Federal Court Decisions

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Date: 20001123

Docket: T-1982-00

Toronto, Ontario, Thursday the 23rd day of November, 2000

PRESENT:      The Honourable Mr. Justice John A. O'Keefe




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[1]      This is a motion for an interim order by the applicant, Louise Kloot, staying the revocation of the employment of Louise Kloot as a Program Officer at the Drumheller Federal Penitentiary pending final disposition of her application to quash the decision of the Public Service Commission to revoke her employment.

[2]      The applicant is a permanent resident of Canada but not a citizen of Canada. She is, however, in the process of applying for Canadian citizenship.

[3]      On September 23, 1999 in response to an advertisement which appeared in the September 15, 1999 edition of the Drumheller Mail (a local weekly newspaper), the applicant applied in writing to the Director of Human Resources at the Drumheller Institution, providing her resume and references.

[4]      The advertisement in question invited applications for the open competition position of Program Officer (WP-03), Correctional Services of Canada, Drumheller Institution.

[5]      The advertisement in question made no reference to Canadian citizenship and states, amongst other things, "The Correctional Service of Canada is an equal opportunity employer.".

[6]      Under covering letter dated September 28, 199, the applicant's earlier correspondence was acknowledged and she was provided with an application for employment form.

[7]      The applicant completed the form, indicating that she was not a Canadian citizen.

[8]      On October 14, 1999 a screening board met. The applicant's application was not screened out.

[9]      The applicant was invited to write an examination, which she successfully did. She was then interviewed for the position by a selection board. Again, her application was not screened out.

[10]      On January 12, 2000 an eligibility list was established. The applicant's name was first on the list. The eligibility list was initially valid to June, 2000 but by letter she was advised the valid period of the list had been extended to December 31, 2000.

[11]      On January 17, 2000 the applicant completed a personnel screening request and authorization form and a declaration regarding criminal convictions

[12]      On January 18, 2000 a written offer of employment was made by Correctional Service Canada to the applicant. She accepted that offer in writing on January 19, 2000.

[13]      On January 24, 2000 the applicant swore and signed the Oath of Allegiance.

[14]      Since January 24, 2000 the applicant has been continuously employed by the Correctional Service of Canada as a Program Officer (WP-03) at the Drumheller Institution, earning approximately $1,550.72 gross (approximately $1,042.54) bi-weekly. The applicant had ceased earlier employment in order to take the position of Program Officer at the Drumheller Institution.

[15]      At no time throughout the entire process was the applicant aware or informed that Canadian citizenship was a consideration. She honestly advised as to her status on her written application and the question was thereafter never revisited.

[16]      The chief of human resources management telephoned the Public Service Commission in Edmonton on or about January 31, 2000 advising that the applicant was not a Canadian citizen, followed by a covering letter dated February 7, 2000.

[17]      The applicant first became aware that her citizenship was an issue during the course of a meeting with the Warden of the Drumheller Federal Penitentiary some time after January 24, 2000 but before she attended CORE training in Saskatoon. She attended and successfully attended CORE training in Saskatoon from February 7, 2000 through February 18, 2000.

[18]      Subsequently, under covering letter dated April 12, 2000 the applicant was informed that the Public Service Commission had decided to establish a board to conduct an inquiry to examine her appointment to the position of Program Officer (WP-03).

[19]      The applicant met all the requirements for the position of Program Officer (WP-03) as that position was publicly advertised in the newspaper. She has been continuously employed in that capacity since approximately January 24, 2000 and she has successfully attended and completed all requested training subsequent to her hiring. By all reports from her employers, she is most satisfactorily meeting and carrying out all the requirements of her employment.

[20]      By a memo dated June 30, 2000 from Sam Campbell, Chief of Human Resources Management, Drumheller Institution to Board of Inquiry member Joanne Archibald, it was stated in part:

The department's stance on this issue is that Ms. Kloot has, since her appointment of January 24, 2000 performed the duties of the WP-03 Program Delivery Officer position in a fully satisfactory manner and if there were provisions in the SEA to allow for a continuance of Ms. Kloot's appointment, that is the route the Department would prefer to take.

[21]      The Board of Inquiry (Joanne Archibald) gave its recommendation on August 3, 2000 that "the Public Service Commission take action to revoke the appointment of Louise Kloot". The submissions to the inquiry were in writing.

