Federal Court Decisions

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Date:  20051129

Docket:  T-2095-04

Citation:  2005 FC 1605

Montréal, Quebec, November 29, 2005















[1]               This application for judicial review seeks to set aside a decision by the National Parole Board (the “Board”) dated November 8, 2004 renewing for the third time a 90-day residency requirement, as part of a community supervision order issued under section 753.1 of the Criminal Code



[2]               As the parties have filed an agreed statement of facts, I will simply reproduce them in full hereinafter.


[3]               The applicant served a second two-year federal sentence for sexual offences against the person, namely, forcible confinement and indecent acts (five counts), as well as for possession of Schedule II substances and failure to comply with a probation order.


[4]               The applicant’s warrant of committal expired on June 27, 2004.


[5]               The applicant was also declared a long-term offender under section 753.1 of the Criminal Code.


[6]               Consequently, the court ordered that the applicant be subject to a long-term community supervision order pursuant to subsection 753.1(3) and section 753.2 of the Criminal Code.


[7]               The supervision order was for a maximum period of five years following expiry of the applicant’s warrant of committal, that is, effective June 27, 2004.


[8]               On June 3, 2004, the Board ordered that the applicant comply with a special residency condition with any Community Correctional Centre/Community Residential Centre (“CCC/CRC”), for a period of 90 days.


[9]               As a result of the Board’s decision, a long-term supervision certificate was issued against the applicant.  The certificate listed the special conditions imposed, including the aforementioned residency condition, for a period of 90 days.


[10]           The CCC named in the certificate was the Hochelaga CCC, located on Hochelaga Street in Montréal.


[11]           On August 18, 2004, the Board rendered a second decision renewing the applicant’s residency condition for an additional 90 days.


[12]           On August 25, 2004, Jean-Guy Desrosiers of the Hochelaga CCC suspended the applicant’s supervision, authorized his apprehension and ordered his commitment to custody pursuant to subsection 135.1(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (the “Act”).


[13]           The arrest warrant was executed on August 25, 2004, and the applicant was committed to custody at the Leclerc Institution.


[14]           On October 18, 2004, the Board reviewed the applicant’s case and cancelled the suspension of the long-term supervision.


[15]           A new certificate was issued to this effect on October 18, 2004.  The certificate extended the residency order by 54 days to the new expiry date, November 15, 2004.


[16]           The CCC named in the new certificate was the Hochelaga CCC.


[17]            A third certificate was issued on November 16, 2004 (locked November 8, 2004).  This certificate was the subject of the application for judicial review.


[18]           This third warrant referred to a new residency requirement for a 90-day period, that is, until February 13, 2005.


[19]           The CCC named in the third certificate was, once again, the Hochelaga CCC.


[20]           In each of his three stays at the Hochelaga CCC, the applicant had to, and must still, comply with the CCC’s rules, which are the same for an offender under a residency order as part of his statutory release as for another offender under a residency order as part of his long-term supervision.


[21]           As for all offenders, special arrangements concerning the rules may be made for individual offenders.  For example, a resident who needs a cell phone for his work could, under certain conditions, be exempted from the rule.


[22]           For the requirements of the present application for judicial review, the applicant does not contest the facts reported in the Board’s decisions but disagrees with the legal conditions.


[23]           For the requirements of the present application for judicial review, the applicant admits that, if the Board had the power to impose a residency condition on him, which he denies, that condition would be reasonable, necessary in order to protect society and to facilitate his successful reintegration into society and justified by the facts of the case.





[24]           The only issue in the present application is the following:

Does the Board have jurisdiction to renew the special supervision conditions of an offender who has been declared a long-term offender pursuant to subsection 753.1(1) of the Criminal Code, with the result that a succession of 90-day residency requirements are imposed on him?





[25]           Before undertaking an analysis of the issue at the heart of this dispute, we should briefly examine the legislative framework underlying the legal issue to be resolved.  The relevant legislation is reproduced in the Appendix to these reasons.


[26]           When the court finds an offender to be a “long-term offender” under subsection 753.1(1) of the Criminal Code, it is required to impose a sentence of imprisonment of two years or more for the offence for which the offender has been convicted and order the offender to be supervised in the community (subsection 753.1(3)).


[27]           This period of supervision within the community begins when the offender has finished serving the sentence imposed for the offence for which he has been convicted, and all other sentences for offences for which the offender is convicted and for which sentence a term of imprisonment is imposed on the offender, either before or after the conviction for the aforementioned offence (subsection 753.2(1)).


