found in section XV.

6-3.06 Salary B) Period from July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993 Every hourly rate and every hourly salary scale in effect on June 30, 1992 shah l be increased on July 1, 1992 by a percentage equal ta three per cent

(3%). The new salary rates and scales thus increased on July 1, 1992 are those found in Appendix I. The payment' of the lump suai in effect since July 1, 1991 and provided for in clause 6-3.04 shall be

interrupted between July 1, 1992 and March 31, 1993. As of April 1, 1993, the provisions concerning the lump suai provided for in clause 6-3.04 in affect since July 1, 1991 shah l be replaced with the following: Every hourly rate and every hourly salary scale in affect on March 31, 1993 shall be increased on April 1, 1993 by a percentage equal to one per cent

(1%). The new salary rates and scales thus in­creased on April 1, 1993 are those found in Appendix I.

- 8 - Paragraphs e), f), g) and h) of clause 6-3.05 are deleted and replaced with the following:

As of July 1, 1992, the employee whose salary rate, on the day preceding the date on which the salary scales and rates are increased, is higher than the single salary rate or the maximum of the salary écale in effect for hie or her class of employment shah l benefit from a minimum rate of increase which is equal to half of the percentage of increase appli­cable on July 1, 1992 in relation to the preceding June 30 at the single salary rate or step situated at the maximum of the scale on the preceding June 30 corresponding to his or her class of employment.

If the application of theminimum rate of increase deter- , mined in paragraph e) has the effect of placing, on July,l, an employee who vas overscale or overrate on the preceding June 30 at a salary which is lpwer than the maximum step of the scale or single salary rate corresponding to his or her class of employment, this minimum rate of increase shall be brought to the percentage necessary to permit the employee . to reach this step or the single salary rate.

The difference between, onthe one hand, the percentage increase of, the maximum salary steP or the single salary rate corresponding to the employee's class of employment and, on the other hand, the minimum rate of increase established in accordance with paragraphs e) and f) shah l be paid to him or her as a lump sum calculated.on the basis of his or her salary rate' on June 30.

The lump sum shah l be spread and paid over each pay period as of July 1, 1992 in proportion to the regular hours remunerated for each pay period.

As of April 1, 1993, the employee whose salary rate, on the day preceding the date on which the salary scales and rates are increased, is higher than the single salary rate or the maximum of the salary scale in effect for his or her class of employment shah l benefit from a minimum rate of increase which is equal to half of the percentage of increase appli­cable on April 1, 1993 in relation to the preceding March 31 at the single salary rate or step situated at the maximum of the scale on the preceding March 31 corresponding to his or her class of employment.

) If the application of the minimum rate of increase deter­mined in paragraph i) has the effect of placing, on April 1, an employee who vas overscale or overrate on the preceding

March 31 at a salary which is lover than the maximum step of the scale or single salary rate corresponding to his or her class of employaient, this minimum rate of increase shah l be brought to the percentage necessary to permit the employee to reach this step or the single salary rate.

k) The difference between, on the one hand, the percentage increase of the maximum step or the single salary rate

corresponding to the employee's class of employment and, on the other hand, the minimum rate of increase established in 'accordance with paragraphs i) and j) shah l be paid to him or her as a lump suis calculated on the basis of his or her salary rate on March 31.

1) The lump suis shall be spread and paid over each pay period as of April 1, 1993 in proportion to the regular hours remunerated fôr each pay period.

- 9 - Clause 10-4.02 is modified by replacing t• he title of article 5-4.00 to which it refera with the following:

5-4.00 Parental Rights, with the exception of the leave of absence without salary or part-time leave of absence without salary to extend a maternity leave, a paternity leave or a leave for adoption provided for in paragraph a) of clause 5-4.30.

Clause 11-4.01 is modified as follows: By replacing the date of June 30, 1992 with June 30, 1993. Appendix I "Hourly Salary Scales and Rates" is replaced with that attached hereto.

Appendix V (Classification of Certain Employees) is modified as follows:

By replacing the date of June 30, 1992 with June 30, 1993 in the first paragraph.

