Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20070522

Docket: T-128-07

Citation: 2007 FC 536

Ottawa, Ontario, May 22, 2007

PRESENT:     The Honourable Madam Justice Mactavish















[1]               This is a motion for summary judgment brought by the Defendant, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. The Minister seeks an order dismissing this action on the basis that it was commenced outside of the 90 day limitation period provided for in section 30 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, 2000, c. 17 (“the Act”).


[2]               For the reasons that follow, I am satisfied that there is no genuine issue for trial with respect to Mr. Doukou’s claim, and that, therefore, his action must be dismissed.



[3]               In order to understand the facts giving rise to this motion, it is necessary to have some understanding of the legislative scheme provided for in the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.  To assist in this regard, the relevant provisions of the Act are attached as an appendix to this decision.


[4]               The essential facts giving rise to this matter are not in dispute. 


[5]               On May 12, 2006, Mr. Doukou was travelling from Toronto to Amsterdam, en route to Accra, Ghana.  He was asked by a Customs Officer if he was carrying currency worth more than $10,000 in Canadian funds.  Mr. Doukou said that he was not, and that he was only carrying $200 in American funds. 


[6]               It was subsequently determined that Mr. Doukou was carrying $16,500 in American funds, or approximately $18,150 in Canadian dollars.


[7]               As Mr. Doukou had failed to report to the Customs Officer in accordance with the requirements of the Cross-border Currency and Monetary Instruments Reporting Regulations, SOR/2002-412, contrary to the provisions of subsection 12(1) of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, the $16,500 in U.S. funds was seized as forfeit, pursuant to section 19 of the Act.


[8]               In accordance with the provisions of section 25 of the Act, Mr. Doukou requested a decision from the Minister as to whether subsection 12(1) had been contravened.  By letter dated October 13, 2006, the Minister issued a decision in accordance with section 27 of the Act, finding that there had been a contravention of subsection 12(1) in relation to the currency in issue. 


[9]               The Minister issued a second decision on October 13, 2006, this one under the provisions of section 29 of the Act, confirming that the seized funds were forfeited to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada.


[10]           Although there was initially a dispute as to when it was that Mr. Doukou was made aware of the decision under section 25 of the Act, at this point it is conceded by Mr. Doukou that he was provided with a copy of the decision on October 18, 2006.


[11]           Subsection 30(1) of the Act provides a right of appeal in relation to decisions made under section 25 of the Act.  Such an appeal is to be brought by way of an action in this Court “within 90 days after being notified of the decision”.


[12]           On January 19, 2007, Mr. Doukou commenced an action in the Federal Court whereby he sought to appeal the Minister’s section 25 decision.  His Statement of Claim was thus filed 93 days after he was notified of the Minister’s decision.


[13]           The Minister now seeks an order dismissing this action on the basis that it was commenced outside of the 90 day limitation period provided for in the Act.


Mr. Doukou’s Position

[14]           Mr. Doukou concedes that he made a mistake in failing to declare the currency, stating that he was unaware of his duty to declare the funds.  He further states that he lied about the amount of money that he was carrying when he was asked by the Customs Officer, as he was in a hurry and didn’t want to be held up.  He admits that he made a mistake in this regard.


[15]           Mr. Doukou also explained that he had difficulty retaining counsel and obtaining documents relevant to his appeal.  As I understand his submissions - not all of which were supported by evidence - he attempted to file his Statement of Claim prior to the expiry of the 90 day appeal period, but was not successful in doing so until after the expiry of the limitation period.


[16]           Mr. Doukou says that he is neither a terrorist nor a money launderer, and asks that he be given his day in Court so as to be able to establish the provenance of the funds in question.


Principles Governing Summary Judgment

[17]           Summary judgment in the Federal Court is governed, in part, by Rule 216 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106, the operative portions of which provide that:

216. (1) Where on a motion for summary judgment the Court is satisfied that there is no genuine issue for trial with respect to a claim or defence, the Court shall grant summary judgment accordingly


216. (1) Lorsque, par suite d’une requête en jugement sommaire, la Cour est convaincue qu’il n’existe pas de véritable question litigieuse quant à une déclaration ou à une défense, elle rend un jugement sommaire en conséquence …



[18]           Judges hearing motions for summary judgment can only make findings of fact or law where the relevant evidence is available on the record, and does not involve a serious question of fact or law which turns on the drawing of inferences: see Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co., [2003] 1 F.C. 242, 2002 FCA 210.