[28]           This period of supervision must also be administered in accordance with the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, S.C. 1992, c. 20.  Subsection 134.1(1) of the Act states that long-term offenders are subject to subsection 161(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, SOR/92-620, P.C. 1992-2223, October 29, 1992 (the “Regulations”). 


[29]           Furthermore, subsection 135.1(1) provides that, when an offender breaches a condition of a long-term supervision order, the long-term supervision order may be suspended.  It should be noted that any breach of condition of release may result in an order authorizing the commitment of the long-term offender to a community-based residential facility or a mental health facility.


[30]           After reviewing the case, the Board may cancel the suspension without adding new conditions to the long-term supervision order, cancel the suspension but add any conditions that the Board considers necessary to protect society or, where the Board is satisfied that no appropriate program of supervision can be established that would adequately protect society from the risk of the offender reoffending, recommend that an information be laid charging the offender with a breach of the supervision order (subsection 135.1(6)).


[31]           In the applicant’s view, an offender subject to a long-term supervision order cannot be committed for successive 90-day periods under subsection 135.1(6), since subsection (2) of that same section stipulates that the period of commitment of the offender must not exceed 90 days.  Furthermore, it would go against the spirit of the Act if successive residency requirements were issued for an uninterrupted period of more than 90 days, as the offender would have finished serving his sentence when he was placed under long-term supervision.


[32]           It is uncontested that the appropriate standard of review is correctness.  The issue before us is purely a question of law, since we must determine the meaning and scope of a statutory provision by considering its legislative framework.  The Board has no special expertise in this area and is in no better position than this Court to resolve the issue.  I note, furthermore, that the correctness standard was recently applied by this Court in similar situations: see McMurray v. Canada (National Parole Board), [2004] F.C.J. No. 565 (Q.L.); Normandin v. Canada (Attorney General), [2004] F.C.J. No. 1701 (Q.L.).


[33]           Despite the skill and conviction with which counsel for the applicant pleaded her case, I cannot endorse her arguments.  It seems clear to me that, in fact, the residency requirements were imposed on the applicant under section 134.1, not section 135.1.  The latter provision is only applied in cases of actual or anticipated breaches of the conditions of a long-term supervision order.  Only when the conditions are breached or when “the member or person is satisfied that it is necessary and reasonable to suspend the long-term supervision in order to prevent a breach of any condition of it or to protect society” may a member of the Board or a person designated by it authorize the “commitment” of the offender to a community-based residential facility.  The order will end when the Board has reviewed the case and determined what measures should be taken, and must not exceed 90 days.


[34]           In other words, once the Board rules on the case of an offender referred to it for breach of a condition in the long-term supervision order or because of the risk to society, section 134.1 becomes operative once more and is the authority whereby the original order is extended (with or without new conditions) and possibly renewed.


[35]           The Federal Court of Appeal recently determined that section 134.1 authorizes the Board to impose a residency requirement among the conditions that it may set in a long-term supervision order.  In the context of an application for judicial review by an applicant concerning the legality of a long-term supervision certificate issued by the Board on June 3, 2004, the Court of Appeal upheld the judgment delivered by my colleague Tremblay-Lamer J. ([2004] F.C.J. No. 1701) after conducting an extensive analysis of that section and of the Act as a whole (Normandin v. Canada (Attorney General), 2005 FCA 345).


[36]           In that case, counsel for the applicant argued that section 134.1 could not be interpreted as conferring power on the Board to impose a condition of residency in a community-based residential facility, since the provision, read in conjunction with section 99.1 of the Act and subsection 61(1) of the Regulations, does not expressly refer to that condition.  Relying on the expressio unius est exclusion alterius rule, Ms. Magas made much of subsections 133(4.1) and 135.1, which do expressly authorize that condition, in support of her argument.


[37]           In response to those claims, Létourneau J.A. carefully examined the relevant sections of the Act, its purpose and its general scheme.  After providing a detailed and persuasive critical analysis, he concluded that subsection 134.1(2) contains a general power to ensure the protection of society and facilitate the successful reintegration into society of a long-term offender by imposing on him or her any condition of supervision that the Board considers appropriate, including those not expressly referred to in section 99.1.