XXI- Appendix XV (Letter of Intention Regarding the Retirement Plans (RREGOP, RRE,.RRE) attached hereto is added.

- 10- This agreement shah l come into force on the date it is signed. It,shall have no retroactive effect unless stipulated to the contrary. However, any amount paid as of July 1, 1992 shah l be deducted from the amounts to be paid by virtue of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed in Montréal on this 21st dey of the month of October 1992. THE EMPLOYER BARGAINING COMMITTEE L'UNION INDÉPENDANTE DES EM-FOR PROTESTANT SCHOOL BOARDS, PLOYÉS DE SOUTIEN DE LA COM-PROTESTANT CONFESSIONAL SCHOOL MISSION SCOLAIRE PROTESTANTE BOARDS AND DISSIDENT SCHOOL BOARDS DU LAKESHORE FOR PROTESTANTS (CPNCP) (signed) Robin Drake President (signed) (signed) Lise Bernier Luce Pattison Vice-President President (signed) (signed) Roger Lacasse Monique Laliberté Negotiator MEQ Vice-Président (signed) Terence Léger Negotiator QAPSB


° From 1990-01-01 to 1990-12-31 ° From 1991-01-01 to 1991-12-31 ° Trom 1991-12-31 to 1992-06-30 From 1992-07-01 to 1993-03-31 and As of 1993-04-01



Nurse Administration Technicien Graphie Arts Technician Social Work Technicien Audiovisual Technician Building Technician Documentation Technician Braille Technician Special Education Technician Electronics Technicien Vocational Training Technicien Food Management Technicien Data Processing Technicien Data Processing Technicien, principal class Recreational Activities Technicien School Organization Technicien Psychometric Technicien School Transportation Technician Laboratory Technician 1-2 Subcatesory of Paratechnical Positions Laboratory Attendant Draftsman Medical Assistant (or those possessing a diploma in Health, Assistance and Nursing Care) School Transportation Inspector Offset Duplicator Operator Offset Duplicator Operator, principal class Data Processing Operator, class II Data Processing Operator, class I Data Processing Operator, principal class Photographer Attendant for Handicapped Students Day Care Service Attendant Binder Person-in-Charge of a Dey Care Service Student Supervisor Swimming Pool Supervisor

1 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 2 4 4 1 3 1 2 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 . 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10


Buyer Office Agent, class II Office Agent, class I Office Agent, principal class Office Assistant Data Processing Assistant Data Processing Assistant, principal class Storekeeper, class II Storekeeper, class I Storekeeper, principal class Secretary School Secretary Executive Secretary Telephone Operator - CATEGORY OF LABOUR SUPPORT POSITIONS III-1 Subcatesory of Qualified Workman Positions Trade Apprentice Bricklayer-Mason Chief Electrician Cabinetmaker Electrician Metal Worker-Roofer Master Pipe Mechanic Mechanic, class II Mechanic, class I Office Equipment Mechanic Stationary Engineer, class IV Stationary Engineer, clans III Stationary Engineer, class II Stationary Engineer, class I Carpenter Certified Maintenance Workman Painter Plasterer Locksmith Welder Specialized Shop Mechanic Pipe Fitter Glazier-Installer-Mechanic


11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 43 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18

III-2 Subeategory of Labour, Maintenance and Service Positions

Trades Helper General Kitchen Helper Butcher Laundryman Heavy Vehicle Drlver's Assistant Light Vehicle Driver Heavy Vehicle Driver Cook, class III Cook, class II Cook, class I Guard Gardener Boiler and Refrigeration Equipment Operator Caretaker Night Caretaker Maintenance Workman, class III Maintenance Workman, class II Maintenance Workman, class I Pastrycook