[19]           In determining whether a case is so doubtful that it does not deserve consideration by the trier of fact at a future trial, a motions judge must proceed with care, as the effect of the granting of summary judgment will be to preclude a party from presenting any evidence at trial with respect to the issue in dispute. In other words, the unsuccessful responding party will lose its "day in court": see Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. (2004), 248 F.T.R. 82, 2004 FC 314 at ¶ 12, (aff’d 2004 FCA 298).

[20]           With this understanding of the relevant principles governing motions for summary judgment, I turn now to consider the merits of the Minister’s motion.



[21]           Given that there is no dispute that Mr. Doukou’s appeal was commenced out of time, there are no relevant facts in dispute in this matter.  The sole issue for determination on this motion is whether the limitation period contained in subsection 30(1) of the Act is absolute, or whether there is discretion in the Court to extend the limitation period in an appropriate case.


[22]           In this regard, the jurisprudence is clear.  That is, a limitation period fixed by statute cannot be extended by the Court unless the statute in question empowers the Court to extend the limitation period established by Parliament: see, for example, Dawe v. Canada (1994), 86 F.T.R. 240 (F.C.A.). 


[23]           In this case, the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act contains no such language.


[24]           While Dawe was a decision under the Customs Act, the principles articulated by the Federal Court of Appeal in that case are equally applicable to appeals under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act: see Kazazian v. Canada (Solicitor General), [2004] F.C.J. No. 1423.


[25]           Subsection 30(2) of the Act provides that the Federal Courts Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-7, and the Federal Courts Rules apply to actions initiated under subsection 30(1), except as varied by special rules made in respect of such actions.  While the Federal Courts Rules do permit the granting of extensions of time, they do not authorize the Court to dispense with statutory limitation periods: see Dawe, above, at ¶ 13.


[26]           As a consequence, I am satisfied that Mr. Doukou’s claim is statute-barred.  As such, there is no genuine issue for trial with respect to the claim, and summary judgment dismissing the claim is granted.



            THIS COURTS ORDERS AND ADJUDGES THAT the motion for summary judgment is granted, and this action is dismissed, with costs.



“Anne Mactavish”


































12. (1) Every person or entity referred to in subsection (3) shall report to an officer, in accordance with the regulations, the importation or exportation of currency or monetary instruments of a value equal to or greater than the prescribed amount.


12. (1) Les personnes ou entités visées au paragraphe (3) sont tenues de déclarer à l'agent, conformément aux règlements, l'importation ou l'exportation des espèces ou effets d'une valeur égale ou supérieure au montant réglementaire.


19. An officer may call on other persons to assist the officer in exercising any power of search, seizure or retention that the officer is authorized under this Part to exercise, and any person so called on is authorized to exercise the power.

19. L’agent peut requérir main-forte pour se faire assister dans l’exercice des pouvoirs de fouille, de rétention ou de saisie que lui confère la présente partie. Toute personne ainsi requise est autorisée à exercer ces pouvoirs.


25. A person from whom currency or monetary instruments were seized under section 18, or the lawful owner of the currency or monetary instruments, may within 90 days after the date of the seizure request a decision of the Minister as to whether subsection 12(1) was contravened, by giving notice in writing to the officer who seized the currency or monetary instruments or to an officer at the customs office closest to the place where the seizure took place.


25. La personne entre les mains de qui ont été saisis des espèces ou effets en vertu de l'article 18 ou leur propriétaire légitime peut, dans les quatre-vingt-dix jours suivant la saisie, demander au ministre de décider s'il y a eu contravention au paragraphe 12(1) en donnant un avis écrit à l'agent qui les a saisis ou à un agent du bureau de douane le plus proche du lieu de la saisie.

27. (1) Within 90 days after the expiry of the period referred to in subsection 26(2), the Minister shall decide whether subsection 12(1) was contravened.

27. (1) Dans les quatre-vingt-dix jours qui suivent l’expiration du délai mentionné au paragraphe 26(2), le ministre décide s’il y a eu contravention au paragraphe 12(1).


(2) If charges are laid with respect to a money laundering offence or a terrorist activity financing offence in respect of the currency or monetary instruments seized, the Minister may defer making a decision but shall make it in any case no later than 30 days after the conclusion of all court proceedings in respect of those charges.


(2) Dans le cas où des poursuites pour infraction de recyclage des produits de la criminalité ou pour infraction de financement des activités terroristes ont été intentées relativement aux espèces ou effets saisis, le ministre peut reporter la décision, mais celle-ci doit être prise dans les trente jours suivant l'issue des poursuites.

(3) The Minister shall, without delay after making a decision, serve on the person who requested it a written notice of the decision together with the reasons for it.


(3) Le ministre signifie sans délai par écrit à la personne qui a fait la demande un avis de la décision, motifs à l’appui.