[38]           While there is no need here to reproduce Létourneau J.A.’s detailed reasoning as to how section 134.1 should be interpreted, his comments concerning section 135.1, however, are quite relevant to the present case, in my view, and so I will reproduce a brief excerpt here:


[56] What section 135.1 confers is a power of commitment to a residence and not a power to assign to a residence. The first, the power of commitment, punishes the conduct of the long-term offender while the second, the residence requirement, refers to a condition of his long-term supervision or, in the case of an offender on statutory release, to a condition of that release (see subsection 133(4.1)). The first is expressed and exercised by a warrant, the second simply by a statement or stipulation in the supervision measures.

[57] Parliament has taken the trouble to use a different terminology in order to clearly differentiate between the two concepts. Subsection 133(4.1) states, in the case of an offender on statutory release, that the releasing authority “may . . . require that the offender reside . . .”. This terminology contrasts with that of subsection 135.1(1), applicable to the long-term offender, where the Board “may, by warrant . . . authorize the commitment of the offender to a community-based residential facility or . . . to custody”.

. . .


[61] Again, the limited applicability of section 135.1 contrasts with the much broader power to set conditions of supervision under subsection 134.1(2). The duration of the commitment to residence under subsection 134.1(2) is established by the Board and determined by the necessity and reasonableness of imposing such a condition. This subsection, I note again, does not set any maximum time limit for commitment to residence, as is the case for the warrant of commitment in section 135.1.


[39]           This excerpt from the Federal Court of Appeal judgment speaks volumes in confirming, if confirmation was needed, the very different natures and purposes of sections 134.1 and 135.1.  The purpose of the latter is to provide the Board with the tools to address an emergency situation, and the only purpose of the “commitment” is to protect society while the Board examines the offender’s case.  It is crystal clear from a reading of subsections 135.1(6) and (8) that the original supervision order becomes operative again as soon as the Board decides to cancel the suspension, with or without new conditions, unless it recommends that an information be laid charging the offender with an offence under section 753.3 of the Criminal Code.


[40]           Since the applicant admitted that the residency requirement would have been reasonable if the Court had found that the Board had that power, the present application for judicial review must be dismissed, without costs.




THE COURT ORDERS that the application for judicial review be dismissed, without costs.


“Yves de Montigny”




Certified true translation

Michael Palles







DOCKET:                                                T-2095-04


STYLE OF CAUSE:                                 Daniel Normandin v. Attorney General of Canada




PLACE OF HEARING:                          Montréal, Quebec


DATE OF HEARING:                            August 23, 2005




DATED:                                                   November 29, 2005






Diane Magas



Dominique Guimond






Magas Law Office

Ottawa, Ontario



John H. Sims, Q.C.

Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Montréal, Quebec






Corrections and Conditional Release Act, S.C. 1992, c. 20


Conditions for Long-Term Supervision

134.1 (1) Subject to subsection (4), every offender who is required to be supervised by a long-term supervision order is subject to the conditions prescribed by subsection 161(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, with such modifications as the circumstances require.

Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition, L.C. 1992, ch. 20

Conditions de la surveillance de longue durée

134.1 (1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (4), les conditions prévues par le paragraphe 161(1) du Règlement sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition s'appliquent, avec les adaptations nécessaires, au délinquant surveillé aux termes d'une ordonnance de surveillance de longue durée.

(2) The Board may establish conditions for the long-term supervision of the offender that it considers reasonable and necessary in order to protect society and to facilitate the successful reintegration into society of the offender.

(2) La Commission peut imposer au délinquant les conditions de surveillance qu'elle juge raisonnables et nécessaires pour protéger la société et favoriser la réinsertion sociale du délinquant.

(3) A condition imposed under subsection (2) is valid for the period that the Board specifies.

(3) Les conditions imposées par la Commission en vertu du paragraphe (2) sont valables pendant la période qu'elle fixe.

(4) The Board may, in accordance with the regulations, at any time during the long-term supervision of an offender,

(a) in respect of conditions referred to in subsection (1), relieve the offender from compliance with any such condition or vary the application to the offender of any such condition; or

(b) in respect of conditions imposed under subsection (2), remove or vary any such condition.


(4) La Commission peut, conformément aux règlements, soustraire le délinquant, au cours de la période de surveillance, à l'application de l'une ou l'autre des conditions visées au paragraphe (1), ou modifier ou annuler l'une de celles visées au paragraphe (2).


. . .

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Suspension, Termination, Revocation and Inoperativeness of Parole, Statutory Release or Long-Term Supervision

. . .