19 19 19 19 19 1919 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

- 1 - HOURLY SALARY SCALES AND RATES CATEGORY OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT POSITIONS I-1 Subcategory of Technical Positions CLASS - Nurse Week: 35 hours RATÉS . RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-07-01 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-06-30 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 14.06 15.11 02 14.49 15.58 03 14.92 16.04 04 15.37, 16.52 05 15.84 17.03 06 16.32 17.54 07 16.82 18.08 08 17.32 18.62 09 17.87 19.21 10 18.42 19.80 11 19.02 20.45' 12 19.88 21.37 CLASSES Audiovisual Technician Documentation Technician Braille Technician Recreational Activities Technician Psychometric Technician

Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 .1991-01-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 $ $ 01 12.17 12.78 02 12.64 13.27 03 13.08 13.73 04 13.54 14.22 05 14.05 14.75 06 14.54 15.27 07 15.04 15.79. 08 15.64 16.42 09 16.22 17.03 10 16.82 17.66 11 17.42 18.29 12 18.06 18.96

RATES . RATES RATES - to to . as of $ 15.11 15.56 15.72 15.63 16.10 16.26 16.10 16.58 16.75 16.59 17.09 17.26 17.11 17.62 17.80 17.63 18.16 18.34 18.19 18.74 18.93 18.76 19.32 19.51 19.45 20.03 20.23 20.15 20.75 20.96 20.96 21.59 '21.81 21.95 22.61 22.84

RATÉS RATES 1992-07-01 to ' as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 13.16 13.29 13.67 13.81 14.14 14.28 14.65 14.80 15.19 15.34 15.73 15.89 16.26 16.42 16.91 17.08 17.54 17.72 18.19 18.37 18.84 19.03 19.53 19.73

- 2 - CLASSES Administration Technician Graphie Arts Technician School Transportation Technician

Week: 35 hours 'RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPà to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 01 12.37 12.99 02 12.80 13.44 03 13.31 13.98 04 13.79 14.48 05 14.32 15.04 06 14.84 15.58 07 15.43 16.20 08 16.02 16.82 09 16.62 17.45 10 17.22 - 18.08 11 . 17.87 18.76 12 18.57 19.50 CLASS Food Management Technician Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 01 13.68 14.36 02 14.11 14.82 03 14.51 15.24 04 14.92 15.67 05 -15.35 16.12 06 15.82 16.61 07 16.23 17.04 08 16.68 17.51 09 17.17 18.03 10 17.66 18.54 11 18.23 19.14 12 18.73 19.67

RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 13.38 13.51 13.84 13.98 14.40 14.54 14.91 15.06 15.49 15.64 16.05 16.21 16.69 16.86 17.32 17.49 17.97 18.15 18.62 18.81 19.32 19.51 20.09 20.29 RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 14.79 14.94 15.26 15.41 15.70 15.86 16.14 16.30 16.60 16.77 17.11 17.28 17.55 17.73 18.04 18.22 18.57 18.76 19.10 19.29 19.71 19.91 20.26 20.46

- 3 - CLASSES Social Work Technician Laboratory Technician Building Technician Electronics Technician

Vocational Training Technician School Organization Technician

Week: 35 hours RATES ' RATES RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to ta ta ta as of 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01

01 12.67 13.62 02 13.11 14.09 03 13.63 14.65 04 14.12 15.18 05 14.66 15.76 06 15.20 16.34 07 15.80 16.87 08 16.40 17.41 09 17.02 17.94 10 17.62 18.50 11 18.17 19.08 12 18.73 19.67 CLASS Special Education Technician Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01701 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS ta ta 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $. $ 01 13.38 14.05 02 13.80 14.49 03 14.22 14.93 04 14.67 15.40 05 15.13 15.89 06 15.59 16.37 07 16.07 16.87 08 16.58 17.41 09 17.09 17.94 1017.62 18.50 11 18.17 19.08 12 18.68 19.67