29. (1) If the Minister decides that subsection 12(1) was contravened, the Minister may, subject to the terms and conditions that the Minister may determine,


29. (1) S’il décide qu’il y a eu contravention au paragraphe 12(1), le ministre peut, aux conditions qu’il fixe :

(a) decide that the currency or monetary instruments or, subject to subsection (2), an amount of money equal to their value on the day the Minister of Public Works and Government Services is informed of the decision, be returned, on payment of a penalty in the prescribed amount or without penalty;


a) soit restituer les espèces ou effets ou, sous réserve du paragraphe (2), la valeur de ceux-ci à la date où le ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux est informé de la décision, sur réception de la pénalité réglementaire ou sans pénalité;

(b) decide that any penalty or portion of any penalty that was paid under subsection 18(2) be remitted; or


b) soit restituer tout ou partie de la pénalité versée en application du paragraphe 18(2);

(c) subject to any order made under section 33 or 34, confirm that the currency or monetary instruments are forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

c) soit confirmer la confiscation des espèces ou effets au profit de Sa Majesté du chef du Canada, sous réserve de toute ordonnance rendue en application des articles 33 ou 34.


The Minister of Public Works and Government Services shall give effect to a decision of the Minister under paragraph (a) or (b) on being informed of it.


Le ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux, dès qu’il en est informé, prend les mesures nécessaires à l’application des alinéas a) ou b).

(2) The total amount paid under paragraph (1)(a) shall, if the currency or monetary instruments were sold or otherwise disposed of under the Seized Property Management Act, not exceed the proceeds of the sale or disposition, if any, less any costs incurred by Her Majesty in respect of the currency or monetary instruments.

(2) En cas de vente ou autre forme d’aliénation des espèces ou effets en vertu de la Loi sur l’administration des biens saisis, le montant de la somme versée en vertu de l’alinéa (1)a) ne peut être supérieur au produit éventuel de la vente ou de l’aliénation, duquel sont soustraits les frais afférents exposés par Sa Majesté; à défaut de produit de l’aliénation, aucun paiement n’est effectué.


30. (1) A person who requests a decision of the Minister under section 27 may, within 90 days after being notified of the decision, appeal the decision by way of an action in the Federal Court in which the person is the plaintiff and the Minister is the defendant.

30. (1) La personne qui a demandé que soit rendue une décision en vertu de l’article 27 peut, dans les quatre-vingt-dix jours suivant la communication de cette décision, en appeler par voie d’action à la Cour fédérale à titre de demandeur, le ministre étant le défendeur.


(2) The Federal Courts Act and the rules made under that Act that apply to ordinary actions apply to actions instituted under subsection (1) except as varied by special rules made in respect of such actions.

(2) La Loi sur les Cours fédérales et les règles prises aux termes de cette loi applicables aux actions ordinaires s'appliquent aux actions intentées en vertu du paragraphe (1), avec les adaptations nécessaires occasionnées par les règles propres à ces actions.

(3) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services shall give effect to the decision of the Court on being informed of it.

(3) Le ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux, dès qu’il en a été informé, prend les mesures nécessaires pour donner effet à la décision de la Cour.


(4) If the currency or monetary instruments were sold or otherwise disposed of under the Seized Property Management Act, the total amount that can be paid under subsection (3) shall not exceed the proceeds of the sale or disposition, if any, less any costs incurred by Her Majesty in respect of the currency or monetary instruments.


(4) En cas de vente ou autre forme d’aliénation des espèces ou effets en vertu de la Loi sur l’administration des biens saisis, le montant de la somme qui peut être versée en vertu du paragraphe (3) ne peut être supérieur au produit éventuel de la vente ou de l’aliénation, duquel sont soustraits les frais afférents exposés par Sa Majesté; à défaut de produit de l’aliénation, aucun paiement n’est effectué.







DOCKET:                                          T-128-07



STYLE OF CAUSE:                          PATRICE DOUKOU v.

                                                            THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY

                                                            AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS



PLACE OF HEARING:                    Toronto, Ontario



DATE OF HEARING:                      May 14, 2007




 AND JUDGMENT:                         Mactavish, J.



DATED:                                             May 22, 2007






Patrice Doukou                                                                        FOR THE PLAINTIFF


Jennifer Francis                                                             FOR THE DEFENDANT




Patrice Doukou

Mississauga, Ontario                                                                 FOR THE PLAINTIFF


John H. Sims, Q.C.

Deputy Attorney General of Canada                                        

Toronto, Ontario                                                                      FOR THE DEFENDANT


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.