135.1 (1) A member of the Board or a person designated, by name or by position, by the Chairperson of the Board or by the Commissioner, when an offender breaches a condition of a long-term supervision order or a condition referred to in section 134.1 or when the member or person is satisfied that it is necessary and reasonable to suspend the long-term supervision in order to prevent a breach of any condition of it or to protect society, may, by warrant,

Suspension, cessation, révocation et ineffectivité de la libération conditionnelle ou d'office ou de la surveillance de longue durée

. . .

135.1 (1) En cas d'inobservation soit des conditions énoncées dans l'ordonnance de surveillance de longue durée, soit des conditions visées à l'article 134.1, ou lorsqu'il est convaincu qu'il est raisonnable et nécessaire de prendre cette mesure pour empêcher la violation de ces conditions ou pour protéger la société, un membre de la Commission ou la personne que le président ou le commissaire désigne nommément ou par indication de son poste peut, par mandat :

(a)         suspend the long-term supervision;

(b) authorize the apprehension of the offender; and

(c) authorize the commitment of the offender to a community-based residential facility or a mental health facility or, where the member or person is satisfied that commitment to custody is necessary, to custody until the suspension is cancelled, new conditions for the long-term supervision have been established or the offender is charged with an offence under section 753.3 of the Criminal Code.

a) suspendre la surveillance;           

b) autoriser l'arrestation du délinquant;

c) ordonner l'internement de celui-ci dans un établissement résidentiel communautaire ou un établissement psychiatrique, ou son incarcération si elle est jugée nécessaire, jusqu'à ce que la suspension soit annulée, que de nouvelles conditions pour la surveillance soient fixées ou que le délinquant soit accusé de l'infraction visée à l'article 753.3 du Code criminel.






(2) The period of the commitment of the offender mentioned in paragraph (1)(c) must not exceed ninety days.

(2) La période maximale de l'internement ou de l'incarcération visés à l'alinéa (1)c) est de quatre-vingt-dix jours.

(3) Where an offender is committed under paragraph (1)(c), the period of the commitment is included in the calculation of the period of long-term supervision ordered under a long-term supervision order, but if there is a period between the issuance of the warrant and the commitment to custody, that period is not included in that calculation.

(3) Si un délinquant fait l'objet d'un internement ou d'une incarcération aux termes de l'alinéa (1)c), la période d'internement ou d'incarcération est comprise dans la période de surveillance prévue dans l'ordonnance de surveillance de longue durée à l'exclusion, le cas échéant, du délai écoulé entre la délivrance du mandat et l'incarcération ou l'internement.

(4) A person designated pursuant to subsection (1) may, by warrant, order the transfer to penitentiary of an offender who is committed under paragraph (1)(c) in a place other than a penitentiary.

(4) La personne désignée en vertu du paragraphe (1) peut, par mandat, ordonner le transfèrement dans un pénitencier du délinquant qui fait l'objet d'un internement aux termes de l'alinéa (1)c).

(5) The person who signs a warrant pursuant to subsection (1), or any other person designated pursuant to that subsection, shall, immediately after the commitment of the offender, review the offender's case and, as soon as possible but in any case no later than thirty days after the commitment, cancel the suspension or refer the case to the Board together with an assessment of the case.

(5) La personne qui a signé le mandat visé au paragraphe (1), ou toute autre personne désignée en vertu de ce paragraphe doit, dès l'internement ou l'incarcération du délinquant mentionné dans le mandat, examiner son cas et, dans les meilleurs délais mais au plus tard dans les trente jours qui suivent, annuler la suspension ou renvoyer le dossier devant la Commission, le renvoi étant accompagné d'une évaluation du cas.

(6) The Board shall, on the referral to it of the case of an offender, review the case and, within sixty days after the date of the referral,


(6) Une fois saisie du dossier, la Commission examine le cas et, dans les soixante jours suivant la date du renvoi :

(a) cancel the suspension, where the Board is satisfied that, in view of the offender's behaviour while being supervised, the resumption of long-term supervision on the same conditions would not constitute a substantial risk to society by reason of the offender reoffending before the expiration of the period of long-term supervision;

a) soit annule la suspension si elle est d'avis, compte tenu de la conduite du délinquant durant la période de surveillance, que le risque de récidive avant l'expiration de cette période -- s'il est soumis aux mêmes conditions de surveillance -- n'est pas élevé;