$ $ 14.05 14.47 14.61 14.49 14.92 15.07 14.93 15.38 15.53 15.40 15.86 16.02 15.89 16.37 16.53 16.37 16.86 17.03 16.87 17.38 17.55 17.41 17.93 18.11 - 17.94 18.48 18.66 18.50 19.06 19.25 19.08 19.65 19.85 19.67 20.26 20.46 RATES RATES RATES , to ta as of $ $ $ 14.05 14.47 14.61 14.49 14.92 15.07 14.93 15.38 15.53 15.40 15.86 16.02 15.89 16.37 16.53 16.37 16.86 17.03 16.87 17.38 17.55 17.41 17.93 18.11 17.94 18.48 18.66 , 18.50 19.06 19.25 19.08, 19.65 19.85 19.67 20.26 20.46

- 4 - CLASS - Data Processing Technician Week: ,35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 199303-31 1993-04-01 $ ' 01 13.87 14.70 02 14.38 15.19 03 14.87 15.68 04 15.39 16.19 05 15.92 16.73 06 16.44 17.26 07 16.98 17.83 08 17.54 18.42 09 18.11 19.02 10 18.70 19.64 11 19.31 20.28 12 19.94 20.94 CLASS Data Processing Technician, principal class Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 $ $ 01 16.74 17.58 02 17.31 18.18 03 17.87 18.76 04 18.51 19.44 05 19.13 20.09 06 19.77 20.76 07 20.51 21.54 08 21.23 22.29 09 21.97 23.07

RATES RATES RATES to to as of 14.70 15.14 15.29 15.19 15.65 15.81 15.68 16.15 . 16.31 16.19 16.68 16.85 16.73 17.23 17.40 17.26 17.78 17.96 17.83 18.36 18.54 18.42 18.97 19.16 19.02 19.59 19.79 19.64 20.23" 20.43 20.28 20.89 21.10 20.94 21.57 21.79 RATES . RATES 1992-07-01 \.to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 18.11 18.29 18.73 18.92 19.32 19.51 20.02 20.22 20.69 20.90 21.38 21.59 22.19 22.41 22.96 23.19 23.76 24.00

- 5 - I-2 Subcatesory of Paratechnica1 Positions CLASS Laboratory Attendant Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to ' to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 11.02 11.85 02 11.27 12.12 03 11.53 12.39 04 11.81 12.70 05 12.10 13.01 06 12.39 13.19 07 12.56 13.19 CLASS Draftsman Week: 35 hours RATES RATES RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to . 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01

01 11.02 11.85 02 11.34 12.19 03 11.70 12.58 04 12.00 12.90 05 12.40 13.33 06 12.78 13.74 07 13.18 14.17 08 13.62 14.64 09 14.06 14.85 10 14.14 14.85

RATES RATES RATES to to as of 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.60 12.98 13.11 12.89 13.28 13.41 13.19 13.59 13.73 to to as of

12.03 12.39 12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.72 13.10 13.23 13.10 13.49 13.62 13.52 13.93 14.07 13.97 14.39 14.53 14.42 14.85 15.00 14.85 15.30 15.45

CLASS Medical Assistant (or those possessing a diploma in Health, Assistance and Nursing Care) Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to . 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ 01 11.11 11.94 02 11.44 12.30 03 11.77 12.65 04 12.12 13.03 05 12.52 13.46 06 12.95 13.92 07 13.32 14.32 08 13.76 14.79 09 14.23 15.30 10 14.67 15.77 11 15.20 16.16 12 15.39 16.16 CLASS School Transportation Inspector Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 11.70 12.58 02 12.04 12.94 03 12.41 13.34 04 12.80 13.76 05 13.23 14.22 06 13.66 14.68 07 14.11 15.11 08 14.56 15.56 09 15.06 16.02 10 15.26 16.02

- 6 - RATES . RATÉS RATES ' to . to to as of J $ S . $ $ ' 12.08 12.44 12.56 12.43 12.80 12.93 12.84 13.23 13.36 13.28 13.68 13.82 13.67 14.08 14.22 14.11 14.53 14.68 14.60 15.04 15.19 15.05 15.50 15.66 , 15.58 16.05 16.21 16.16 16.64 16.81 RATES RATES RATES to to to as of $ 12.67 13.05 13.18 13.05 13.44 13.57 13.43 13.83 13.97 13.84 14.26 14.40 14.25 14.68 14.83 14.68 15.12 15.27 15.11 15.56 15.72 15.56 16.03 16.19 16.02 16.50 16.67