[22]      On October 12, 2000 the Public Service Commission of Canada informed the applicant that the Commission had approved the recommendation of the Board of Inquiry to revoke her appointment in accordance with subsection 6(3) of the Public Service Employment Act (R.S.C. 1985 c. 33) (the "Act").

[23]      The applicant's position has already been offered to the person placing second on the list, however, that person did not accept the position.


[24]      Should an interim order issue staying the revocation of the employment of Louise Kloot, pending the final disposition of her application to quash the decision of the Public Service Commission to revoke her employment?


[25]      The parties have directed me to the following sections of the Act:

Delegation to deputy head

6. (1) The Commission may authorize a deputy head to exercise and perform, in such manner and subject to such terms and conditions as the Commission directs, any of the powers, functions and duties of the Commission under this Act, other than the powers, functions and duties of the Commission under sections 7.1, 21, 34, 34.4 and 34.5.


(2) Where the Commission is of the opinion

(a) that a person who has been or is about to be appointed to or from within the Public Service pursuant to the authority granted by it under this section does not have the qualifications that are necessary to perform the duties of the position the person occupies or would occupy, or

(b) that the appointment of a person to or from within the Public Service pursuant to the authority granted by it under this section has been or would be in contravention of the terms and conditions under which the authority was granted,

the Commission, notwithstanding anything in this Act but subject to subsection (3), shall revoke the appointment or direct that the appointment not be made, as the case may be, and may thereupon appoint that person at a level that in the opinion of the Commission is commensurate with the qualifications of that person.


(3) An appointment to or from within the Public Service may be revoked by the Commission pursuant to subsection (2) only on the recommendation of a board established by the Commission to conduct an inquiry at which the employee and the deputy head concerned, or their representatives, shall be given an opportunity to be heard.


(4) The Commission may, as it sees fit, revise or rescind and reinstate the authority granted by it pursuant to this section.

Delegation by deputy head

(5) Subject to subsection (6), a deputy head may authorize one or more persons under the jurisdiction of the deputy head or any other person to exercise and perform any of the powers, functions or duties of the deputy head under this Act including, subject to the approval of the Commission and in accordance with the authority granted by it under this section, any of the powers, functions and duties that the Commission has authorized the deputy head to exercise and perform.

Acting deputy head

(6) In the absence of the deputy head, the person designated by the deputy head to act in his absence or, if no person has been so designated or there is no deputy head, the person designated by the person who under the Financial Administration Act is the appropriate Minister with respect to the department or other portion of the Public Service, or such other person as may be designated by the Governor in Council, has the powers, functions and duties of the deputy head.

Délégation à un administrateur général

6. (1) La Commission peut autoriser un administrateur général à exercer, selon les modalités qu'elle fixe, tous pouvoirs et fonctions que lui attribue la présente loi, sauf en ce qui concerne ceux prévus aux articles 7.1, 21, 34, 34.4 et 34.5.

Révocation de nomination

(2) Par dérogation aux autres dispositions de la présente loi mais sous réserve du paragraphe (3), la Commission révoque ou empêche la nomination -- externe ou interne -- d'une personne à un poste de la fonction publique lorsque, selon elle_:

a) cette personne ne possède pas les qualités nécessaires pour s'acquitter des fonctions du poste auquel elle a été -- ou est sur le point d'être -- nommée en vertu d'une délégation de pouvoirs accordée au titre du présent article;

b) la nomination contrevient aux conditions fixées à la délégation de pouvoirs par laquelle elle a été autorisée.

La Commission peut ensuite nommer cette personne à un niveau qu'elle juge en rapport avec ses qualifications.

Révocation de nomination

(3) Dans le cas d'une nomination -- interne ou externe --, l'exercice par la Commission du pouvoir de révocation prévu au paragraphe (2) est subordonné à la recommandation d'un comité chargé par elle de faire une enquête au cours de laquelle le fonctionnaire et l'administrateur général en cause, ou leurs représentants, ont l'occasion de se faire entendre.

Annulation et renouvellement de délégation

(4) La Commission peut, à son appréciation, réviser ou annuler et renouveler toute délégation de pouvoirs accordée par elle en vertu du présent article.