(b) where the Board is not satisfied as provided in paragraph (a), cancel the suspension and order the resumption of long-term supervision on any conditions that the Board considers necessary to protect society; or

b) soit, si elle n'a pas cette conviction, met fin à la suspension et ordonne la reprise de la surveillance aux conditions que la Commission juge necessaries pour protéger la société;

(c) where the Board is satisfied that no appropriate program of supervision can be established that would adequately protect society from the risk of the offender reoffending, and that it appears that a breach has occurred, recommend that an information be laid charging the offender with an offence under section 753.3 of the Criminal Code.

c) soit, si elle est d'avis qu'aucun programme de surveillance ne peut adéquatement protéger la société contre le risque de récidive et que, selon toute apparence, les conditions de la surveillance n'ont pas été observées, recommande le dépôt d'une dénonciation imputant au délinquant l'infraction visée à l'article 753.3 du Code criminel.

(7) Where the Board recommends that an information be laid pursuant to paragraph (6)(c), the Service shall recommend to the Attorney General who has jurisdiction in the place in which the breach of the condition occurred that an information be laid charging the offender with an offence under section 753.3 of the Criminal Code.

(7) Si la Commission recommande le dépôt d'une dénonciation, le Service recommande au procureur général du lieu où l'inobservation des conditions de surveillance a été constatée le dépôt d'une dénonciation imputant au délinquant l'infraction visée à l'article 753.3 du Code criminel.

(8) If in the Board's opinion it is necessary and reasonable to do so in order to protect society or to facilitate the reintegration of the offender into society, the Board, when it cancels a suspension of the long-term supervision order of an offender, may

(8) Dans le cas où elle annule la suspension d'une ordonnance de surveillance, la Commission peut, si elle l'estime nécessaire et raisonnable afin de protéger la société ou de favoriser la réinsertion sociale du délinquant :

(a) reprimand the offender in order to warn the offender of the Board's dissatisfaction with the offender's behaviour while being supervised;

a) avertir celui-ci qu'elle n'est pas satisfaite de son comportement pendant la période de surveillance;

(b) alter the conditions of the long-term supervision; and

b) modifier les conditions de la surveillance;

(c) order the cancellation not to take effect until the expiration of a specified period that ends on a date not later than the end of the ninety days referred to in subsection (2), in order to allow the offender to participate in a program that would help ensure that society is protected from the risk of the offender reoffending.

c) ordonner que l'annulation n'entre en vigueur qu'à l'expiration d'un délai qui se termine au plus tard à la fin des quatre-vingt-dix jours visés au paragraphe (2), pour permettre au délinquant de participer à un programme visant à assurer une meilleure protection de la société contre le risque de récidive du délinquant.

(9) Where a person referred to in subsection (4) or the Board cancels a suspension under this section, the person or the Board, as the case may be, shall forward a notification of the cancellation of the suspension or an electronically transmitted copy of the notification to the person in charge of the facility in which the offender is being held.

(9) La personne visée au paragraphe (4) ou la Commission, selon le cas, notifie l'annulation de la suspension, ou transmet électroniquement une copie de la notification, au responsable du lieu où le délinquant est sous garde.



Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, SOR/92-620, P.C. 1992-2223, 29 October, 1992                   

Conditions of Release

161. (1) For the purposes of subsection 133(2) of the Act, every offender who is released on parole or statutory release is subject to the following conditions, namely, that the offender

Règlement sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition, DORS/92-620, C.P. 1992-2223, 29 octobre 1992

Conditions de mise en liberté

161. (1) Pour l'application du paragraphe 133(2) de la Loi, les conditions de mise en liberté qui sont réputées avoir été imposées au délinquant dans tous les cas de libération conditionnelle ou d'office sont les suivantes :

(a) on release, travel directly to the offender's place of residence, as set out in the release certificate respecting the offender, and report to the offender's parole supervisor immediately and thereafter as instructed by the parole supervisor;

a) dès sa mise en liberté, le délinquant doit se rendre directement à sa résidence, dont l'adresse est indiquée sur son certificat de mise en liberté, se présenter immédiatement à son surveillant de liberté conditionnelle et se présenter ensuite à lui selon les directives de celui-ci;

(b) remain at all times in Canada within the territorial boundaries fixed by the parole;

b) il doit rester à tout moment au Canada, dans les limites territoriales spécifiées par son surveillant;

(c) obey the law and keep the peace;

c) il doit respecter la loi et ne pas troubler l'ordre public;

(d) inform the parole supervisor immediately on arrest or on being questioned by the police;

d) il doit informer immédiatement son surveillant en cas d'arrestation ou d'interrogatoire par la police;