-7- CLASS Offset Duplicator Operator ' Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 01 11.13 11.96 02 11.45 12.31 03 11.77 12.65 04 12.12 13.03 05 12.49 13.43 06 12.92 13.89 07 13.27 14.27 08 13.70 14.48 09 13.79 14.48 CLASS Offset Duplicator Operator, principal class Week: 35 hours RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS ta to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06.7.30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 01 12.92 13.89 02 13.31 14.31 03 13.70 14.73 04 14.14 15.20 05 14.56 15.65 06 15.03 15.92 07 15.16 15.92 CLASS Data Processing Opérator, s class II Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEP8 to ta 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 01 11.13 11.96 02 11.43 12.29 03 11.71 12.59 04 12.00 12.90 05 12.31 13.23 06 12.62 13.57 07 12.98 13.92

RATES RATES RATES to to as of $ $ $ 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.43 12.80 12.93 12.81 13.19 13.32 13.25 13.65 13.79 13.61 14.02 14.16 14.05 14.47 14.61 14.48 14.91 15.06 RATES RATES to . as of $ $ $ 14.05 14.47 14.61 14.50 14.94 15.09 14.93 15.38 15.53 15.41 15.87 16.03 15.92 16.40 16.56 RATES RATES RATES to to as of $ $ $ 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.39 12.76 12.89 12.75 13.13 13.26 13.14 13.53 13.67 13.52 13.93 14.07 13.92 14.34 14.48 ,

CLASS Data Processing Operator, class I Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 12.15 13.06 02 12.62 13.57 03 13.02 14.00 04 13.50 14.51 05 13.97 15.02 06 14.52 15.61 07 15.04 16.01 08 15.25 16.01 CLASS Data Processing Operator, principal class Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 _ 01 15.25 16.01 02 15.76 16.55 03 16.31 17.13 04 16.83 17.67 05 17.41 18.28 06 17.99 18.89 07 18.60 19.53 CLASS Photographer Week: 35 hours RATES RATES RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to to to as of 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01

01 11.02 11.85 02 11.34 12.19 03 11.70 12.58 04 12.04 12.94 05 12.41 13.34 06 12.80 13.76 07 13.24 14.23 08 13.65 14.67 09 14.05 14.75

- 8 - RATES RATES RATES to to as of 13.36 13.76 13.90 13.84 14.26 14.40 14.33 14.76 14.91 14.89 15.34 15.49 15.42 15.88 16.04 16.01 16.49 16.65 RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 16.49 16.65 17.05 17.22 17.64 17.82 18.20 18.38 18.83 19.02 19.46 19.65 20.12 20.32

12.03 12.39 12.51 12.45 12.82 12.95 12.88 13.27 13.40 13.32 13.72 13.86 13.78 14.19 14.33 14.25 14.68 14.83 14.75 15.19 15.34

- 9 - CLASS Attendant for Handicepped Students Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 $ $ 01 11.46 12.03 02 11.80 12.39 03 12.14 12.75 04 12.51 . 13.14 05 12.88 13.52 06 13.26 13.92 CLASS Day Care Service Attendant Week .: ' 35 hours

RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ 01 11.11 11.94 02 11.41 12.27 03 11.71 12.59 04 12.00 12.89 05 12.32 13.19 06 12.56 13.19 CLASS Binder Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 $ 14.32 15.04

RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 12.39 12.51 12.76 12.89 13.13' 13.26 13.53 13.67 13.93 14.07 14.34 14.48 1

RATES RATES RATES to ' to as'of $ 12.03 12.39 '12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.60 12.98 13.11 12.89 13.28 13.41 13.19 13.59 13.73 RATES RATES1992-07-01 to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04;01 15.49 15.64