Délégation par l'administrateur général

(5) Sous réserve du paragraphe (6), un administrateur général peut autoriser des subordonnés ou toute autre personne à exercer l'un des pouvoirs et fonctions que lui confère la présente loi, y compris, mais avec l'approbation de la Commission et conformément à la délégation de pouvoirs accordée par celle-ci en vertu du présent article, l'un de ceux que la Commission l'a autorisé à exercer.

Administrateur général par intérim

(6) En l'absence de l'administrateur général, c'est la personne désignée par celui-ci qui exerce ses pouvoirs et fonctions; à défaut, ou s'il n'y a pas d'administrateur général, c'est la personne désignée soit par le ministre compétent, selon la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, pour le ministère ou le secteur de la fonction publique en cause, soit par le gouverneur en conseil.

Appointments to be based on merit

10. (1) Appointments to or from within the Public Service shall be based on selection according to merit, as determined by the Commission, and shall be made by the Commission, at the request of the deputy head concerned, by competition or by such other process of personnel selection designed to establish the merit of candidates as the Commission considers is in the best interests of the Public Service.


(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), selection according to merit may, in the circumstances prescribed by the regulations of the Commission, be based on the competence of a person being considered for appointment as measured by such standard of competence as the Commission may establish, rather than as measured against the competence of other persons.

Nominations au mérite

10. (1) Les nominations internes ou externes à des postes de la fonction publique se font sur la base d'une sélection fondée sur le mérite, selon ce que détermine la Commission, et à la demande de l'administrateur général intéressé, soit par concours, soit par tout autre mode de sélection du personnel fondé sur le mérite des candidats que la Commission estime le mieux adapté aux intérêts de la fonction publique.


(2) Pour l'application du paragraphe (1), la sélection au mérite peut, dans les circonstances déterminées par règlement de la Commission, être fondée sur des normes de compétence fixées par celle-ci plutôt que sur un examen comparatif des candidats.

Consideration of applications

16. (1) The Commission shall examine and consider all applications received within the time prescribed by it for the receipt of applications and, after considering such further material and conducting such examinations, tests, interviews and investigations as it considers necessary or desirable, shall select the candidates who are qualified for the position or positions in relation to which the competition is conducted.

Languages in which examination to be conducted

(2) An examination, test or interview under this section, when conducted for the purpose of determining the education, knowledge and experience of the candidate or any other matter referred to in section 12, except language, shall be conducted in the English or French language or both, at the option of the candidate.


(3) An examination, test or interview under this section, when conducted for the purpose of determining the qualifications of the candidate in the knowledge and use of the English or French language or both, or of a third language, shall be conducted in the language or languages in the knowledge and use of which the qualifications of the candidate are to be determined.

Veterans, etc.

(4) Where, in the case of an open competition, the Commission is of the opinion that there are sufficient qualified applicants who are

(a) persons in receipt of a pension by reason of war service as defined in Schedule II,

(b) persons who do not come within paragraph (a) and who are veterans as defined in Schedule II or widows or widowers of veterans as defined in Schedule II, or

(c) persons who are Canadian citizens who do not come within paragraph (a) or (b),

to enable the Commission to establish an eligibility list in accordance with this Act, the Commission may confine its selection of qualified candidates under subsection (1) to the applicants who come within paragraph (a), paragraphs (a) and (b) or paragraphs (a), (b) and (c).

Examen des candidatures

16. (1) La Commission étudie toutes les candidatures qui lui parviennent dans le délai fixé à cet égard. Après avoir pris connaissance des autres documents qu'elle juge utiles à leur égard, et après avoir tenu les examens, épreuves, entrevues et enquêtes qu'elle estime souhaitables, elle sélectionne les candidats qualifiés pour le ou les postes faisant l'objet du concours.

Langue de l'examen

(2) Les examens, épreuves ou entrevues prévus au présent article, lorsqu'ils ont pour objet d'établir les titres et qualités du candidat visés à l'article 12, à l'exception de la langue, se tiennent en français ou en anglais, ou dans les deux langues, au choix du candidat.


(3) Si les examens, épreuves ou entrevues ont pour objet d'apprécier dans quelle mesure le candidat connaît et utilise soit le français soit l'anglais, ou ces deux langues, ou une troisième langue, ils se tiennent dans la ou les langues en question.