(e) at all times carry the release certificate and the identity card provided by the releasing authority and produce them on request for identification to any peace officer or parole supervisor;

e) il doit porter sur lui à tout moment le certificat de mise en liberté et la carte d'identité que lui a remis l'autorité compétente et les présenter à tout agent de la paix ou surveillant de liberté conditionnelle qui lui en fait la demande à des fins d'identification;


(f) report to the police if and as instructed by the parole supervisor;

f) le cas échéant, il doit se présenter à la police, à la demande de son surveillant et selon ses directives;


(g) advise the parole supervisor of the offender's address of residence on release and thereafter report immediately

g) dès sa mise en liberté, il doit communiquer à son surveillant l'adresse de sa résidence, de même que l'informer sans délai de :

(i) any change in the offender's address of residence,

(i) tout changement de résidence,

(ii) any change in the offender's normal occupation, including employment, vocational or educational training and volunteer work,

(ii) tout changement d'occupation habituelle, notamment un changement d'emploi rémunéré ou bénévole ou un changement de cours de formation,

(iii) any change in the domestic or financial situation of the offender and, on request of the parole supervisor, any change that the offender has knowledge of in the family situation of the offender, and

(iii) tout changement dans sa situation domestique ou financière et, sur demande de son surveillant, tout changement dont il est au courant concernant sa famille,

(iv) any change that may reasonably be expected to affect the offender's ability to comply with the conditions of parole or statutory release;

(iv) tout changement qui, selon ce qui peut être raisonnablement prévu, pourrait affecter sa capacité de respecter les conditions de sa libération conditionnelle ou d'office;

(h) not own, possess or have the control of any weapon, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, except as authorized by the parole supervisor; and

h) il ne doit pas être en possession d'arme, au sens de l'article 2 du Code criminel, ni en avoir le contrôle ou la propriété, sauf avec l'autorisation de son surveillant;

(i) in respect of an offender released on day parole, on completion of the day parole, return to the penitentiary from which the offender was released on the date and at the time provided for in the release certificate.

i) s'il est en semi-liberté, il doit, dès la fin de sa période de semi-liberté, réintégrer le pénitencier d'où il a été mis en liberté à l'heure et à la date inscrites à son certificat de mise en liberté.

(2) For the purposes of subsection 133(2) of the Act, every offender who is released on unescorted temporary absence is subject to the following conditions, namely, that the offender

(2) Pour l'application du paragraphe 133(2) de la Loi, les conditions de mise en liberté qui sont réputées avoir été imposées au délinquant dans tous les cas de permission de sortir sans surveillance sont les suivantes :

(a) on release, travel directly to the destination set out in the absence permit respecting the offender, report to a parole supervisor as directed by the releasing authority and follow the release plan approved by the releasing authority;

a) dès sa mise en liberté, le délinquant doit se rendre directement au lieu indiqué sur son permis de sortie, se présenter à son surveillant de liberté conditionnelle selon les directives de l'autorité compétente et suivre le plan de sortie approuvé par elle;

(b) remain in Canada within the territorial boundaries fixed by the parole supervisor for the duration of the absence;

b) il doit rester au Canada, dans les limites territoriales spécifiées par son surveillant pendant toute la durée de la sortie;

(c) obey the law and keep the peace;

c) il doit respecter la loi et ne pas troubler l'ordre public;

(d) inform the parole supervisor immediately on arrest or on being questioned by the police;

d) il doit informer immédiatement son surveillant en cas d'arrestation ou d'interrogatoire par la police;

(e) at all times carry the release certificate and the identity card provided by the releasing authority and produce them on request for identification to any peace officer or parole supervisor;

e) il doit porter sur lui à tout moment le permis de sortie et la carte d'identité que lui a remis l'autorité compétente et les présenter à tout agent de la paix ou surveillant de liberté conditionnelle qui lui en fait la demande à des fins d'identification;

(f) report to the police if and as instructed by the releasing authority;

f) le cas échéant, il doit se présenter à la police, à la demande de l'autorité compétente et selon ses directives;

(g) return to the penitentiary from which the offender was released on the date and at the time provided for in the absence permit;

g) il doit réintégrer le pénitencier d'où il a été mis en liberté à l'heure et à la date inscrites à ce permis;

(h) not own, possess or have the control of any weapon, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, except as authorized by the parole supervisor.

h) il ne doit pas être en possession d'arme, au sens de l'article 2 du Code criminel, ni en avoir le contrôle ou la propriété, sauf avec l'autorisation de son surveillant.