CLASS Person-in-Charge of a Dey Care Service Week: 35 . hours RATES ' RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-1231 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ 01 11.71 12.46 02 12.00 12.85 03 12.32 13.24 04 12.67 13.62 05 13.03 14.01 06 13.41 14.42 07 13.41 14.42 08 13.41 14.42 CLASS Student Supervisor Week: 35 hours RATES 'RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 11.11 11.94 02 11.41 12.27 03 11.71 12.59 04 12.00 12.89 05 12.32 13.19 06 12.56 13.19 CLASS Svimming Pool Supervisor Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07:01 STEPS to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 11.11 11.94 02 11.41 12.27 03 11.71 12.59 04 12.00 12.90 05 12.32 13.24 06 12.67 13.62

- 10 - - RATES RATES RATES to to as of S $ $ $ 12.46 12.83 12.96 12.85 13.24 13.37 13.24 13.64 13.78 13.64 14.05 14.19 14.06 14.48 14.62 14.49 14.92 15.07 14.93 15.38 15.53 15.40 15.86 16.02 RATES RATES RATES' to to as of 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.60 12.98 13.11 12.89 13.28 13.41 13.19 13.59 13.73 RATES RATES RATES to to to as of 12.03 12.39 '12.51 12.39 12.76 12.89 12.75 13.13 13.26 13.14 13.53 13.67 13.52 13.93 14.07 13.92 14.34 14.48

II- . CATEGORY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT POSITIONS CLASS Office Agent, class II Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 01 10.99 11.81 02 11.23 12.07 03 11.51 12.37 04 11.51 12.37 CLASS Office Agent, class I Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 01 11.62 12.49 02 12.00 12.90 03 12.40 13.33 04 12.78 13.74 05 13.23 14.22 06 13.69 14.72 07 14.05 14.75 CLASSES Office Agent, principal class Buyer Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 $ $ 01 14.32 15.04 02 14.75 15.49 03 15.24 16.00 04 15.74 16.53 05 16.22 17.03 06 16.68 17.51

RATES RATES RATES to to , as of $ $ $ . 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.60 12.98 13.11 12.89 13.28 13.41 RATES RATES RATES to to as_of $ $ $ 12.88 13.27 13.40 13.32 13.72 13.86 13.78 14.19 14.33 14.25 14.68 14.83 14.75 15.19 15.34 RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ $ 15.49 .15.64 15.95 16.11 16.48 16.64 17.03 ' 17.20 17.54 17.72 18.04 18.22

CLASS Office Assistant Week: 35.hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-11 1992-07-01 STEP to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01. 01 10.89 11.71 CLASS Data Processing Assistant Week: 35 hoûrs RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS , to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01

$ 01 10.99 11.81 11.97 02 11.24 12.08 03 11.53 12.31 04 11.72 12.31 CLASS Data Processing Assistant, principal class Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS .- to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 $ 01 12.20 12.81 02 12.64 13.27 03 13.02 13.67 04 13.44 14.11 05 13.90 14.60

- 12- RATES RATES RATES to to to as of 11.97 12.33 12.45 RATES RATES RATES to to to as of-

$ 12.33 12.45 12.31 12.68 12.81 RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to as of . 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ 13.19 13.32 13.67 13.81 14.08 14.22 14.53 14.68 15.04 15.19

- 13- CLASS Storekeeper, class II Week: 35 hours RATES RATES RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01

STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03'31 1993-04-01 $ $ 01 10.99 11.81 02 11.24 12.08 03 11.52 12.38 04 11.77 12.65 05 12.09 12.89 CLASS Storekeeper, class I Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to - to 1990-12-31 :1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 12.00 12.90 02 12.40 13.33 03 12.79 13.75 04 13.23 14.22 05 13.66 14.68 06 14.12 14.96 07 14.25 14.96 CLASS Storekeeper, principal class Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1992-06-30 01 14.22 14.93 02 14.73 15.47 03 15.24 16.00 04 15.74 16.53 05 16.23 17.04 06 16.78 17.62 07 17.34 18.21

to . to as of $ $ $ 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.60 12.98 13.11 12.89 13.28 13.41 RATES RATES RATES to to as of 13.11 13.50 13.64 13.57 13.98 14.12 14.01 14.43 14.57 14.48 14.91 15.06 14.96 15.41 15.56 RATES RATES 1992-07-01 to as of 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $. 15.38 15.53 15.93 16.09 16.48 16.64 17.03 17.20 17.55 17.73 18.15 18.33 18.76 18.95