Anciens combattants et autres

(4) Dans le cadre d'un concours public et en vue de l'établissement, conformément à la présente loi, d'une liste d'admissibilité, la Commission apprécie s'il y a suffisamment de postulants qualifiés qui sont_:

a) des pensionnés de guerre selon la définition de l'annexe II;

b) des anciens combattants, selon la définition de l'annexe II, ne tombant pas dans la catégorie définie par l'alinéa a), ou des veufs ou veuves d'anciens combattants selon la définition de cette annexe II;

c) des citoyens canadiens autres que ceux visés par les alinéas a) ou b).

Elle peut, lorsqu'elle estime leur nombre suffisant, limiter la sélection prévue au paragraphe (1) soit aux postulants mentionnés à l'alinéa a), soit à ceux mentionnés aux alinéas a) et b), soit à ceux mentionnés aux alinéas a), b) et c).

Establishment of eligibility lists

17. (1) From among the qualified candidates in a competition the Commission shall select and place the highest ranking candidates on one or more lists, to be known as eligibility lists, as the Commission considers necessary to provide for the filling of a vacancy or anticipated vacancies.

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(2) An eligibility list is valid for such period of time as may be determined by the Commission in any case or class of cases.

Closed competition

(3) When establishing an eligibility list in the case of a closed competition, the Commission shall place the qualified candidates thereon in order of merit.

Open competition

(4) When establishing an eligibility list in the case of an open competition, the Commission shall, after complying with section 16 and after conducting such further investigations as it considers necessary, proceed in accordance with the following principles:

(a) persons who come within paragraph 16(4)(a) and who are qualified shall be placed, in order of merit, ahead of other successful candidates;

(b) persons who come within paragraph 16(4)(b) and who are qualified shall be placed, in order of merit, on the list immediately following any candidates mentioned in paragraph (a) of this subsection;

(c) persons who come within paragraph 16(4)(c) and who are qualified shall be placed, in order of merit, after any candidates mentioned in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection; and

(d) persons who do not come within paragraph 16(4)(a), (b) or (c) and who are qualified shall be placed, in order of merit, after any candidates who come within those paragraphs.

Application of age limits, etc., to veterans, etc.

(5) Nothing prescribed by or under this Act or any other Act as to the age limit and physical requirements with respect to any appointment to the Public Service applies to a person who comes within paragraph 16(4)(a) or (b) if the Commission certifies that the person is of such an age and in such a satisfactory physical condition that the person is able to perform the duties of the position and will probably be able to do so for a reasonable period after the appointment.

Établissement des listes d'admissibilité

17. (1) Parmi les candidats qualifiés à un concours, la Commission sélectionne ceux qui occupent les premiers rangs et les inscrit sur une ou plusieurs listes, dites listes d'admissibilité, selon le nombre de vacances auxquelles elle envisage de pourvoir dans l'immédiat ou plus tard.

. . .

Durée de validité

(2) La durée de validité des listes d'admissibilité est fixée par la Commission selon les cas ou catégories de cas.

Concours interne

(3) Dans le cas d'un concours interne, la Commission inscrit les candidats qualifiés par ordre de mérite sur la liste d'admissibilité.

Concours public

(4) Dans le cas d'un concours public, la Commission, après avoir mis en oeuvre l'article 16 et effectué toute autre recherche qu'elle juge nécessaire, établit la liste d'admissibilité en se fondant sur les principes suivants_:

a) à l'intérieur de chacune des catégories définies au paragraphe 16(4), les candidats qualifiés sont classés selon leur mérite;

b) sont placés en tête de liste les candidats qualifiés visés par l'alinéa 16(4)a), immédiatement suivis de ceux qui sont visés par l'alinéa 16(4)b), eux-mêmes précédant les candidats qualifiés visés par l'alinéa 16(4)c);

c) les candidats qualifiés n'entrant dans aucune des catégories définies au paragraphe 16(4) sont placés par ordre de mérite, après tout candidat relevant de l'une de ces catégories.

Application de la limite d'âge aux anciens combattants

(5) Les dispositions contenues dans la présente loi ou toute autre loi, ou prises sous leur régime, en matière de limite d'âge et d'aptitude physique relativement à un poste de la fonction publique, ne s'appliquent pas à une personne visée par les alinéas 16(4)a) ou b), si la Commission atteste que l'âge et l'état physique de cette personne lui permettront de s'acquitter des fonctions de son poste pendant au moins un certain temps après sa nomination.