Criminal Code, R.S., c. C-34

Dangerous Offenders and Long-Term Offenders

. . .

753.1 (1) The court may, on application made under this Part following the filing of an assessment report under subsection 752.1(2), find an offender to be a long-term offender if it is satisfied that

Code criminal, S.R. ch. C-34

Délinquants dangereux et délinquants à contrôler

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753.1 (1) Sur demande faite, en vertu de la présente partie, postérieurement au dépôt du rapport d'évaluation visé au paragraphe 752.1(2), le tribunal peut déclarer que le délinquant est un délinquant à contrôler, s'il est convaincu que les conditions suivantes sont réunies :

(a) it would be appropriate to impose a sentence of imprisonment of two years or more for the offence for which the offender has been convicted;

a) il y a lieu d'imposer au délinquant une peine minimale d'emprisonnement de deux ans pour l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable;

(b) there is a substantial risk that the offender will reoffend; and

b) celui-ci présente un risque élevé de récidive;

(c) there is a reasonable possibility of eventual control of the risk in the community.

c) il existe une possibilité réelle que ce risque puisse être maîtrisé au sein de la collectivité.

(2) The court shall be satisfied that there is a substantial risk that the offender will reoffend if

(2) Le tribunal est convaincu que le délinquant présente un risque élevé de récidive si :

a) the offender has been convicted of an offence under section 151 (sexual interference), 152 (invitation to sexual touching) or 153 (sexual exploitation), subsection 163.1(2) (making child pornography), subsection 163.1(3) (distribution, etc., of child pornography), subsection 163.1(4) (possession of child pornography), subsection 163.1(4.1) (accessing child pornography), section 172.1 (luring a child), subsection 173(2) (exposure) or section 271 (sexual assault), 272 (sexual assault with a weapon) or 273 (aggravated sexual(assault), or has engaged in serious conduct of a sexual nature in the commission of another offence of which the offender has been convicted; and

a) d'une part, celui-ci a été déclaré coupable d'une infraction visée aux articles 151 (contacts sexuels), 152 (incitation à des contacts sexuels) ou 153 (exploitation sexuelle), aux paragraphes 163.1(2) (production de pornographie juvénile), 163.1(3) (distribution de pornographie juvénile), 163.1(4) (possession de pornographie juvénile) ou 163.1(4.1) (accès à la pornographie juvénile), à l'article 172.1 (leurre), au paragraphe 173(2) (exhibitionnisme) ou aux articles 271 (agression sexuelle), 272(agression sexuelle armée) ou 273 (agression sexuelle grave), ou a commis un acte grave de nature sexuelle lors de la perpétration d'une autre infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable;

(b) the offender

(i) has shown a pattern of repetitive behaviour, of which the offence for which he or she has been convicted forms a part, that shows a likelihood of the offender's causing death or injury to other persons or inflicting severe psychological damage on other persons, or

(ii) by conduct in any sexual matter including that involved in the commission of the offence for which the offender has been convicted, has shown a likelihood of causing injury, pain or other evil to other persons in the future through similar offences.


 b) d'autre part :

(i) soit le délinquant a accompli des actes répétitifs, notamment celui qui est à l'origine de l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable, qui permettent de croire qu'il causera vraisemblablement la mort de quelque autre personne ou causera des sévices ou des dommages psychologiques graves à d'autres personnes,

(ii) soit sa conduite antérieure dans le domaine sexuel, y compris lors de la perpétration de l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable, laisse prévoir que vraisemblablement il causera à l'avenir de ce fait des sévices ou autres maux à d'autres personnes.

(3) Subject to subsections (3.1), (4) and (5), if the court finds an offender to be a long-term offender, it shall

(a) impose a sentence for the offence for which the offender has been convicted, which sentence must be a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of two years; and

(b) order the offender to be supervised in the community, for a period not exceeding ten years, in accordance with section 753.2 and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

(3) Sous réserve des paragraphes (3.1), (4) et (5), s'il déclare que le délinquant est un délinquant à contrôler, le tribunal lui impose une peine minimale d'emprisonnement de deux ans pour l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable, et ordonne qu'il soit soumis, pour une période maximale de dix ans, à une surveillance au sein de la collectivité en conformité avec l'article 753.2 et la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition.