- 14- CLASS Secretary Week: 35 hours RATES RATES ' ' RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to to to as of 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01

$ I 01 10.99 11.81 02 11.24 12.08 03 11.53 12.39 ' 04 11.85 12.74 05 12.12 13.03 - 06 12.42 ,13.35 07 12.74 . 13.70 08 13.09 13.92 CLASS School Secretary Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ 01 11.85 12.74 02 12.15 13.06 03 12.52 13.46 04 12.84 13.80 05 13.21 14.20 06 13.58 14.60 07 13.97 15.02 CLASS Executive Secretary Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to ' 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ 01 12.62 13.57 02 13.04 14.02 03 13.49 14.50 04 13.95 15.00 05 14.44 15.40

$ $ $ $ ' 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.39 12.76 12.89 12.75 13.13 13.26 13.14 13.53 13.67 13.52 . 13.93 14.07 13.92 14.34 14.48 RATES RATES RATES to to to as of -13.24 13.64 13.78 13.64 14.05 14.19 14.06 14.48 14.62 14.49 14.92 15.07 14.93 15.38 15.53 15.40 15.86 16.02 RATES RATES RATES to to to as of $ $ $ $ 14.06 14.48 14.62 14.49 14.92 15.07 14.93 15.38 15.53 15.40 15.86 16.02

- 15- CLASS Telephone Operator Week: 35 hours RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 STEPS to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 01 11.02 11.85 02 11.32 12.17 03 11.68 12.56 04 11.98 12.60

RATES RATES RATES to to as of 12.03 12.39 12.51 12.31 12.68 12.81 12.60 12.98 13.11

III- CATEGORY OF LABOUR SUPPORT POSITIONS III-1 Subcateaory of Qualified Workman Positions Week .: 38.75 hours RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 CLASSES to to to i990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06'30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 Trade Apprentice: lst year 11.40 11.97 2nd year 11.75 12.34 3rd year 12.18 12.79 4th year. 12.56 13.19 Bricklayer-Mason: 14.67 15.40 Chief Electrician: 16.97 17.82 Cabinetmaker: 15.71 16.76 Electrician: 15.96 16.76 Metal Worker-Roofer: 14.67 15.40 Master Pipe Mechanic: 16.97 17.82 Mechanic, class II: 14.84 15.58 Mechanic, class I: 15.84 16.76

16 - ' RATES RATES to as of 12.33 12.45 12.71 12.84 13.17 13.30 13.59' 13.73 15.40 15.86 16.02 18.35 18.53 16.76 17.26 17.43 17.26 17.43 15.40 15.86 16.02 18.35 18.53 16.05 16.21 16.76 17.26 17.43

- 17- RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991701-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 CLASSES to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 Office Equipment Mechanic: 16.11 16.92 Stationary Engineer, class IV: 13.26 13.92 Stationary Engineer, class III: 14.67 15.40 Stationary Engineer, class II: 16.11 16.92 Stationary Engineer, class I: 16.66 17.49 Carpenter: 14.85 15.96 Certified Maintenance Workman: 15.26 16.02 Painter: 14.15 14.86 Plasterer: 14.67 15.40

RATES RATES' RATES to to . as of 17.43 17.60 13.92 14.34 14.48 15.40 15.86 16.02 17.43 17.60 18.01 18.19 16.02 16.50 16.67 16.02 16.5'0 16.67 15.31 15.46 15.40 15.86 16.02

RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-11 1992-07-01 CLASSES to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 1993-04-01 $ Locksmith: 14.51 15.24 Welder: 15.47 16.63 Specialized Shop Mechanic: 15.71 16.76 Pipe Fitter: 15.96 16.76 Glazier-Installer-Mechanic: 14.67 15.40