Exclusion of persons and positions

41. (1) In any case where the Commission decides that it is neither practicable nor in the best interests of the Public Service to apply this Act or any of its provisions to any position or person or class of positions or persons, the Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, exclude that position, person or class in whole or in part from the operation of this Act.


41. (1) Avec l'approbation du gouverneur en conseil, la Commission peut exempter un poste, une personne ou une catégorie de postes ou de personnes de l'application de tout ou partie de la présente loi, si elle estime pareille application difficilement réalisable et contraire aux intérêts de la fonction publique.

[26]      The tests to be applied determine whether or not to grant a stay are the same tests as for granting an interlocutory injunction. In Toth v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), (1988) 86 N.R. 302 (F.C.A.) the Federal Court of Appeal stated at page 305:

This Court, as well as other appellate courts have adopted the test for an interim injunction enunciated by the House of Lords in American Cyanamid Co. v. Ethicon Ltd., [1975] A.C. 396 [Footnote 3 appended to judgment]. As stated by Kerans J.A. in the Black case supra:
The tri-partite test of Cyanamid requires, for the granting of such an order, that the applicant demonstrate, firstly, that he has raised a serious issue to be tried; secondly that he would suffer irreparable harm if no order was granted; and thirdly that the balance of convenience considering the total situation of both parties, favours the order.

The applicant is required to satisfy all three branches of the tri-partite test.

Serious Issue to be Tried

[27]      I am of the opinion that this case raises a serious issue to be tried. The serious issue is whether or not subsection 41(1) of the Act could or should be applied to this case. The application of this section was raised before the Board of Inquiry and not dealt with. Thus, subsection 41(1) was not before the Public Service Commission of Canada. It is my opinion in a case such as this, the applicability or non-applicability of the section should have been dealt with. The application is neither vexatious or frivolous.

Irreparable Harm

[28]      The evidence establishes that the applicant and her husband purchased a home in Drumheller after receiving the appointment and the decision to purchase the home was based on her income from her position. She has stated that she has ordered her affairs in reliance on her job. If the injunction is not granted, her position will be given to another person on the list and should she win the application, there will be no job for her to return to. There is no doubt that, as the applicant stated, the removal of the applicant from her position before the application is heard would cause grave hardship to her. In light of these facts, I am of the opinion that irreparable harm would occur if the applicant was removed from her position before the application was determined. The hardship would not be satisfied by an award of damages.

Balance of Convenience

[29]      It would appear to me that the balance of convenience would favour the applicant in this case. If the injunction is not granted, she will lose her employment. As well, if the injunction is not granted, her position will be awarded to someone else and should she win her judicial review application, there would be no position to return to. On the side of the respondent, her employer has indicated that if there is any way that the applicant can stay employed with the respondent, this would be the wish of the respondent. If the applicant loses her judicial review application, then the position can be awarded to another person on the list. Other persons on the list are free to question the applicant's placement, but the evidence before me does not indicate any such challenge. There would be no harm to the public interest in light of these facts.

[30]      The motion for an interim order staying the revocation of the employment of Louise Kloot, as a Program Officer at the Drumheller Federal Penitentiary, pending final disposition of her application for judicial review to quash the decision of the Public Service Commission of Canada to revoke her employment is hereby granted.

[31]      The parties have asked me, with their consent, to order that the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Minister of Justice be removed from the style of cause and I would so order.

[32]      Because of the nature of this motion, there shall be no order as to costs. The applicant is here because of an alleged error and the alleged error by the respondent was accidental.


[33]      IT IS ORDERED that the interim order outlined in paragraph 30 be granted.

[34]      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the style of cause be amended as outlined in paragraph 31.

                                 "John A. O'Keefe"



Toronto, Ontario

November 23, 2000




DOCKET:      T-1982-00


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     Ms. Sharon J. Clark



     Mr. Ken Manning



     Ross, Todd & Company

     98 3rd Avenue West

     Drumheller, Alberta

     T0J 0Y0


     Department of Justice Canada

     211; 10199 - 101 Street

     Edmonton, Alberta

     T5J 3Y4





Date: 20001123

Docket: T-1982-00




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