(3.1) The court may not impose a sentence under paragraph (3)(a) and the sentence that was imposed for the offence for which the offender was convicted stands despite the offender's being found to be a long-term offender, if the application was one that

(3.1) Le tribunal ne peut toutefois imposer la peine visée au paragraphe (3) au délinquant qu'il déclare délinquant à contrôler -- et la peine qui a été imposée à celui-ci pour l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable demeure -- si la demande a été :

(a) was made after the offender begins to serve the sentence in a case to which paragraphs 753(2)(a) and (b) apply; and

a) d'une part, présentée après que le délinquant a commencé à purger sa peine dans les cas où les conditions visées aux alinéas 753(2)a) et b) sont réunies;

(b) was treated as an application under this section further to the court deciding to do so under paragraph 753(5)(a).

b) d'autre part, considérée comme une demande présentée en vertu du présent article à la suite de la décision du tribunal de la considérer comme telle au titre de l'alinéa 753(5)a).

(4) The court shall not make an order under paragraph (3)(b) if the offender has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

(4) Le tribunal ne rend pas l'ordonnance de surveillance prévue au paragraphe (3) si le délinquant est condamné à l'emprisonnement à perpétuité.

(5) If the offender commits another offence while required to be supervised by an order made under paragraph (3)(b), and is thereby found to be a long-term offender, the periods of supervision to which the offender is subject at any particular time must not total more than ten years.

(5) Si le délinquant commet une autre infraction alors qu'il est soumis à une ordonnance de surveillance aux termes du paragraphe (3) et, de ce fait, est de nouveau déclaré délinquant à contrôler, la durée maximale de la surveillance à laquelle il est soumis à tout moment en vertu de différentes ordonnances est de dix ans.

(6) If the court does not find an offender to be a long-term offender, the court shall impose sentence for the offence for which the offender has been convicted.

(6) S'il ne déclare pas que le délinquant est un délinquant à contrôler, le tribunal lui impose une peine pour l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable.


753.2 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an offender who is required to be supervised by an order made under paragraph 753.1(3)(b) shall be supervised in accordance with the Corrections and Conditional Release Act when the offender has finished serving

(a) the sentence for the offence for which the offender has been convicted; and

753.2 (1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (2), le délinquant soumis à une ordonnance de surveillance aux termes du paragraphe 753.1(3) est surveillé au sein de la collectivité en conformité avec la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition lorsqu'il a terminé de purger :

a) d'une part, la peine imposée pour l'infraction dont il a été déclaré coupable;

(b) all other sentences for offences for which the offender is convicted and for which sentence a term of imprisonment is imposed on the offender, either before or after the conviction for the offence referred to in paragraph (a).

b) d'autre part, toutes autres peines d'emprisonnement imposées pour des infractions dont il est déclaré coupable avant ou après la déclaration de culpabilité pour l'infraction visée à l'alinéa a).



(2) A sentence imposed on an offender referred to in subsection (1), other than a sentence that requires imprisonment of the offender, is to be served concurrently with the long-term supervision ordered under paragraph 753.1(3)(b).



(2). Toute peine -- autre que carcérale -- imposée au délinquant visé au paragraphe (1) est purgée concurremment avec la surveillance ordonnée en vertu du paragraphe 753.1(3)

(3) An offender who is required to be supervised, a member of the National Parole Board, or, on approval of that Board, the parole supervisor, as that expression is defined in subsection 134.2(2) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, of the offender, may apply to a superior court of criminal jurisdiction for an order reducing the period of long-term supervision or terminating it on the ground that the offender no longer presents a substantial risk of reoffending and thereby being a danger to the community. The onus of proving that ground is on the applicant.

(3) Le délinquant soumis à une ordonnance de surveillance peut -- tout comme un membre de la Commission nationale des libérations conditionnelles ou, avec l'approbation de celle-ci, son surveillant de liberté conditionnelle au sens du paragraphe 134.2(2) de la Loi sur le système correctionnel et la mise en liberté sous condition -- demander à la cour supérieure de juridiction criminelle de réduire la période de surveillance ou d'y mettre fin pour le motif qu'il ne présente plus un risque élevé de récidive et, de ce fait, n'est plus une menace pour la collectivité, le fardeau de la preuve incombant au demandeur.

(4) The applicant must give notice of an application under subsection (3) to the Attorney General at the time the application is made.

(4) La personne qui fait la demande au titre du paragraphe (3) en avise le procureur général lors de sa présentation.


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.