- 18- RATES RATES RATES to to to as of $ $ S $ 15.70 15.86 16.76 17.26 - 17.43 16.76 17.26 17.43 17.26 17.43 15.40 15.86 16.02

- 19- III-2 Subcategory of Labour. Maintenance and Service Positions Week: 38.75 hourà RATES* RATES RATES RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-07-01 CLASSES ta ta 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-. 31 1993-04-01 $ Trades Helper: 12.56 13.19 General Kitchen Helper: 11.67 12.31 Butche: 14.49 15.40 Laundrynlan: 12.00 12.60 Heavy Vehicle Drivers Assistant: 12.28 12.89 Light Vehicle Driver: 12.28 12.89 Heavy Vehicle Driver: 13.95 14.75 ' Cook, class III: 13.27 13.93 pook, class II: 14.49 15.40 Cook, class I: 15.07 16.02

' ta as of 13.59 13.73 12.31 12.68 12.81 15.40 15.86 16.02 a 12.60 12.98 13.11 13.28 13.41 13.28 13.41. 14.75 15.19 15.34 14.35 14.49 . 15.40 15.86 16.02 16.02 16.50 16.67

RATES RATES 1990-01-01 1991-01-01 1991-12-31 1992-0701 CLASSES .to to 1990-12-31 1991-12-31 1992-06-30 1993-03-31 199304-01 $ Guard: 11.72 12.31 Gardenei: 13.26 13.92 Boiler and Refrigeration Equipment Operator: 12.56 13.19 Caretaker, (less than 9,275 m 2 ): 13.10 13.76 Caretaker (9,275 m 2 or more): 14.43 15.15 Night Caretaker (less than 9,275 m 2 ): 12.77 13.41 Night Caretaker (9,275 m 2 cp; More): 13.91 . 14.61 Maintenance Workman, class III (Domestic Help): 11.40 11.97 Maintenance Workman, class II (Assistant Caretaker, Labourer):

12.00 12.60 Maintenance Workman, class I (Window Installer, Tile Setter, Sander): 13.10 13.76 Pastrycook: 14.15 14.86

- 20 - RATES RATES RATES to to as of $ , $ $ $ 12.68 12.81 13.92 14.34 14.48 13.59 13.73 14.17 14.31 15.60 15.76 13.81 13.95 15.05 15.20 12.33 12.45

12.98 13.11 14.17 14.31 15.31 15.46


For employees who vin retire between January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1997 The parties agree to continue discussions through a committee whose 'mandate shah l be to adopt the appropriate measures in order to ensure

that employees who will retire between January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1997 will be treated fairly with respect to those who will retire after December 31, 1997. The committee shah l prepare a report within ninety (90) days of the signing of the agreement. Early Retirement Program As of the date of the signing of this agreement, a technical committee shah l be set up and shah consist of representatives of the Secré­tariat du Conseil du trésor and representatives* of the participants in the Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan (RREGOP). Teachers Pension Plan (RRE) and the Civil Service Superannuation Plan (RRF) to discuss the extension of the temporary early retirement programs (62 years - 2 years of service and 35 years of service). The committee's mandate shah l be to make the necessary adjustments, if need be, to extend such programs within the guidelines of this agreement.

The costs related to the extension of these'programs will be taken exclusively from the amounts available on September 1, 1992 and deriving from former programs.

The parties must take into account the existing legislative provisions and the administrative impacts in order to carry out the necessary adjustments, if need be.

' Subject to the preceding provisions, the evernment shah l propose to the National Assembly the adoption of the legislative provisions which result from the adjustments adopted uilanimously by the committee, which are deemed necessary for the extension of the temporary early retirement programs and which have a retroactive effect to September 1, 1992.

Pension Credit (RREGOP) The government shah l propose to the National Assembly the adoption of the necessary legislative provisions designed to replace July 1, 1992 by July 1, 1994 in section 87 of RREGOP.

Without modifying the rules respecting representation, each of the groups representing the participants shah l be entitled to two (2)representatives.

 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.